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Started updates on the gaming setup script. There are some weird problems that I am trying to figure out, so I'm not sure it will work quite yet, but getting closer.
Merge branch 'testing', latest code and bug fixes.
Fixed a bug in sandbox that could affect some installers.
Game "Christmas Chaos" added but commented out because Tolk.dll sucks.
Commented minecraft and hearthstone because they do not work. Not sure how they managed to get uncommented and pushed.
All wine bottles are now sandboxed. I think I have everything working like it should, but there certainly could be bugs. If you would like to help test, please install your favorite games and make sure they work just as well as before.
All wine bottles are now sandboxed. I think I have everything working like it should, but there certainly could be bugs. If you would like to help test, please install your favorite games and make sure they work just as well as before.