A few fixes for x-powerbar, more accurately exiting when exit keys are pressed, etc.

This commit is contained in:
Storm Dragon 2024-07-14 03:51:35 -04:00
parent fabf48ff42
commit 0e9c52f5e1

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@ -124,6 +124,12 @@ def speak(text, interupt = True):
s.speak(text, interrupt=True)
def check_for_exit():
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key in [pygame.K_ESCAPE, pygame.K_q]:
def exit_game():
if speechProvider == "speechd": spd.close()
@ -154,18 +160,19 @@ def initialize_gui(gameTitle):
# Reserve the cut scene channel
# Load sounds from the sound directory and creates a list like that {'bottle': 'bottle.ogg'}
# Load sounds from the sound directory and creates a list like {'bottle': 'bottle.ogg'}
soundFiles = [f for f in listdir("sounds/") if isfile(join("sounds/", f)) and (f.split('.')[1].lower() in ["ogg","wav"])]
#lets make a dict with pygame.mixer.Sound() objects {'bottle':<soundobject>}
soundData = {}
for f in soundFiles:
soundData[f.split('.')[0]] = pygame.mixer.Sound("sounds/" + f)
return soundData
except Exception as e:
return False
print("No sounds found.")
speak("No sounds found.", False)
#lets make a dict with pygame.mixer.Sound() objects {'bottle':<soundobject>}
soundData = {}
for f in soundFiles:
soundData[f.split('.')[0]] = pygame.mixer.Sound("sounds/" + f)
return soundData
def generate_tone(frequency, duration=0.1, sample_rate=44100, volume = 0.2):
t = np.linspace(0, duration, int(sample_rate * duration), False)
@ -178,23 +185,27 @@ def generate_tone(frequency, duration=0.1, sample_rate=44100, volume = 0.2):
def x_powerbar():
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
position = -50
direction = 1
position = -50 # Start from the leftmost position
direction = 1 # Move right initially
while True:
frequency = 440 # A4 note
left_volume = (position + 50) / 100
right_volume = (50 - position) / 100
left_volume = (50 - position) / 100
right_volume = (position + 50) / 100
tone = generate_tone(frequency)
channel = tone.play()
channel.set_volume(left_volume, right_volume)
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_SPACE:
return position
return position # This will return a value between -50 and 50
position += direction
if position >= 50 or position <= -50:
direction *= -1
clock.tick(45) # Speed of bar
if position > 50:
position = 50
direction = -1
elif position < -50:
position = -50
direction = 1
clock.tick(40) # Speed of bar
def y_powerbar():
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
@ -211,7 +222,8 @@ def y_powerbar():
power += direction
if power >= 100 or power <= 0:
direction *= -1 # Reverse direction at limits
def cut_scene(sounds, soundName):
@ -274,6 +286,22 @@ def obj_stop(x):
return x
def play_ambiance(sounds, soundNames, probability, randomLocation = False):
# Check if any of the sounds in the list is already playing
for soundName in soundNames:
if pygame.mixer.find_channel(True) and pygame.mixer.find_channel(True).get_busy():
if random.randint(1, 100) > probability:
# Choose a random sound from the list
ambianceSound = random.choice(soundNames)
channel = sounds[ambianceSound].play()
if randomLocation and channel:
left_volume = random.random()
right_volume = random.random()
channel.set_volume(left_volume, right_volume)
return channel # Return the channel object for potential further manipulation
def play_random(sounds, soundName, pause = False, interrupt = False):
key = []
for i in sounds.keys():
@ -343,7 +371,7 @@ def learn_sounds(sounds):
loop = True
i = 0
soundFiles = [f for f in listdir("sounds/") if isfile(join("sounds/", f)) and (f.split('.')[1].lower() in ["ogg","wav"]) and (f.split('.')[0].lower() not in ["game-intro", "music_menu"])]
soundFiles = [f for f in listdir("sounds/") if isfile(join("sounds/", f)) and (f.split('.')[1].lower() in ["ogg","wav"]) and (f.split('.')[0].lower() not in ["game-intro", "music_menu"]) and (not f.lower().startswith("_"))]
# j keeps track of last spoken index so it isn't voiced on key up.
j = -1
while loop == True: