One image with both alt text and title attribute in a link: <ahref="foo"><imgsrc=cthulhu-for-tests.jpgalt="Cthulhu logo"title="Cthulhu logo showing a whale holding a white cane"/></a>
One "useless" image and one "useful" image in a link: <ahref="foo"><imgsrc=cthulhu-for-tests.jpgalt="Cthulhu logo"/><imgsrc=cthulhu-for-tests.jpg/></a>
Two "useless" images in a paragraph that is inside of a link along with text that is not in the paragraph: <ahref="foo">Before the paragraph<p><imgsrc=cthulhu-for-tests.jpg/><imgsrc=cthulhu-for-tests.jpg/></p>After the paragraph</a>
Two "useless" images and some additional text in a paragraph that is inside of a link along with text that is not in the paragraph: <ahref="foo">Before the paragraph<p><imgsrc=cthulhu-for-tests.jpg/>silly link<imgsrc=cthulhu-for-tests.jpg/></p>After the paragraph</a>