Module and trigger updates and fixes.
This commit is contained in:
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ phrases=(
"fuck the fucking fuckers!"
"fuck. fuck. fuck. Mother mother fuck. Mother mother fuck fuck. Mother fuck mother fuck. Noise noise noise."
"god damn it!"
"shit, piss, fuck, cunt, cocksucker, motherfucker, and tits."
@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ chan="$1"
#get the lyric text into a variable
trackName="${@//:/ - }"
# Try to work around some common tags that will fail to find lyrics.
trackName="${trackName/ - live/}"
curl="$(command -v curl)"
trackName="$(echo "$trackName" | sed -e "s/ /_/g" -e 's/([[:print:]]*)//g' -e "s/['\/\.]//g" -e 's/&/and/g' -e 's/ö/o/g')"
artist="$(echo "${trackName,,}" | cut -d "-" -f 1 | sed -e 's/_$//' -e 's/^the_\(.*\)/\1_the/')"
@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ shift
# the variable $chan contains the channel that caused the trigger.
# the variable $who contains the nick that caused the trigger.
declare -A keywords
keywords[linux]="msg \"$chan\" \"awesome!\""
keywords[chicken]="msg \"$chan\" \"$who, I'm gonna grab me $(shuf -n1 -e "a case of beer" "a weed eater" "a 5 gallon jug of vaseline") and a $(shuf -n1 -e dead frozen live young) chicken, and $(shuf -n1 -e "have fun" "make chicks" "lay it like an egg") ALL NIGHT LONG!!!\""
keywords[linux]="msg \"$chan\" \"Linux is $(shuf -n1 -e awesome God great wonderful)!\""
keywords[chicken]="msg \"$chan\" \"$who, I'm gonna grab me $(shuf -n1 -e "a case of beer" "a weed eater" "a 5 gallon jug of vaseline") and a $(shuf -n1 -e dead frozen live young) chicken, and $(shuf -n1 -e "have fun" "make chicks" "lay it like an egg" "put my beak where it don't belong") ALL NIGHT LONG!!!\""
keywords[dragonforce]="msg \"$chan\" \"$who: I love DragonForce!!!\""
wordList="$(echo "${@,,}" | tr '[:space:]' $'\n' | sort -u)"
@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
curl="$(command -v curl)"
for l in $3 ; do
if [[ "$l" =~ http://|https://|www\.*.* ]]; then
pageTitle="$($curl -Ls "${l/#:/}" | grep "<title>" | html2text | tr '[:space:]' ' ')"
if [[ "${l#:}" =~ http://|https://|www\.*\.* ]]; then
pageTitle="$($curl -Ls "${l#:}" | grep "<title>" | html2text | tr -s '[:space:]' ' ')"
if ! [[ "$pageTitle" =~ \ + ]]; then
if [ ${#pageTitle} -gt 1 ]; then
msg "$2" "$pageTitle at $shortLink"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user