2018-07-19 21:20:32 +02:00

72 lines
2.5 KiB

[X] re.sub(' +,' ',text) -> text.lstrip()? check this?
- inheritation for drivers
[X] Speech (All)
[X] Braille (All)
[X] Sound (All)
[X] Input (All)
[X] Screen (All)
- generic list or see Tutorial mode list (convert clipboard management) (Easy for contribution) - core.memoryManager
[X] next item
[X] prev item
[X] curr item
[X] first item
[X] last item
[X] make it runable using pypy3
[X] play sound on plugging device
[X] interrupt speech while entering an ignored screen
[X] read ignorescreens from an file to be able to halt fenrir from outside
- commands
[X] place last spoken to clipboard (Easy for contribution)
- Improvend Headline Seperator and Multible Char Support
[X]read "13 #" insteed of ###################
- autospeak indentation changes (useful for python programming)
Braille Support:
[X] evdev InputDriver
[X] grab/ ungrab devices on ignored screens
Driver (screen, input):
[X] PTY Screen driver (to use gnome-terminal and other terminal emulators)
[X] emulation
[X] basic reading
[X] detect colum/ lines
[X] resize on colum / line change
[X] make shell command configurable (or detect it)
[X] stop emulation properly
[X] attributes
[X] unify hilgight tracking
[X] make pasteing text work again
[X] make double tap work again
[X] new event for byte shortcuts (escape sequences)
[X] create driver
[X] handle byte shortcuts
[X] detect shortcuts
[X] Load escape sequence shortcuts
[X] controll modes (vim like mode to not collide with application shortcuts)
[X] create keyboard layout
[X]set flag that it is used in emulation
[X] write/ consume them (controll it at all)
[X] make generic speech driver default
[X] pyttsx3 speech driver
- get information already in watchdogs insteed of mainloop (use eventloop to transport)
[X] InputDriver
Application Profiles:
- German (thanks to schulle4u and Jenny) https://robbinaer.info/index.php?article101/fenrir
- no shell in generic speech Driver
- imporove validity checks for speech driver
- handle thread and process shutdown more gracefully
- cleanup
- a lot more fixes
- better device detection
[X] (not conflict with other applications) find . -iname "*.py" -exec sed 's/from \(core.*\) import/from fenrir-screenreader.\1 import/g' {} \;