new layout is now default for pty driver. Still a work in progress, but much nicer than the fake laptop layout.

This commit is contained in:
Storm Dragon 2018-03-29 07:49:49 -04:00
parent 10081c471f
commit b94f563a82
2 changed files with 72 additions and 72 deletions

View File

@ -1,38 +1,62 @@
# alt+h - fenrir help
^[h=toggle_tutorial_mode ^[h=toggle_tutorial_mode
^[/=shut_up # escape - stop speech
^[[D=shut_up ^[=shut_up
^[O=review_bottom # context menu key - stop speech
^[U=review_top ^[[29~=shut_up
# alt+shift+down - review to bottom
# alt+shift_up - review to top
# alt+down - review current line
^[[1;3B=review_curr_line ^[[1;3B=review_curr_line
#^[i=review_curr_line # alt+left - review previous line
^[u=review_prev_line ^[[1;3D=review_prev_line
^[o=review_next_line # alt+right - review next line
^[J=review_line_begin ^[[1;3C=review_next_line
^[L=review_line_end # alt+shift+left - beginning of line
^[j=review_line_first_char ^[[1;4D=review_line_begin
^[L=review_line_last_char # alt+shift+right - end of line
^[k=review_curr_word ^[[1;4C=review_line_end
^[j=review_prev_word # control+down - review current word
^[l=review_next_word ^[[1;5B=review_curr_word
^[,=review_curr_char # control+left - review previous word
^[m=review_prev_char ^[[1;5D=review_prev_word
^[.=review_next_char # control+right - review next word
^[<=curr_char_phonetic ^[[1;5C=review_next_word
^[M=prev_char_phonetic # shift+down - review current character
^[>=next_char_phonetic ^[[1;2B=review_curr_char
# shift+left - review previous character
# shift+right - review next character
# control+shift+down - current character phonetic
# control+shift+left - previous character phonetic
# control+shift+right - next character phonetic
^[OR=toggle_sound ^[OR=toggle_sound
^[OS=toggle_speech ^[OS=toggle_speech
^[8=toggle_highlight_tracking ^[O3j=toggle_highlight_tracking
^[Q=quit_fenrir ^[Q=quit_fenrir
# alt+t - time
^[t=time ^[t=time
# alt+shift+t - date
^[T=date ^[T=date
^[[5~=prev_clipboard # alt+[ - previous clipboard
^[[6~=next_clipboard ^[[=prev_clipboard
# alt+] - right clipboard
^[C=curr_clipboard ^[C=curr_clipboard
^[c=copy_marked_to_clipboard ^[c=copy_marked_to_clipboard
^[v=paste_clipboard ^[v=paste_clipboard
^[[15~=import_clipboard_from_file ^[[15~=import_clipboard_from_file
^[X=remove_marks ^[X=remove_marks
^[x=set_mark ^[x=set_mark
^[B=copy_last_echo_to_clipboard ^[B=copy_last_echo_to_clipboard
# alt+end - temperarily disable speech
# control+end - toggle auto read

View File

@ -1,62 +1,38 @@
# alt+h - fenrir help
^[h=toggle_tutorial_mode ^[h=toggle_tutorial_mode
# escape - stop speech ^[/=shut_up
^[=shut_up ^[[D=shut_up
# context menu key - stop speech ^[O=review_bottom
^[[29~=shut_up ^[U=review_top
# alt+shift+down - review to bottom
# alt+shift_up - review to top
# alt+down - review current line
^[[1;3B=review_curr_line ^[[1;3B=review_curr_line
# alt+left - review previous line #^[i=review_curr_line
^[[1;3D=review_prev_line ^[u=review_prev_line
# alt+right - review next line ^[o=review_next_line
^[[1;3C=review_next_line ^[J=review_line_begin
# alt+shift+left - beginning of line ^[L=review_line_end
^[[1;4D=review_line_begin ^[j=review_line_first_char
# alt+shift+right - end of line ^[L=review_line_last_char
^[[1;4C=review_line_end ^[k=review_curr_word
# control+down - review current word ^[j=review_prev_word
^[[1;5B=review_curr_word ^[l=review_next_word
# control+left - review previous word ^[,=review_curr_char
^[[1;5D=review_prev_word ^[m=review_prev_char
# control+right - review next word ^[.=review_next_char
^[[1;5C=review_next_word ^[<=curr_char_phonetic
# shift+down - review current character ^[M=prev_char_phonetic
^[[1;2B=review_curr_char ^[>=next_char_phonetic
# shift+left - review previous character
# shift+right - review next character
# control+shift+down - current character phonetic
# control+shift+left - previous character phonetic
# control+shift+right - next character phonetic
^[OR=toggle_sound ^[OR=toggle_sound
^[OS=toggle_speech ^[OS=toggle_speech
^[O3j=toggle_highlight_tracking ^[8=toggle_highlight_tracking
^[Q=quit_fenrir ^[Q=quit_fenrir
# alt+t - time
^[t=time ^[t=time
# alt+shift+t - date
^[T=date ^[T=date
# alt+[ - previous clipboard ^[[5~=prev_clipboard
^[[=prev_clipboard ^[[6~=next_clipboard
# alt+] - right clipboard
^[C=curr_clipboard ^[C=curr_clipboard
^[c=copy_marked_to_clipboard ^[c=copy_marked_to_clipboard
^[v=paste_clipboard ^[v=paste_clipboard
^[[15~=import_clipboard_from_file ^[[15~=import_clipboard_from_file
^[X=remove_marks ^[X=remove_marks
^[x=set_mark ^[x=set_mark
^[\=toggle_auto_indent ^[\=toggle_auto_indent
# alt+end - temperarily disable speech ^[B=copy_last_echo_to_clipboard
# control+end - toggle auto read