2017-01-25 00:31:55 +01:00
# how to use this file?
# the # on the beginning of the line is a comment
# the different sections are seperated by [<name>Dict] <name> is the section name. Dict is a keyword
# the entrys are seperated with :===: in words colon tripple equal colon ( to not collide with substitutions)
all:===:!"#$%& \'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~
\:===:barre oblique inversée
|:===:barre verticale
!:===:point d'exclamation
^:===:accent circonflexe
::===:deux points
>:===:suppérieur à
`:===:accent grave
{:===:accolade ouvrante
[:===:crochet ouvrant
(:===:parenthèse ouvrante
<:===:inférieur à
?:===:point d'interrogation
):===:parenthèse fermante
}:===:accolade fermante
]:===:crochet fermant
;:===:point virgule
/:===:barre oblique
=:===:égale à
;):===:clin d'oeil
XD:===:explosé de rire
2017-03-23 00:26:28 +01:00