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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Fenrir TTY screen reader
# By Chrys, Storm Dragon, and contributers.
import os
import configparser
import dialog
# Make sure dialog is accessible
os.environ['DIALOGOPTS'] = '--no-lines --visit-items'
# Initialize the dialog
tui = dialog.Dialog(dialog="dialog")
# Define the path to the settings file
settings_file = '/etc/fenrirscreenreader/settings/settings.conf'
# Check write permissions for the settings file
if not os.access(settings_file, os.W_OK):
tui.msgbox("Error: Insufficient permissions to modify the settings file. Please run as root or with sudo.")
# Load the settings file
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
# Get a list of sections in the settings file
sections = config.sections()
# Select a section.
code, section = tui.menu("Select a section:", choices=[(s, "") for s in sections])
# If a section is selected, modify its values
if code == tui.OK:
# Get the options in the selected section
options = config.options(section)
# Select a value to edit using dialog
code, option = tui.menu(f"Select a value to edit in '{section}':", choices=[(o, "") for o in options])
# If something is selected, prompt for a new value.
if code == tui.OK:
value = config.get(section, option)
code, new_value = tui.inputbox(f"Enter a new value for '{option}':", init=value)
# If a new setting is provided, update the configuration
if code == tui.OK:
config.set(section, option, new_value)
# Save changes.
with open(settings_file, 'w') as configfile:
tui.msgbox("Fenrir settings saved.")
tui.msgbox("Changes discarded. Your Fenrir configuration has not been modified.")