73 lines
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2017-01-24 23:33:18 +01:00
# how to use this file?
# the # on the beginning of the line is a comment
# the different sections are seperated by [<name>Dict] <name> is the section name. Dict is a keyword
# the entrys are seperated with :===: in words colon tripple equal colon ( to not collide with substitutions)
all:===:!"#$%& \'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~
>:===:Größer als
{:===:Geschweifte Klammer auf
[:===:eckige Klammer auf
(:===:Klammer auf
<:===:Kleiner als
):===:Klammer zu
}:===:Geschweifte Klammer zu
]:===:Eckige Klammer zu
/:===:Geteilt durch
_:===:Lienie unten
# This dictionary uses regexp, so be sure to escape anything that would be parsed by regexp, e.g. *, ., ^, $, etc.
[\s*|'|"][\s*|'|"]8-\):===:smile with sunglasses
[\s*|'|"][\s*|'|"]>:\):===:evil smile
[\s*|'|"][\s*|'|"]>:-\):===:evil smile
[\s*|'|"][\s*|'|"]8\):===:smile with sunglasses
[\s*|'|"]->[\s*|'|"]:===:arrow right
# example for arrow left
#(?:[ |^])(<-)(?:[ ,.!?$]):===:arrow left
# or
#([ |^])<-([ ,.!?$]):===:arrow left\2
[\s*|'|"]<-[\s*|'|"]:===:arrow left
[\s*|'|"]\^\^[\s*|'|"]:===:enjoy smile