
870 lines
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Raw Normal View History

<style type="text/css">
.label {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
margin-top: 2em;
margin-bottom: .5em;
clear: both;
font-weight: bold;
div.hslider {
margin: 50px;
padding: 0;
width: 540px;
height: 20px;
background-color: #eef;
border: 2px solid black;
.hsliderHandle {
margin: 0;
padding: 7px 2px;
width: 24px;
height: 12px;
background-color: #808080;
position: absolute;
left: -300em;
top: -30em;
z-index: 10;
border: 1px solid black;
-webkit-border-radius: 5px; /* Safari and Chrome rounded corners */
-moz-border-radius: 5px; /* Firefox rounded corners */
border-radius: 5px; /* Opera rounded corners */
.hsliderValue {
margin: 24px 0 0 0;
padding: 5px;
width: 30px;
height: 15px;
text-align: center;
font-weight: bold;
position: absolute;
left: -30em;
top: -30em;
z-index: 10;
div.vslider {
margin: 50px;
padding: 0;
height: 540px;
width: 20px;
background-color: #eef;
border: 2px solid black;
.vsliderHandle {
margin: 0;
padding: 2px 7px;
width: 12px;
height: 24px;
background-color: #808080;
position: absolute;
left: -300em;
top: -30em;
z-index: 10;
border: 1px solid black;
-webkit-border-radius: 5px; /* Safari and Chrome rounded corners */
-moz-border-radius: 5px; /* Firefox rounded corners */
border-radius: 5px; /* Opera rounded corners */
.vsliderValue {
margin: 0 0 0 30px;
padding: 5px;
width: 30px;
height: 15px;
text-align: center;
font-weight: bold;
position: absolute;
left: -30em;
top: -30em;
z-index: 10;
div.sliderRange {
margin: 2px;
padding: 0;
width: 1px;
height: 1px;
background-color: #00f;
position: absolute;
left: -300em;
top: -30em;
z-index: 0;
.hidden {
position: absolute;
top: -20em;
left: -200em;
.focus {
background-color: #eee !important;
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
// slider1 is a horizontal slider
var slider1 = new slider('sr1', false, 0, 100, 5, 10, true, false, 30);
// slider2 is a horizontal range slider
var slider2 = new slider('sr2', false, 1900, 2008, 1, 10, true, true, 1950, 2000);
// slider3 is a vertical range slider
//var slider3 = new slider('sr3', true, 0, 100, 1, true, false, 25);
var slider3 = new slider('sr3', true, 1900, 2008, 1, 10, true, true, 1950, 2000);
}); // end document ready
// function keyCodes() is an object to contain key code values for the application
function keyCodes() {
// Define values for keycodes
this.backspace = 8;
this.tab = 9;
this.enter = 13;
this.esc = 27;
this.space = 32;
this.pageup = 33;
this.pagedown = 34;
this.end = 35;
this.home = 36;
this.left = 37;
this.up = 38;
this.right = 39;
this.down = 40;
} // end keyCodes
// function slider() is a class to define an ARIA-enabled slider widget. The class
// will create needed handles and define ARIA attributes for the slider
// @param(container_id string) container_id is the containing div for the slider
// @param(vert boolean) vert is true if the slider is vertical; false if horizontal
// @param(inc integer) inc is the increment value for the slider
// @param(jump integer) jump is the large increment value for the slider (pgUp/pgDown keys)
// @param(showVals boolean) showVals is true if the slider should display the value of the handles
// @param(range boolean) range is true if the slider is a range slider
// @param(val1 integer) val1 specifies the initial value of the slider or of the first
// slide handle if this is a range slider. Must be >= min.
// @param(val2 integer) val2 specifies the initial value of the second slide handle.
// Ignored if range is false (i.e. not a range slider). Must be <= max.
// @return N/A
function slider(container_id, vert, min, max, inc, jump, showVals, range, val1, val2) {
// define slider object properties
this.keys = new keyCodes();
this.id = container_id;
this.$container = $('#' + container_id);
this.vert = vert;
this.range = range;
this.showVals = showVals;
// Store the size of the slider
this.width = this.$container.outerWidth();
this.height = this.$container.outerHeight();
// Store the page position of the slider
this.left = Math.round(this.$container.offset().left);
this.top = Math.round(this.$container.offset().top);
// Store the minimum and maximum and initial values
this.min = min;
this.max = max;
this.inc = inc;
this.jump = jump;
this.val1 = val1;
// If range is true, store the second value
if (range == true) {
this.val2 = val2;
/////////////// Create handles /////////////////
this.$handle1 = undefined;
this.$handle2 = undefined;
if ( range == false) {
// Create the handle
this.$handle1 = this.createHandle(val1);
else {
// create the range highlight div
// Create the first handle
this.$handle1 = this.createHandle(val1, 1);
// create the second handle
this.$handle2 = this.createHandle(val2, 2);
} // end slider constructor
// function createHandle() creates a handle for the slider. It defines ARIA attributes for
// the handle and positions it at the specified value in the slider range. if showVals is true,
// create and position divs to display the handle value.
// @param (val integer) val is the initial value of the handle
// @param (num integer) num is the handle number. (optional)
// @return (object) returns the object pointer of the newly created handle
slider.prototype.createHandle = function(val, num) {
var id = this.id + '_handle' + (num == undefined ? '' : num);
var label = this.id + '_label' + (num == undefined ? '' : num);
var controls = this.id + '_text' + (num == undefined ? '' : num);
var $handle;
var handle = '<img id="' + id + '" class="' + (this.vert == true ? 'v':'h') +'sliderHandle" ' +
'src="slider_' + (this.vert == true ? 'v':'h') + '.png" ' + 'role="slider" ' +
'aria-valuemin="' + this.min +
'" aria-valuemax="' + this.max +
'" aria-valuenow="' + (val == undefined ? this.min : val) +
'" aria-labeledby="' + label +
'" aria-controls="' + controls + '" tabindex="0"></img>';
// Create the handle
// store the handle object
$handle = $('#' + id);
if (this.showVals == true) {
var valContainer = '<div id="' + id + '_val" class="' + (this.vert == true ? 'v':'h') + 'sliderValue" role="presentation"></div>'
// Create the container.
// store the value object
$handle = $('#' + id);
// position handle
this.positionHandle($handle, val);
// bind handlers
return $handle;
} // end createHandle()
// function createRangeDiv() creates a div for the highlight of a range slider. It sets the initial top or left position
// to match that of the slider container.
// @return N/A
slider.prototype.createRangeDiv = function() {
var id = this.id + '_range';
var range = '<div id="' + id + '" class="sliderRange"></div>';
// Create the range div
// Store the div object
this.$rangeDiv = $('#' + id);
if (this.vert == false) { // horizontal slider
this.$rangeDiv.css('top', this.top + 'px');
this.$rangeDiv.css('height', this.$container.height() + 'px');
else { // vertical slider
this.$rangeDiv.css('left', this.left + 'px');
this.$rangeDiv.css('width', this.$container.width() + 'px');
} // end createRangeDiv()
// function positionHandle() is a member function to position a handle at the specified value for the
// slider. If showVal is true, it also positions and updates the displayed value container.
// @param($handle object) $handle is a pointer to the handle jQuery object to manipulate
// @param (val integer) val is the new value of the slider
// @return N/A
slider.prototype.positionHandle = function($handle, val) {
var handleHeight = $handle.outerHeight(); // the total height of the handle
var handleWidth = $handle.outerWidth(); // the total width of the handle
var handleOffset; // the distance from the value position for centering the handle
var xPos; // calculated horizontal position of the handle;
var yPos; // calculated vertical position of the handle;
var valPos; //calculated new pixel position for the value;
if (this.vert == false) {
// horizontal slider
// calculate the horizontal pixel position of the specified value
valPos = ((val - this.min) / (this.max - this.min)) * this.width + this.left;
xPos = Math.round(valPos - (handleWidth / 2));
yPos = Math.round(this.top + (this.height / 2) - (handleHeight / 2));
else {
// vertical slider
// calculate the vertical pixel position of the specified value
valPos = ( (val - this.min) / (this.max - this.min) ) * this.height + this.top;
xPos = Math.round(this.left + (this.width / 2) - (handleWidth / 2));
yPos = Math.round(valPos - (handleHeight / 2));
// Set the position of the handle
$handle.css('top', yPos + 'px');
$handle.css('left', xPos + 'px');
// Set the aria-valuenow position of the handle
$handle.attr('aria-valuenow', val);
// Update the stored handle values
if (/1$/.test($handle.attr('id')) == true) {
// first handle
this.val1 = val;
else {
// second handle
this.val2 = val;
// if range is true, set the position of the range div
if (this.range == true) {
// if showVal is true, update the value container
if (this.showVals == true) {
this.updateValBox($handle, Math.round(valPos));
} // end positionHandle()
// function positionRangeDiv() is a member function to reposition the range div when a handle is moved
// @return N/A
slider.prototype.positionRangeDiv = function() {
var pos; //calculated new range start position;
var size; //calculated new range size;
if (this.vert == false) { // Horizontal slider
// calculate the range start position
pos = Math.round( ((this.val1 - this.min) / (this.max - this.min)) * this.width) + this.left;
// calculate the new range width
size = Math.round( ((this.val2 - this.min) / (this.max - this.min)) * this.width) + this.left - pos;
// set the new range position
this.$rangeDiv.css('left', pos + 'px');
// set the new range width
this.$rangeDiv.css('width', size + 'px');
else {
// calculate the range start position
pos = Math.round(( (this.val1 - this.min) / (this.max - this.min)) * this.height)+ this.top;
// calculate the new range width
size = Math.round(( (this.val2 - this.min) / (this.max - this.min) ) * this.height) + this.top - pos;
// set the new range position
this.$rangeDiv.css('top', pos + 'px');
// set the new range width
this.$rangeDiv.css('height', size + 'px');
} // end positionRangeDiv()
// function updateValBox() is a member function to reposition a handle value box and update its contents
// @param ($handle object) $handle is the jQuery object of the handle that was moved
// @param (valPos integer) is the pixel position of the slider value
// @return N/A
slider.prototype.updateValBox = function($handle, valPos) {
var $valBox = $('#' + $handle.attr('id') + '_val');
var xPos; // horizontal pixel position of the box
var yPos; // vertical pixel position of the box
// Set the position of the handle
if (this.vert == false) {
var boxWidth = $valBox.outerWidth();
yPos = $handle.css('top');
// Adjust the horizontal position to center the value box on the value position
xPos = Math.round(valPos - (boxWidth / 2)) + 'px';
else {
var boxHeight = $valBox.outerHeight();
xPos = $handle.css('left');
// Adjust the vertical position to center the value box on the value position
yPos = Math.round(valPos - (boxHeight / 2)) + 'px';
// Set the position of the value box
$valBox.css('top', yPos);
$valBox.css('left', xPos);
// Set the text in the box to the handle value
} // end updateValBox()
// function bindHandlers() is a member function to bind event handlers to a slider handle
// @param ($handle object) $handle is the object pointer of the handle to bind handlers to
// @return N/A
slider.prototype.bindHandlers = function($handle) {
var thisObj = this; // store the this pointer
$handle.keydown(function(e) {
return thisObj.handleKeyDown($handle, e);
$handle.keypress(function(e) {
return thisObj.handleKeyPress($handle, e);
$handle.focus(function(e) {
return thisObj.handleFocus($handle, e);
$handle.blur(function(e) {
return thisObj.handleBlur($handle, e);
$handle.mousedown(function(e) {
return thisObj.handleMouseDown($handle, e);
} // end bindHandlers()
// function handleKeyDown() is a member function to process keydown events for a slider handle
// @param ($handle object) $handle is the object associated with the event
// @parem (evt object) evt is the event object associated witthe the event
// @return (boolean) true if propagating; false if consuming event
slider.prototype.handleKeyDown = function($handle, evt) {
if (evt.ctrlKey || evt.shiftKey || evt.altKey) {
// Do nothing
return true;
switch (evt.keyCode) {
case this.keys.home: {
// move the handle to the slider minimum
if (this.range == false) {
this.positionHandle($handle, this.min);
else {
if (/1$/.test($handle.attr('id')) == true) {
// handle 1 - move to the min value
this.positionHandle($handle, this.min);
else {
// handle 2 - move to the position of handle 1
this.positionHandle($handle, this.val1);
return false;
case this.keys.end: {
if (this.range == false) {
// move the handle to the slider maximum
this.positionHandle($handle, this.max);
else {
if (/1$/.test($handle.attr('id')) == true) {
// handle 1 - move to the position of handle 2
this.positionHandle($handle, this.val2);
else {
// handle 2 - move to the max value
this.positionHandle($handle, this.max);
return false;
case this.keys.pageup: {
// Decrease by jump value
var newVal = $handle.attr('aria-valuenow') - this.jump;
var stopVal = this.min; // where to stop moving
if (this.range == true) {
// if this is handle 2, stop when we reach the value
// for handle 1
if (/2$/.test($handle.attr('id')) == true) {
stopVal = this.val1;
// move the handle one jump increment toward the slider minimum
// If value is less than stopVal, set at stopVal instead
this.positionHandle($handle, (newVal > stopVal ? newVal : stopVal));
return false;
case this.keys.pagedown: {
// Increase by jump value
var newVal = parseInt($handle.attr('aria-valuenow')) + this.jump;
var stopVal = this.max; // where to stop moving
if (this.range == true) {
// if this is handle 1, stop when we reach the value
// for handle 2
if (/1$/.test($handle.attr('id')) == true) {
stopVal = this.val2;
// move the handle one jump increment toward the slider maximum
// If value is greater than maximum, set at maximum instead
this.positionHandle($handle, (newVal < stopVal ? newVal : stopVal));
return false;
case this.keys.left:
case this.keys.up: {
var newVal = $handle.attr('aria-valuenow') - this.inc;
var stopVal = this.min; // where to stop moving
if (this.range == true) {
// if this is handle 2, stop when we reach the value
// for handle 1
if (/2$/.test($handle.attr('id')) == true) {
stopVal = this.val1;
// move the handle one jump increment toward the stopVal
// If value is less than stopVal, set at stopVal instead
this.positionHandle($handle, (newVal > stopVal ? newVal : stopVal));
return false;
case this.keys.right:
case this.keys.down: {
var newVal = parseInt($handle.attr('aria-valuenow')) + this.inc;
var stopVal = this.max; // where to stop moving
if (this.range == true) {
// if this is handle 1, stop when we reach the value
// for handle 2
if (/1$/.test($handle.attr('id')) == true) {
stopVal = this.val2;
// move the handle one increment toward the slider maximum
// If value is greater than maximum, set at maximum instead
this.positionHandle($handle, (newVal < stopVal ? newVal : stopVal));
return false;
} // end switch
return true;
} // end handleKeyDown
// function handleKeyPress() is a member function to process keypress events for a slider handle. Needed for
// browsers that perform window scrolling on keypress rather than keydown events.
// @param ($handle object) $handle is the object associated with the event
// @parem (evt object) evt is the event object associated witthe the event
// @return (boolean) true if propagating; false if consuming event
slider.prototype.handleKeyPress = function($handle, evt) {
if (evt.ctrlKey || evt.shiftKey || evt.altKey) {
// Do nothing
return true;
switch (evt.keyCode) {
case this.keys.home:
case this.keys.pageup:
case this.keys.end:
case this.keys.pagedown:
case this.keys.left:
case this.keys.up:
case this.keys.right:
case this.keys.down: {
// Consume the event
return false;
} // end switch
return true;
} // end handleKeyDown
// function handleFocus() is a member function to process focus events for a slider handle
// @param ($handle object) $handle is the object associated with the event
// @parem (evt object) evt is the event object associated witthe the event
// @return (boolean) true if propagating; false if consuming event
slider.prototype.handleFocus = function($handle, evt) {
$handle.attr('src', 'slider_' + (this.vert == true ? 'v' : 'h') + '-focus.png');
$handle.css('z-index', '20');
return true;
} // end handleFocus()
// function handleBlur() is a member function to process blur events for a slider handle
// @param ($handle object) $handle is the object associated with the event
// @parem (evt object) evt is the event object associated witthe the event
// @return (boolean) true if propagating; false if consuming event
slider.prototype.handleBlur = function($handle, evt) {
$handle.attr('src', 'slider_' + (this.vert == true ? 'v' : 'h') + '.png');
$handle.css('z-index', '10');
return true;
} // end handleBlur()
// function handleMouseDown() is a member function to process mousedown events for a slider handle. The function
// binds a mousemove handler
// @param ($handle object) $handle is the object associated with the event
// @parem (evt object) evt is the event object associated witthe the event
// @return (boolean) true if propagating; false if consuming event
slider.prototype.handleMouseDown = function($handle, evt) {
var thisObj = this; // store the this pointer
// remove focus highlight from all other slider handles on the page
$('.hsliderHandle').attr('src', 'slider_h.png').removeClass('focus').css('z-index', '10');
$('.vsliderHandle').attr('src', 'slider_v.png').removeClass('focus').css('z-index', '10');
// Set focus to the clicked handle
// bind a mousemove event handler to the document to capture the mouse
$(document).mousemove(function(e) {
thisObj.handleMouseMove($handle, e);
//bind a mouseup event handler to the document to capture the mouse
$(document).mouseup(function(e) {
return thisObj.handleMouseUp($handle, e);
return false;
} // end handleMouseDown()
// function handleMouseUp() is a member function to process mouseup events for a slider handle. The function
// unbinds the mousemove handler
// @param ($handle object) $handle is the object associated with the event
// @parem (evt object) evt is the event object associated witthe the event
// @return (boolean) true if propagating; false if consuming event
slider.prototype.handleMouseUp = function($handle, evt) {
// unbind the event listeners to release the mouse
return false;
} // end handleMouseUp()
// function handleMouseMove() is a member function to process mousemove events for a slider handle.
// @param ($handle object) $handle is the object associated with the event
// @parem (evt object) evt is the event object associated witthe the event
// @return (boolean) true if propagating; false if consuming event
slider.prototype.handleMouseMove = function($handle, evt) {
var curVal = parseInt($handle.attr('aria-valuenow'));
var newVal;
var startVal = this.min;
var stopVal = this.max;
if (this.range == true) {
// if this is handle 1, set stopVal to be the value
// for handle 2
if (/1$/.test($handle.attr('id')) == true) {
stopVal = this.val2;
else {
// This is handle 2: Set startVal to be the value
// for handle 1
startVal = this.val1;
if (this.vert == false) {
// horizontal slider
// Calculate the new slider value based on the horizontal pixel position of the mouse
newVal = Math.round((evt.pageX - this.left) / this.width * (this.max - this.min)) + this.min;
else {
// vertical slider
// Calculate the new slider value based on the vertical pixel position of the mouse
newVal = Math.round((evt.pageY - this.top) / this.height * (this.max - this.min)) + this.min;
if (newVal >= startVal && newVal <= stopVal) {
// Do not move handle unless new value is a slider increment
if (newVal%this.inc == 0) {
this.positionHandle($handle, newVal);
else if (newVal < startVal) {
// value is less than minimum for slider - set handle to min
this.positionHandle($handle, startVal);
else if (newVal > stopVal) {
// value is greater than maximum for slider - set handle to max
this.positionHandle($handle, stopVal);
return false;
} // end handleMouseMove
<div role="application">
<h3>Slider Example 1: A Simple Slider</h3>
<div id="sr1_label" class="hidden">Example 1 Slider</div>
<div class="hslider" id="sr1"></div>
<h3>Slider Example 2: A Range Slider</h3>
<div id="sr2_label1" class="hidden">Example 2 Slider Low</div>
<div id="sr2_label2" class="hidden">Example 2 Slider High</div>
<div class="hslider" id="sr2"></div>
<h3>Slider Example 3: A Vertical Slider</h3>
<div id="sr3_label" class="hidden">Example 3 Slider</div>
<div class="vslider" id="sr3"></div>