
408 lines
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Raw Normal View History

<style type="text/css">
ul.radiogroup {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
ul.radiogroup li {
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
margin-left: 1em;
padding: 4px;
list-style: none;
width: 6em;
ul.radiogroup li:hover {
padding: 2px;
border: gray 2px solid;
ul.radiogroup li.selected {
padding: 2px;
border: black 2px solid;
.offscreen {
position: absolute;
left: -200em;
top: -20em;
<div role="application">
<h3 id="rg1_label">Lunch Options</h3>
<ul class="radiogroup" id="rg1" role="radiogroup" aria-labelledby="rg1_label">
<li id="r1" tabindex="-1" role="radio" aria-checked="false">
<img role="presentation" src="radio-unchecked.gif" alt="">
<li id="r2" tabindex="-1" role="radio" aria-checked="false">
<img role="presentation" src="radio-unchecked.gif" alt="">
<li id="r3" tabindex="-1" role="radio" aria-checked="false">
<img role="presentation" src="radio-unchecked.gif" alt="">
Jimmy Johns
<li id="r4" tabindex="0" role="radio" aria-checked="true">
<img role="presentation" src="radio-checked.gif" alt="">
Radio Maria
<li id="r5" tabindex="-1" role="radio" aria-checked="false">
<img role="presentation" src="radio-unchecked.gif" alt="">
Rainbow Gardens
<h3 id="rg2_label">Drink Options</h3>
<ul id="rg2" class="radiogroup" role="radiogroup" aria-labelledby="rg2_label">
<li id="r6" tabindex="0" role="radio" aria-checked="false">
<img role="presentation" src="radio-unchecked.gif" alt="">
<li id="r7" tabindex="-1" role="radio" aria-checked="false">
<img role="presentation" src="radio-unchecked.gif" alt="">
<li id="r8" tabindex="-1" role="radio" aria-checked="false">
<img role="presentation" src="radio-unchecked.gif" alt="">
<li id="r9" tabindex="-1" role="radio" aria-checked="false">
<img role="presentation" src="radio-unchecked.gif" alt="">
<li id="r10" tabindex="0" role="radio" aria-checked="false">
<img role="presentation" src="radio-unchecked.gif" alt="">
Ginger Ale
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
var group1 = new radioGroup('rg1');
var group2 = new radioGroup('rg2');
}); // end ready
function keyCodes () {
// Define values for keycodes
this.enter = 13;
this.space = 32;
this.left = 37;
this.up = 38;
this.right = 39;
this.down = 40;
// Function radioGroup() is a class to define an ARIA-enabled radiogroup widget.
// This widget attaches to an unordered list and makes each list entry a group
// of radio buttons.
// @param (id object) id is the html id of the <ul> to attach to
// @return N/A
function radioGroup(id) {
var thisObj = this;
///////// define widget properties ///////////////
this.$id = $('#' + id);
// find all list items with a role of radio
this.$buttons = this.$id.find('li').filter('[role=radio]');
// Store the currently checked item
this.$checked = this.$buttons.filter('[aria-checked=true]');
this.checkButton = true; // set to false during ctrl+arrow operations;
this.$active = null; // the selected button (may not be checked)
this.keys = new keyCodes();
///////////// Bind Event handlers ////////////////
this.$buttons.click(function(e) {
return thisObj.handleClick(e, $(this));
this.$buttons.keydown(function(e) {
return thisObj.handleKeyDown(e, $(this));
this.$buttons.keypress(function(e) {
return thisObj.handleKeyPress(e, $(this));
this.$buttons.focus(function(e) {
return thisObj.handleFocus(e, $(this));
this.$buttons.blur(function(e) {
return thisObj.handleBlur(e, $(this));
// Function selectButton() is a member function to select and possibly check a button in the
// radioGroup.
// @param ($id object) $id is the jQuery object of the button to select
// @return N/A
radioGroup.prototype.selectButton = function($id) {
if (this.checkButton == true) {
// checking the button
// remove the checked image from the previously checked button
this.$checked.find('img').attr('src', 'radio-unchecked.gif');
// update the button image
$id.find('img').attr('src', 'radio-checked.gif');
if (this.$checked.length == 0) { // no previously checked group buttons
// the first and last items in the group will have
// tabindex=0. Remove them both from the tab order.
this.$buttons.first().attr('tabindex', '-1');
this.$buttons.last().attr('tabindex', '-1');
else {
// remove the previously checked item from
// the tab order and modify it's aria attributes accordingly
this.$checked.attr('tabindex', '-1').attr('aria-checked', 'false');
// Place this button in the tab order and modify it's aria attributes
$id.attr('tabindex', '0').attr('aria-checked', 'true');
// update the stored $checked object
this.$checked = $id;
// update the stored $active object
this.$active = $id;
// give this button the selected class
// Reset checkButton flag - in case it was false
this.checkButton = true;
} // end selectButton()
// Function handleClick() is a member function to process keydown events for the radioGroup.
// @param (e object) e is the event object
// @param ($id object) $is is the jquery object of the triggering element
// @return (boolean) Returns false if consuming event; true if propagating
radioGroup.prototype.handleClick = function(e, $id) {
if (e.altKey || e.ctrlKey || e.shiftKey) {
// do nothing
return true;
// simply consume the event - browser calls focus()
return false;
} // end handleClick()
// Function handleKeyDown() is a member function to process keydown events for the radioGroup.
// @param (e object) e is the event object
// @param ($id object) $is is the jquery object of the triggering element
// @return (boolean) Returns false if consuming event; true if propagating
radioGroup.prototype.handleKeyDown = function(e, $id) {
if (e.altKey) {
// do nothing
return true;
switch (e.keyCode) {
case this.keys.space:
case this.keys.enter: {
if (e.ctrlkey || e.shiftKey) {
// do nothing
return true;
// select and check the button
return false;
case this.keys.left:
case this.keys.up: {
var $prev = $id.prev(); // the previous button
if (e.shiftKey) {
// do nothing
return true;
// if this was the first item
// select the last one in the group.
if ($id.index() == 0) {
$prev = this.$buttons.last();
if (e.ctrlKey) {
// set checkButton to false so
// focus does not check button
this.checkButton = false;
// select the previous button
return false;
case this.keys.right:
case this.keys.down: {
var $next = $id.next(); // the next button
if (e.shiftKey) {
// do nothing
return true;
// if this was the last item,
// select the first one in the group.
if ($id.index() == this.$buttons.length - 1) {
$next = this.$buttons.first();
if (e.ctrlKey) {
// set checkButton to false so
// focus does not check button
this.checkButton = false;
// select the next button
return false;
} // end switch
return true;
} // end handleKeyDown()
// Function handleKeyPress() is a member function to process keydown events for the radioGroup.
// This is needed to prevent browsers that process window events on keypress (such as Opera) from
// performing unwanted scrolling of the window, etc.
// @param (e object) e is the event object
// @param ($id object) $is is the jquery object of the triggering element
// @return (boolean) Returns false if consuming event; true if propagating
radioGroup.prototype.handleKeyPress = function(e, $id) {
if (e.altKey) {
// do nothing
return true;
switch (e.keyCode) {
case this.keys.space:
case this.keys.enter: {
if (e.ctrlKey || e.shiftKey) {
// do nothing
return true;
case this.keys.left:
case this.keys.up:
case this.keys.right:
case this.keys.down: {
if (e.shiftKey) {
// do nothing
return true;
return false;
} // end switch
return true;
} // end handleKeyPress()
// Function handleFocus() is a member function to process focus events for the radioGroup.
// @param (e object) e is the event object
// @param ($id object) $is is the jquery object of the triggering element
// @return (boolean) Returns false if consuming event; true if propagating
radioGroup.prototype.handleFocus = function(e, $id) {
// select the button
return true;
} // end handleFocus()
// Function handleBlur() is a member function to process blur events for the radioGroup.
// @param (e object) e is the event object
// @param ($id object) $is is the jquery object of the triggering element
// @return (boolean) Returns false if consuming event; true if propagating
radioGroup.prototype.handleBlur = function(e, $id) {
// remove the focus styling from this buttons
return true;
} // end handleBlur()