Add 'Mac'

storm 2023-01-21 20:53:53 -05:00
parent d30a6792e1
commit 373403f8be
1 changed files with 102 additions and 0 deletions

102 Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
# Introduction
This guide will show you how to install audio game manager and get some games running on the mac.
## Disclaimer
This set of instructions may not work for everyone. This has been tested on Catalina and Big Sur.
Not all games will work.
After the Catalina update, most of the 32-bit support has been removed. This uses wine-crossover, which has 32-bit support but is bigger, and has issues with 64-bit wine prefixes, as far as I know. The only 64-bit game is sequence storm.
The automation we use with xdotool is not supported on mac, some installers will require manual intervention.
## M1 Mac
The M1 installs ARM versions of everything by default. To install the x86_64 version of homebrew, run the following:
`arch -x86_64 /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"`
In the rest of the instructions, replace lines that start with brew with:
`arch -x86_64 /usr/local/bin/brew`
The ARM version of home brew and the x86 version are in two separate locations, so it is ok to have both installed.
## Installation
Install Xcode from the mac AppStore. Search for Xcode and install. Beware that Xcode is over 1gb in size and may take a while on some connections.
Open terminal from the utilities folder, and run the following command to install the command line developer tools.
`xcode-select --install`
And follow the prompts.
### a Note About Gatekeeper
Gatekeeper must be disabled for audiogame-manager to work correctly. Run the following command to disable gatekeeper.
`sudo spctl --master-disable`
Install homebrew, which is a package manager for the mac that allows you to install unix apps. Learn more [Here](
To install homebrew, run the following command in the terminal.
`/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"`
Follow the prompts to complete the installation.
Run the following command to install the essential packages.
`brew install bash cliclick coreutils gawk wget dialog sox unix2dos grep w3m`
Run the following commands to install wine and winetricks.
First add the tap:
`brew tap gcenx/wine`
Then install Wine:
`brew install cask --no-quarantine wine-crossover`
Then install winetricks:
`brew install winetricks`
## Getting audiogame-manager
You can download the source of audiogame-manager by cloning the git repo
git clone
[] [Stormux supporters]( have access to the source code and other convenience scripts including:
- A script to set the default SAPI5 voice for each wine prefix.
- Update scripts for games like Crazy Party and Swamp.
- A script to quickly make a custom wine prefix.
## Usage
In the terminal, switch to the folder in wich you have cloned the repo (Usually Downloads)
if you have cloned it into another folder cd to it
`cd ~/Downloads/audiogame-manager
Now make it executable, you'll only have to do this once.
`chmod +x
### Help
View help by running:
`./ -h`
#### Voiceover Tip:
Voiceover will not always read well in dialogs in the terminal. To get around this, when going up or down, and you hear the letter announced, up and down or down and up respectively should then correctly read what is highlighted.
### Installing a game
You can install a new game by running:
`./audiogame-manager.mac -i`
Select the game and press enter.
### Launching A Game
Run audiogame-manager without any flags to launch a game.
## 64 Bit Games
64 bit games will most likely not work. For the other games, try and see. Remember that games that require the Linux utility xdotool will require manual intervention to install on the Mac.