Updated package list on the Arch page. Removed wget from Mac dependencies.

stormdragon2976 2023-01-25 01:42:12 -05:00
parent ec463eeb6b
commit 28f6d42baf
2 changed files with 7 additions and 2 deletions

@ -14,13 +14,13 @@ Before installing packages, make sure repositories are all updated with the comm
here is a list of packages required for both audiogame-manager and games installed by it to work optimally.
- curl
- dialog
- cabextract
- gawk
- dos2unix
- unzip
- w3m
- wget
- wine
- winetricks
- wine_gecko
@ -42,6 +42,11 @@ here is a list of packages required for both audiogame-manager and games install
- gst-plugins-ugly
- gst-libav
- p7zip
- sox
- sqlite3
- translate-shell
- unrar
- xclip
In addition, if you are on an x86_64 machine, you will need the following:


@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ Follow the prompts to complete the installation.
Run the following command to install the essential packages.
`brew install bash cliclick coreutils gawk wget dialog sox unix2dos grep w3m`
`brew install bash cliclick coreutils gawk dialog sox unix2dos grep w3m`
Run the following commands to install wine and winetricks.
First add the tap: