now have tolk support. This means that Survive the Wild works for the most part. Also, the game Christmas Chaos works too. There is a bit of a bug in the clipboard reader, but it only seems to show up during the forms in STW. I'll see what I can do about getting it fixed, but in the mean time, you may have a bit of trouble creating a new account. Please note that as the Tolk support improves, the way audiogame-manager interacts with it may also change. instructions will be provided if manual intervention is required.
Installer and launcher for Windows based audio games under wine for Linux.
./ -c
Check your system for components needed by the audiogame manager program.
./ -h
Get usage instructions.
./ -i
Select from a list of games to install.
With no arguments, the list of installed games will be displayed. In all the menus, both installer and launcher, use the up and down arrow keys to find the game you want. Press enter on the game to perform the action. For more detailed help, try the -h flag.
Language and Keyboard
if you are using a language on your system other than English, you may need to temperarily change the keyboard layout while playing some games. To find out which keyboard layout you are currently using, run the following command:
setxkbmap -print -verbose 10 | grep -m1 'layout:'
If the layout is not us, and if you are having some problems with keys not working, before you launch the game, run the following command to switch keyboard layout:
setxkbmap us
When you are done with the game, switch back to your original layout so things will work as expected. The following example will switch your keyboard back to the Czech layout.
setxkbmap cz
Default Voice
Check help for flags and configuration file options.
./ -h
Voice names used must exactly match the way they appear in the menu. Here are a few examples.
- MSMike
- MSSam
- RHVoice