Updated wineserver calls to use the wine determined in variable form. Installers may be broken for now.
This commit is contained in:
@ -782,7 +782,7 @@ game_removal() {
if [[ "${HOME}/.local/wine/${game%|*}" == "${WINEPREFIX}" ]]; then
read -rp "To remove the wine bottle \"${WINEPREFIX##*/}\" and all of its contents press enter. To cancel press control+c. " continue
# kill any previous existing wineservers for this prefix in case they didn't shut down properly.
wineserver -k
${wine}server -k
# remove the game
rm -rf "${WINEPREFIX}"
@ -832,7 +832,7 @@ kill_game() {
# kill the wine server.
get_bottle "${game%|*}"
wineserver -k
${wine}server -k
echo "The selected game has been stopped."
exit 0
@ -1430,7 +1430,7 @@ case "${game}" in
install_wine_bottle speechsdk corefonts
# Dotnet is evil. That is all.
LC_ALL=C DISPLAY="" winetricks -q dotnet462 xna40
wineserver -k # Really!
${wine}server -k # Really!
unzip -d "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/Program Files" "${cache}/a-heros-call-freeware.zip"
find "${WINEPREFIX}" -type f -name 'nvdaControllerClient32.dll' -exec cp -v "${cache}/nvdaControllerClient32.dll" "{}" \;
add_launcher "c:\Program Files\a-heros-call\A Hero's Call.exe"
@ -1459,7 +1459,7 @@ case "${game}" in
# warning warning warning: Do not change location, or installer will not function.
# FIXME: Hacky, but it works. Install dotnet20 by itself so it actually doesn't hang.
winetricks -q dotnet20
wineserver -k # Damn you, dotnet.
${wine}server -k # Damn you, dotnet.
add_launcher "c:\Program Files\Draconis Entertainment\Alien Outback\ao.exe"
"Angel Gift")
@ -2001,7 +2001,7 @@ download "https://erion.cf/files/ag_103.zip"
# warning warning warning: Do not change location, or installer will not function.
# FIXME: Hacky, but it works. Install dotnet20 by itself so it actually doesn't hang.
winetricks -q dotnet20
wineserver -k # Damn you, dotnet.
${wine}server -k # Damn you, dotnet.
add_launcher "c:\Program Files\Draconis Entertainment\Change Reaction\ChangeReactionGui.exe"
@ -2016,7 +2016,7 @@ download "https://erion.cf/files/ag_103.zip"
install_wine_bottle vb6run dx8vb speechsdk
wine "${cache}/chopper challenge setup.exe" /silent &
xdotool sleep 5 key y 2> /dev/null
wineserver -w
${wine}server -w
echo "$USER|n/a" >> "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/Program Files/x-sight interactive/chopper challenge/config.dat"
add_launcher "c:\Program Files\x-sight interactive\chopper challenge\Chopper.exe"
@ -2124,7 +2124,7 @@ download "https://erion.cf/files/ag_103.zip"
xdotool sleep 5 key --clearmodifiers --delay 200 Return 2> /dev/null
xdotool sleep 5key --clearmodifiers --delay 200 Return 2> /dev/null
xdotool sleep 10 --clearmodifiers --delay 200 Return 2> /dev/null
wineserver -w
${wine}server -w
add_launcher 'c:\Program Files\Danger City\dc.exe'
"Danger on the Wheel")
@ -2210,7 +2210,7 @@ download "https://erion.cf/files/ag_103.zip"
# warning warning warning: Do not change location, or installer will not function.
# FIXME: Hacky, but it works. Install dotnet20 by itself so it actually doesn't hang.
winetricks -q dotnet20
wineserver -k # Damn you, dotnet.
${wine}server -k # Damn you, dotnet.
add_launcher "c:\Program Files\Draconis Entertainment\DynaMan\dm.exe"
"Easter Quest")
@ -2267,7 +2267,7 @@ download "https://erion.cf/files/ag_103.zip"
# warning warning warning: Do not change location, or installer will not function.
# FIXME: Hacky, but it works. Install dotnet20 by itself so it actually doesn't hang.
winetricks -q dotnet20
wineserver -k # Damn you, dotnet.
${wine}server -k # Damn you, dotnet.
add_launcher "c:\Program Files\Draconis Entertainment\ESP Pinball Classic\pbc.exe"
"ESP Pinball Extreme")
@ -2281,7 +2281,7 @@ download "https://erion.cf/files/ag_103.zip"
# warning warning warning: Do not change location, or installer will not function.
# FIXME: Hacky, but it works. Install dotnet20 by itself so it actually doesn't hang.
winetricks -q dotnet20
wineserver -k # Damn you, dotnet.
${wine}server -k # Damn you, dotnet.
add_launcher "c:\Program Files\Draconis Entertainment\ESP Pinball Xtreme\pbx.exe"
"ESP Pinball Party Pack")
@ -2376,7 +2376,7 @@ download "https://erion.cf/files/ag_103.zip"
xdotool key --clearmodifiers Tab 2> /dev/null
xdotool key --clearmodifiers Return 2> /dev/null
xdotool sleep 10 key --clearmodifiers Return 2> /dev/null
wineserver -w
${wine}server -w
echo "To accurately set your information, edit the file:"
echo "${WINEPREFIX}/drive_c/Program\ Files/GMA\ Tank\ Commander/config.dat"
echo "The default country is US. The fields are:"
@ -2427,10 +2427,10 @@ download "https://erion.cf/files/ag_103.zip"
install_wine_bottle vb6run dx8vb
# FIXME: Hacky, but it works. Install dotnet35 by itself so it actually doesn't hang.
winetricks -q dotnet35sp1
wineserver -k # Damn you, dotnet.
${wine}server -k # Damn you, dotnet.
wine "${cache}/HunterSetup.exe" /silent &
xdotool sleep 10 key --clearmodifiers alt+y 2> /dev/null
sleep 30 && wineserver -k # Sometimes the installer finishes but the wineserver has more processes that don't exit, so we can't depend on wineserver -w.
sleep 30 && ${wine}server -k # Sometimes the installer finishes but the ${wine}server has more processes that don't exit, so we can't depend on ${wine}server -w.
mkdir -p "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/Program Files/bsc-key-generator"
7z x -o"$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/Program Files/bsc-key-generator" "${cache}/BSC unlock code generator.7z"
echo "$USER"$'\n'"$(hostname)"$'\n'"none"$'\n'"US" > "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/Program Files/Hunter/config.dat"
@ -2443,7 +2443,7 @@ download "https://erion.cf/files/ag_103.zip"
xdotool sleep 1 key Shift+Tab sleep 1 key Return
# FIXME: Kind of hacky, but let's make sure it actually exitted.
sleep 5
wineserver -k
${wine}server -k
wine "c:\Program Files\bsc-key-generator\BlindsoftwareUnlockCodeGenerator.exe" &
xdotool sleep 10 key Return sleep 2 type h
xdotool sleep 1 key Tab sleep 1 type $regcode
@ -2452,13 +2452,13 @@ download "https://erion.cf/files/ag_103.zip"
regcode="$(xclip -selection clipboard -o)" # Might as well reuse the variable.
# FIXME: Kind of hacky, but let's make sure it actually exitted since I can't find a good way to exit this program.
sleep 5
wineserver -k
${wine}server -k
wine "c:\Program Files\Hunter\HunterRegistration.exe" &
echo "$regcode" | xclip -selection clipboard
xdotool sleep 10 key Return sleep 2 key Shift+Tab sleep 1 key Shift+Tab sleep 1 key Return
# FIXME: Kind of hacky, but let's make sure it actually exitted.
sleep 5
wineserver -k
${wine}server -k
echo "Warning: You need xclip and xdotool for this installer to finish the registration process, however, you don't have them. Either remove the program, install the stated tools, and reinstall it, or go on your own. Caveat Emptor, go to jail, do not pass go, do not collect audiogame rewards and all that stuff."
@ -2541,7 +2541,7 @@ EOF
install_wine_bottle dx8vb vb6run
wine "${cache}/light cars setup.exe" &
xdotool sleep 10 key --clearmodifiers alt+n sleep 1 key --clearmodifiers alt+a key --clearmodifiers space sleep 1 key --clearmodifiers alt+n sleep 1 key --clearmodifiers alt+n sleep 1 key --clearmodifiers alt+i sleep 30 key --clearmodifiers Tab sleep 1 key --clearmodifiers Return 2> /dev/null
wineserver -w
${wine}server -w
echo -e "${USER} ${HOST}\nna@na.na\nUS" > ~/.local/wine/light-cars/drive_c/Program\ Files/Lighttech\ Interactive/Light\ Cars/config.dat
unix2dos ~/.local/wine/light-cars/drive_c/Program\ Files/Lighttech\ Interactive/Light\ Cars/config.dat
add_launcher "c:\Program Files\Lighttech Interactive\Light Cars\lightCars.exe"
@ -2567,7 +2567,7 @@ EOF
xdotool type --clearmodifiers --delay 100 "uuuuuu" 2> /dev/null
xdotool key --clearmodifiers Tab 2> /dev/null
xdotool key --clearmodifiers Return 2> /dev/null
wineserver -w
${wine}server -w
add_launcher "c:\Program Files\Lone Wolf\lw.exe"
@ -2611,7 +2611,7 @@ EOF
install_wine_bottle speechsdk
wine "${cache}/MbSetupE.exe" &
xdotool sleep 10 key Return
wineserver -w
${wine}server -w
find "${WINEPREFIX}" -type f -name "nvdaControllerClient.dll" -exec cp -v "$cache/nvda2speechd32.dll" "{}" \;
add_launcher "c:\nyanchangame\MarinaBreak\marinabreak.exe"
@ -2686,7 +2686,7 @@ EOF
# warning warning warning: Do not change location, or installer will not function.
# FIXME: Hacky, but it works. Install dotnet20 by itself so it actually doesn't hang.
winetricks -q dotnet20
wineserver -k # Damn you, dotnet.
${wine}server -k # Damn you, dotnet.
add_launcher "c:\Program Files\Draconis Entertainment\Monkey Business\mb.exe"
"MudSplat English")
@ -2714,7 +2714,7 @@ EOF
# Select the language.
xdotool sleep 10 type --clearmodifiers ${game:9:1} 2> /dev/null
xdotool sleep 1 key --clearmodifiers Return sleep 1 key alt+${n} sleep 1 key alt+${a} sleep 1 key alt+${n} sleep 1 key space sleep 1 key alt+${n} sleep 1 key alt+${n} sleep 1 key alt+${i} sleep 10 key space sleep 1 key alt+${f} 2> /dev/null
wineserver -w
${wine}server -w
mudsplatLauncher="$(find "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/Program Files/TiM/MudSplat" -name 'mudsplat-*.exe')"
add_launcher "c:\Program Files\TiM\MudSplat\\${mudsplatLauncher}"
@ -2761,7 +2761,7 @@ EOF
install_wine_bottle speechsdk
wine "${cache}/Park Boss 1.01 setup.exe" /silent &
xdotool sleep 10 key --clearmodifiers Return sleep 1 key alt+n sleep 1 key alt+a sleep 1 key alt+i sleep 10 key alt+f 2> /dev/null
wineserver -w
${wine}server -w
add_launcher "c:\Program Files\NASoft\ParkBoss\pbMain.exe"
"Paw Prints")
@ -2801,11 +2801,11 @@ EOF
install_wine_bottle vb6run dx8vb
# FIXME: Hacky, but it works. Install dotnet35 by itself so it actually doesn't hang.
winetricks -q dotnet35sp1
wineserver -k # Damn you, dotnet.
${wine}server -k # Damn you, dotnet.
download "http://www.agarchive.net/games/bsc/BlastChamberSetup.exe" "https://www.agarchive.net/games/bsc/BSC%20unlock%20code%20generator.7z"
wine "${cache}/BlastChamberSetup.exe" /silent &
xdotool sleep 10 key --clearmodifiers alt+y 2> /dev/null
sleep 30 && wineserver -k # Sometimes the installer finishes but the wineserver has more processes that don't exit, so we can't depend on wineserver -w.
sleep 30 && ${wine}server -k # Sometimes the installer finishes but the ${wine}server has more processes that don't exit, so we can't depend on ${wine}server -w.
mkdir -p "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/Program Files/bsc-key-generator"
7z x -o"$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/Program Files/bsc-key-generator" "${cache}/BSC unlock code generator.7z"
echo "$USER"$'\n'"$(hostname)"$'\n'"none"$'\n'"US" > "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/Program Files/Blast Chamber/config.dat"
@ -2818,7 +2818,7 @@ EOF
xdotool sleep 1 key Shift+Tab sleep 1 key Return
# FIXME: Kind of hacky, but let's make sure it actually exitted.
sleep 5
wineserver -k
${wine}server -k
wine "c:\Program Files\bsc-key-generator\BlindsoftwareUnlockCodeGenerator.exe" &
xdotool sleep 10 key Return sleep 2 type b
xdotool sleep 1 key Tab sleep 1 type $regcode
@ -2827,13 +2827,13 @@ EOF
regcode="$(xclip -selection clipboard -o)" # Might as well reuse the variable.
# FIXME: Kind of hacky, but let's make sure it actually exitted since I can't find a good way to exit this program.
sleep 5
wineserver -k
${wine}server -k
wine "c:\Program Files\Blast Chamber\register.exe" &
echo "$regcode" | xclip -selection clipboard
xdotool sleep 10 key Return sleep 2 key Shift+Tab sleep 1 key Shift+Tab sleep 1 key Return
# FIXME: Kind of hacky, but let's make sure it actually exitted.
sleep 5
wineserver -k
${wine}server -k
echo "Warning: You need xclip and xdotool for this installer to finish the registration process, however, you don't have them. Either remove the program, install the stated tools, and reinstall it, or go on your own. Caveat Emptor, go to jail, do not pass go, do not collect audiogame rewards and all that stuff."
@ -2905,7 +2905,7 @@ EOF
xdotool sleep 10 type y 2> /dev/null
xdotool sleep 2 type y 2> /dev/null
xdotool sleep 2 key --clearmodifiers alt+n sleep 2 key alt+n sleep 2 key alt+n sleep 2 key alt+i sleep 10 key alt+f 2> /dev/null
wineserver -w
${wine}server -w
add_launcher "c:\Program Files\River Raiders\raid.exe"
"Road to Rage")
@ -2973,7 +2973,7 @@ EOF
install_wine_bottle fakejapanese speechsdk
wine "${cache}/screamingStrike2.exe" &
xdotool sleep 10 key Return
wineserver -w
${wine}server -w
find "${WINEPREFIX}" -type f -name 'nvdaControllerClient32.dll' -exec cp -v "${cache}/nvdaControllerClient32.dll" "{}" \;
add_launcher "c:\nyanchangame\Screaming Strike 2\play.exe"
@ -3077,7 +3077,7 @@ EOF
# warning warning warning: Do not change location, or installer will not function.
# FIXME: Hacky, but it works. Install dotnet40 by itself so it actually doesn't hang.
DISPLAY="" winetricks -q dotnet40
wineserver -k # Damn you, dotnet.
${wine}server -k # Damn you, dotnet.
add_launcher "c:\Program Files\Draconis Entertainment\Silver Dollar\SilverDollarGui.exe"
"Simple Fighter")
@ -3263,7 +3263,7 @@ EOF
unzip -d "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/Program Files" "${cache}/technoshock_140b_en.zip"
unzip -d "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/Program Files" "${cache}/technoshock_140b_en_update.zip"
wine "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/Program Files/setup_eng.exe" /silent
wineserver -w
${wine}server -w
wine "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/Program Files/setup_eng_update_pack.exe" /silent
add_launcher "c:\Program Files\Tiflocomp Games\Technoshock\ts.exe"
@ -3279,7 +3279,7 @@ EOF
# warning warning warning: Do not change location, or installer will not function.
# FIXME: Hacky, but it works. Install dotnet20 by itself so it actually doesn't hang.
winetricks -q dotnet20
wineserver -k # Damn you, dotnet.
${wine}server -k # Damn you, dotnet.
add_launcher "c:\Program Files\Draconis Entertainment\Ten Pin Alley\tpa.exe"
"The Blind Swordsman")
@ -3371,7 +3371,7 @@ export norh=false # Must install a voice, and rhvoice works easily with 64 bit.
install_wine_bottle sapi vcrun2008 gdiplus xact dotnet48 xna40
# Dotnet is evil. That is all.
# LC_ALL=C winetricks -q dotnet48
# wineserver -k # Ha ha ha.
# ${wine}server -k # Ha ha ha.
unzip -d "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/Program Files" "${cache}/master.zip"
find "${WINEPREFIX}" -type f -name 'nvdaControllerClient32.dll' -exec cp -v "${cache}/nvda2speechd32.dll" "{}" \;
find "${WINEPREFIX}" -type f -name 'nvdaControllerClient64.dll' -exec cp -v "${cache}/nvda2speechd64.dll" "{}" \;
@ -3400,10 +3400,10 @@ export norh=false # Must install a voice, and rhvoice works easily with 64 bit.
install_wine_bottle vb6run dx8vb
# FIXME: Hacky, but it works. Install dotnet35 by itself so it actually doesn't hang.
winetricks -q dotnet35sp1
wineserver -k # Damn you, dotnet.
${wine}server -k # Damn you, dotnet.
wine "${cache}/Troopanum2Setup.exe" /silent &
xdotool sleep 10 key --clearmodifiers alt+y 2> /dev/null
sleep 30 && wineserver -k # Sometimes the installer finishes but the wineserver has more processes that don't exit, so we can't depend on wineserver -w.
sleep 30 && ${wine}server -k # Sometimes the installer finishes but the ${wine}server has more processes that don't exit, so we can't depend on ${wine}server -w.
mkdir -p "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/Program Files/bsc-key-generator"
7z x -o"$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/Program Files/bsc-key-generator" "${cache}/BSC unlock code generator.7z"
echo "$USER"$'\n'"$(hostname)"$'\n'"none"$'\n'"US" > "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/Program Files/Troopanum 2.0/config.dat"
@ -3416,7 +3416,7 @@ export norh=false # Must install a voice, and rhvoice works easily with 64 bit.
xdotool sleep 1 key Shift+Tab sleep 1 key Return
# FIXME: Kind of hacky, but let's make sure it actually exitted.
sleep 5
wineserver -k
${wine}server -k
wine "c:\Program Files\bsc-key-generator\BlindsoftwareUnlockCodeGenerator.exe" &
xdotool sleep 10 key Return sleep 2 type t
xdotool sleep 1 type t
@ -3426,13 +3426,13 @@ export norh=false # Must install a voice, and rhvoice works easily with 64 bit.
regcode="$(xclip -selection clipboard -o)" # Might as well reuse the variable.
# FIXME: Kind of hacky, but let's make sure it actually exitted since I can't find a good way to exit this program.
sleep 5
wineserver -k
${wine}server -k
wine "c:\Program Files\Troopanum 2.0\register.exe" &
echo "$regcode" | xclip -selection clipboard
xdotool sleep 10 key Return sleep 2 key Shift+Tab sleep 1 key Shift+Tab sleep 1 key Return
# FIXME: Kind of hacky, but let's make sure it actually exitted.
sleep 5
wineserver -k
${wine}server -k
echo "Warning: You need xclip and xdotool for this installer to finish the registration process, however, you don't have them. Either remove the program, install the stated tools, and reinstall it, or go on your own. Caveat Emptor, go to jail, do not pass go, do not collect audiogame rewards and all that stuff."
@ -3444,7 +3444,7 @@ export norh=false # Must install a voice, and rhvoice works easily with 64 bit.
install_wine_bottle speechsdk
wine "${cache}/TubeSim1_1_Install.exe" /silent &
xdotool sleep 10 key --clearmodifiers Return sleep 1 key alt+n sleep 1 key alt+a sleep 1 key alt+i sleep 10 key alt+f 2> /dev/null
wineserver -w
${wine}server -w
add_launcher "c:\Program Files\NASoft\TubeSim\tsMain.exe"
"Ultimate SounDoku")
@ -3458,7 +3458,7 @@ export norh=false # Must install a voice, and rhvoice works easily with 64 bit.
# warning warning warning: Do not change location, or installer will not function.
# FIXME: Hacky, but it works. Install dotnet20 by itself so it actually doesn't hang.
winetricks -q dotnet20
wineserver -k # Damn you, dotnet.
${wine}server -k # Damn you, dotnet.
add_launcher "c:\Program Files\Draconis Entertainment\Ultimate Soundoku\soundoku.exe"
"Undead Assault")
@ -3513,7 +3513,7 @@ export WINEARCH=win64
xdotool sleep 20 key Alt+n
xdotool sleep 2 key space
xdotool sleep 2 key Alt+f
wineserver -w
${wine}server -w
find "${WINEPREFIX}" -type f -name 'nvdaControllerClient64.dll' -exec cp -v "${cache}/nvda2speechd64.dll" "{}" \;
add_launcher "c:\Program Files (x86)\Wave Of The Undead\wave_of_the_undead.exe"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user