"Error processing game output: 'gbk' codec can't decode byte 0xac in position 33: illegal multibyte sequence" as reported by nicotomia from the audiogames.net forum.
Toby Doom Launcher
The Toby Doom Launcher is a game launcher designed to help players easily configure and start various Doom-based games using the Toby Doom Accessibility Mod.
Quick Start
- Download the Windows package or install dependencies for running from source
- Place the launcher in your Toby Doom Accessibility Mod directory
- Select your IWAD and game variant
- Choose your narration style and start playing!
- Support for multiple game variants including Classic Doom, Toby Doom, Heretic, and Hexen
- Single-player, deathmatch, and co-op gameplay modes
- Custom game configuration support
- Built-in audio manual player
- Text-to-speech integration for game feedback
System Requirements
When running from source:
- GZDoom 4.9 or higher
- Python 3.9 or higher
- PySide6 6.0 or higher
- VLC media player (for audio manual)
- Required speech providers:
- Windows: Accessible Output 2
- Linux: Speech Dispatcher or Cthulhu
- Mac: Support planned for future release
The Windows package includes all required dependencies except GZDoom and VLC.
Installation - Linux
- Install required dependencies from your distribution's package manager
- Extract Toby Doom to ~/.local/games/doom
- The launcher itself can run from anywhere on the system
- The TobyCustom directory can be placed in any of these locations:
- Same directory as the launcher
- ~/.local/games/doom/TobyCustom
- ~/.local/share/doom/TobyCustom
- Additional IWADs can be placed in ~/.local/share/doom
Installation - Mac
Mac support is planned for a future release. Currently, the launcher has not been tested on macOS.
Installation - Windows
Using the pre-packaged version:
- Download the launcher package
- Extract it to the top level of your Toby Accessibility Mod directory
- Install VLC media player if you want to use the audio manual
- For multiplayer, download freedm and place freedm.wad in the Toby Doom Accessibility Mod directory
Running from source:
- Install Python 3.9 or higher
- Install PySide6 (
pip install PySide6
) - Install other required Python packages
- Place the launcher in the top level of the Toby Accessibility Mod directory
Basic Navigation
- Use Tab and Shift+Tab to move between controls
- Use arrow keys to navigate combo boxes
- Press Enter to activate buttons
- Press Escape to close dialogs or exit the launcher
Important Note for NVDA Users on Windows
When using NVDA, you may need to press Alt+DownArrow to expand combo boxes if they don't respond to the normal arrow keys.
Game Selection
- Choose your IWAD from the dropdown menu
- Select your desired game variant
- Choose your preferred narration style (Self-voiced or Text to Speech)
- Select your gameplay mode:
- Single Player: Start a solo game
- Deathmatch: Configure and start a multiplayer deathmatch
- Custom Deathmatch: Play deathmatch with custom modifications
- Co-op: Set up or join a cooperative multiplayer game
Multiplayer Setup
- Select arena map
- Configure options like frag limit, player count, and skill level
- Choose between hosting, joining, or playing with bots
- When playing with bots, use the console (`) to add bots with the "addbot" command
- Host or join a cooperative game
- Set player count and skill level
- Uses universal keyshare for better cooperative gameplay
Audio Manual
The launcher includes an accessible audio manual player with these features:
- Browse and select manual sections
- Full keyboard control for playback
- Play individual tracks or entire manual
- Previous/Next track navigation
- Requires VLC media player for audio playback
File Organization
The launcher expects the following directory structure:
â TobyAccMod_V[version].pk3
â Addons/
â â MAPS/
â â MENU/
â â [Game-specific folders]/
â Manual/
â TobyCustom/
Custom games can be configured using JSON files in the TobyCustom directory. This allows for:
- Custom game configurations
- Additional WAD and PK3 file loading
- Special launch parameters
- Dependency management
- If GZDoom fails to launch, verify the executable is in your PATH or game directory
- For multiplayer, ensure freedm.wad is available in your game directory
- Check file permissions if unable to save narration settings
- Verify VLC is installed if audio manual playback fails
- Ensure speech providers are properly configured for your platform
Additional Resources
- MrAlanD1's Youtube Channel
- Toby Doom topic on the zdoom forum
- The Stormux email list, join at https://stormux.org
This software is distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 (LGPL-3.0).