Initial commit.

This commit is contained in:
Storm Dragon 2024-08-05 13:41:50 -04:00
parent 55c96b569e
commit a6f29857c3
22 changed files with 3446 additions and 0 deletions

Tessting.1.png Normal file

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 2.7 KiB

Tessting.2.png Normal file

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 2.7 KiB

enemy_lookup.dat Normal file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

ff1_data.lud Normal file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

875 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,875 @@
from io import StringIO
import io
import base64
import colorsys
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageChops
#mainly used for video processing
def swap_red_blue(image):
r,g,b = image.split()
return Image.merge('RGB', (b,g,r))
def decode_video_image(image):
return swap_red_blue(Image.fromarray(image).convert("RGB"))
#PIL image decode/encoder...
def image_decode(image_data):
import bson.binary
if isinstance(image_data, bson.binary.Binary):
return str(image_data)
except ImportError:
return base64.b64decode(image_data)
def image_to_binary(image, crush=False):
import bson.binary
if type(image) == bson.binary.Binary:
return image
except ImportError:
return image_to_string(load_image(image))
image = load_image(image)
#uses pngcrush!
if crush:
t_time = time.time()
tempfile = "./temp/infile.png"
outfile = "./temp/outfile.png"
cmd = "pngcrush -reduce "+tempfile+" "+outfile+" 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null"
output =, shell=True)
if output == 1:
print("failed to crush")
return s
output = StringIO.StringIO(), format="PNG")
string = output.getvalue()
return bson.binary.Binary(string)
def general_index(image_data):
byte_data = base64.b64decode(image_data)
image =
res = image.resize((1,1), Image.ANTIALIAS).convert("RGB")
r, g, b = res.getpixel((0,0))
h, s, v = colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(float(r)/255,float(g)/255,float(b)/255)
return h,s,v
def load_image(image_data):
if type(image_data) == Image.Image:
return image_data
byte_data = image_decode(image_data)
image =
byte_data = image_data
image =
image = image.convert("RGBA")
return image
def image_to_string(img):
output = StringIO.StringIO(), format="PNG")
string = output.getvalue()
return base64.b64encode(string)
def image_to_bmp_string(img):
output = StringIO.StringIO()
img.convert("RGB").save(output, format="BMP")
string = output.getvalue()
return base64.b64encode(string)
def image_to_string_format(img,format_type, conv="RGB"):
output = StringIO.StringIO()
img.convert(conv).save(output, format=format_type)
string = output.getvalue()
return base64.b64encode(string)
def color_byte_to_hex(byte_color):
def to_hex(byte):
b = str(hex(byte))[2:]
while len(b) < 2:
b = "0"+b
return b
return "".join([to_hex(x) for x in byte_color[:3]])
def color_hex_to_byte(text_color):
return (int(text_color[0:2], 16),
int(text_color[2:4], 16),
int(text_color[4:6], 16),
def rectify(image):
t = time.time()
for i in range(3):
image,c = rectify_sub(image)
if c == 0:
#print("Rectify took: "+str(time.time()-t))
return image
def rectify_sub(image):
w = image.width
h = image.height
BLACK = (0,0,0)
WHITE = (255,255,255)
t_time = time.time()
changes = 0
#top left, down vertical
# _
# |
curr_pixel = BLACK
for i in range(w):
if i == 0:
for j in range(h):
last_pixel = curr_pixel
curr_pixel = image.getpixel((i,j))
if curr_pixel == BLACK and\
last_pixel == WHITE and\
image.getpixel((i-1,j)) == WHITE:
image.putpixel((i,j), WHITE)
curr_pixel = WHITE
#top right, down vertical
# _
# |
#top right, down vertical
# _
# |
curr_pixel = BLACK
for i in reversed(range(w)):
if i == w-1:
for j in range(h):
last_pixel = curr_pixel
curr_pixel = image.getpixel((i,j))
if curr_pixel == BLACK and\
last_pixel == WHITE and\
image.getpixel((i+1,j)) == WHITE:
image.putpixel((i,j), WHITE)
curr_pixel = WHITE
#bottom left, right horizontal
# |_
curr_pixel = BLACK
for j in reversed(range(h)):
if j == h-1:
for i in range(w):
last_pixel = curr_pixel
curr_pixel = image.getpixel((i,j))
if curr_pixel == BLACK and\
last_pixel == WHITE and\
image.getpixel((i,j+1)) == WHITE:
image.putpixel((i,j), WHITE)
curr_pixel = WHITE
#top right, left horizontal
curr_pixel = BLACK
for j in reversed(range(h)):
if j == h-1:
for i in reversed(range(w)):
last_pixel = curr_pixel
curr_pixel = image.getpixel((i,j))
if curr_pixel == BLACK and\
last_pixel == WHITE and\
image.getpixel((i,j+1)) == WHITE:
image.putpixel((i,j), WHITE)
curr_pixel = WHITE
return image, changes
def segfill(image, mark_color, target_color):
w = image.width
h = image.height
mark_color = tuple(color_hex_to_byte(mark_color)[0:3])
target_color = tuple(color_hex_to_byte(target_color)[0:3])
image = image.convert("RGB")
last_red = False
h_range = list()
w_range = list()
for j in range(h):
sec = image.crop((0,j, w, j+1)).getcolors()
for num, color in sec:
if color == target_color:
for i in range(w):
sec = image.crop((i,0, i+1, h)).getcolors()
for num, color in sec:
if color == target_color:
new_w_range = dict()
new_h_range = dict()
white_count = 0
for j in h_range:
last_red = False
white_count = 0
for i in range(max(min(w_range)-1, 0), max(w_range)):
pix = image.getpixel((i,j))
if last_red == False:
if pix == mark_color:
last_red = True
if white_count > 0:
for k in range(white_count):
image.putpixel((i-1-k,j), mark_color)
white_count = 0
elif pix == target_color:
white_count +=1
new_w_range[i] = 1
new_h_range[j] = 1
white_count = 0
elif pix == target_color:
image.putpixel((i,j), mark_color)
if white_count > 0:
for k in range(white_count):
image.putpixel((i-1-k,j), mark_color)
white_count = 0
elif pix == mark_color:
if white_count > 0:
for k in range(white_count):
image.putpixel((i-1-k,j), mark_color)
white_count = 0
white_count = 0
last_red = False
for entry in new_h_range.keys():
if entry > 0:
new_h_range[entry-1] = 1
new_h_range = sorted(new_h_range.keys())
new_w_range = sorted(new_w_range.keys())
white_count = 0
#vertical pass
for i in new_w_range:
last_red = False
white_count = 0
for num_j, j in enumerate(new_h_range):
if num_j == 0 or new_h_range[num_j-1] != j-1:
white_count = 0
pix = image.getpixel((i,j))
if last_red == False:
if pix == mark_color:
last_red = True
if white_count > 0:
for k in range(white_count):
image.putpixel((i,j-1-k), mark_color)
white_count = 0
elif white_count == target_color:
white_count += 1
white_count = 0
elif pix == target_color:
image.putpixel((i,j), mark_color)
if white_count > 0:
for k in range(white_count):
image.putpixel((i,j-1-k), mark_color)
white_count = 0
elif pix == mark_color:
if white_count > 0:
for k in range(white_count):
image.putpixel((i,j-1-k), mark_color)
white_count = 0
white_count = 0
last_red = False
return image.convert("RGBA")
def floodfill2(image, center, bg_color):
def get_pix_near(bytes_array, xy, mark_color, threshold):
if (xy[0] >= w or xy[0] < 0 or xy[1]>= h or xy[1] < 0):
return None
s = w*xy[1]*4+xy[0]*4
val = 0
for i in range(4):
val += (mark_color[i]-bytes_array[s+i])**2
if val < threshold**2:
return True
return False
def get_pix_near2(bytes_array, xy, mark_color, threshold):
if (xy[0] >= w or xy[0] < 0 or xy[1]>= h or xy[1] < 0):
return None
s = w*xy[1]*4+xy[0]*4
#print([mark_color, tuple(bytes_array[s:s+4])])
if mark_color == tuple(bytes_array[s:s+4]):
return True
return False
def get_pix(bytes_array, xy):
s = w*xy[1]*4+xy[0]*4
return bytes_array[s:s+4]
def set_pix(bytes_array, xy, color):
s = w*xy[1]*4+xy[0]*4
for i in range(4):
bytes_array[s+i] = color[i]
w = image.width
h = image.height
bg_color = color_hex_to_byte(bg_color)
mode = "RGBA"
bytes_array = [ord(x) for x in image.convert("RGBA").tobytes()]
mark_color = tuple(get_pix(bytes_array, (10,10)))
threshold = 16
last_marked = [[0,i] for i in range(h)]#center]
last_marked2 = list()
rounds = 0
a = 0
b = 0
while last_marked:
for entry in last_marked:
for offx, offy in [[1,0]]:#, [0, 1], [-1,0], [0,-1]]:
if get_pix_near2(bytes_array, (entry[0]+offx, entry[1]+offy),
mark_color, threshold):
set_pix(bytes_array, (entry[0]+offx, entry[1]+offy),
last_marked2.append((entry[0]+offx, entry[1]+offy))
last_marked = last_marked2
last_marked2 = list()
#print([chr(x) for x in bytes_array])
image_out = Image.frombytes(mode, (w,h),"".join([chr(x) for x in bytes_array]))
def floodfill(image, bg_color, mid_color, end_color,
sample_points, threshold):
image = image.convert("RGBA")
center = [0,0]
bg_color = color_hex_to_byte(bg_color)
mid_color = color_hex_to_byte(mid_color)
end_color = color_hex_to_byte(end_color)
for sample_point in sample_points:
center = tuple(sample_point)
pixel = image.getpixel(center)
if color_dist(bg_color, pixel) <= threshold**2:
ImageDraw.floodfill(image, xy=center, value=mid_color)
#revert to end color now
for sample_point in sample_points:
center = tuple(sample_point)
pixel = image.getpixel(center)
if color_dist(mid_color, pixel) <= threshold**2:
ImageDraw.floodfill(image, xy=center, value=end_color)
return image
def color_dist(color1, color2):
rr = color1[0] - color2[0]
gg = color1[1] - color2[1]
bb = color1[2] - color2[2]
return rr**2+gg**2+bb**2
def reduce_to_text_color(img, color_thresh, bg):
img = img.convert("RGB")
img = img.convert("P", palette=Image.ADAPTIVE)
p = img.getpalette()
nc = [(color_hex_to_byte(x[0]),x[1]) for x in color_thresh]
bg = color_hex_to_byte(bg)
new_palette = list()
for i in range(256):
r = p[3*i]
g = p[3*i+1]
b = p[3*i+2]
close = None
closest = 1000000000
for tc,thr in nc:
rr = r-tc[0]
gg = g-tc[1]
bb = b-tc[2]
d = rr**2+gg**2+bb**2
if d < closest and d < thr**2:
closest = d
t = 1-(d/(thr**2.0))
close = [int(t*(tc[0]-bg[0])+bg[0]),
if close:
new_palette.extend([close[0], close[1], close[2]])
return img
def reduce_to_multi_color(img, bg, colors_map, threshold):
def vdot(a,b):
return a[0]*b[0]+a[1]*b[1]+a[2]*b[2]
def vnorm(b):
return vdot(b,b)**0.5
def vscale(b, s):
return [b[0]*s, b[1]*s, b[2]*s]
def vsub(a, b):
return [a[0]-b[0], a[1]-b[1], a[2]-b[2]]
new_palette = list()
p = img.getpalette()
if bg is not None:
bg = color_hex_to_byte(bg)
for i in range(256):
r = p[3*i]
g = p[3*i+1]
b = p[3*i+2]
closest = 1000000000
close = color_hex_to_byte("000000")
for entry in colors_map:
if type(entry) in (list, tuple):
tc, tc_map = entry
tc, tc_map = entry, entry
if isinstance(tc, basestring):
tc = color_hex_to_byte(tc)
rr = r-tc[0]
gg = g-tc[1]
bb = b-tc[2]
d = rr**2+gg**2+bb**2
if d < closest:
closest = d
close = color_hex_to_byte(tc_map)
tc = [color_hex_to_byte(tc[0]),
#color range vector
crv = [tc[1][0]-tc[0][0],
#relative palette vector
rpv = [r-tc[0][0],
#formula to use vector dot product to get distance
#to line segment.
vb = crv
va = rpv
va1 = vdot(va, vscale(vb, 1/vnorm(vb)))
if va1 < 0 or va1 > vnorm(vb):
va2 = vscale(vb, va1/vnorm(vb))
va3 = vsub(va, va2)
d = vnorm(va3)
if d**2 < closest:
closest = d**2
if type(tc_map) in [tuple, list]:
if va1/vnorm(vb) <0.5:
close = color_hex_to_byte(tc_map[0])
close = color_hex_to_byte(tc_map[1])
close = color_hex_to_byte(tc_map)
if close is not None and closest <= threshold**2:
elif bg is None:
return img
def reduce_to_mask(img, threshold):
new_palette = list()
img = img.convert("P", palette=Image.ADAPTIVE)
p = img.getpalette()
for i in range(256):
r = p[3*i]
g = p[3*i+1]
b = p[3*i+2]
val = r**2+g**2+b**2
if val <= threshold**2:
return img.convert("RGB")
def reduce_to_colors(img, colors, threshold):
new_palette = list()
p = img.getpalette()
for i in range(256):
r = p[3*i]
g = p[3*i+1]
b = p[3*i+2]
vals = list()
for tc in colors:
tc = color_hex_to_byte(tc)
rr = r-tc[0]
gg = g-tc[1]
bb = b-tc[2]
if vals and min(vals) <= threshold**2:
return img
def get_color_counts(img, text_colors, threshold):
if img.mode != "P":
img = img.convert("P", palette=Image.ADAPTIVE)
tc = [color_hex_to_byte(x) for x in text_colors]
img = reduce_to_colors(img, text_colors, threshold)
pixel_count = 0
for c in img.convert("RGBA").getcolors():
if c[1] == (255,255,255,255):
pixel_count = c[0]
return pixel_count
def get_color_counts_simple(img, text_colors, threshold):
test_image = img.convert("P", palette=Image.ADAPTIVE).convert("RGBA")
tc = [color_hex_to_byte(x) for x in text_colors]
total = 0
for num, color in test_image.getcolors():
for pix in tc:
if (pix[0]-color[0])**2+(pix[1]-color[1])**2+\
(pix[2]-color[2])**2 < threshold**2:
return total
def convert_to_absolute_box(bb):
if "x" in bb:
return {"x1": int(bb['x']), 'y1': int(bb['y']),
'x2': int(bb['x'])+int(bb['w']),
"y2": int(bb['y'])+int(bb['h'])}
return bb
def fix_bounding_box(img, bounding_box):
w = img.width
h = img.height
for key in bounding_box:
if isinstance(bounding_box[key], basestring):
bounding_box[key] = int(bounding_box[key])
if 'w' in bounding_box:
if bounding_box['x'] < 0:
bounding_box['x'] = 0
elif bounding_box['x'] > w-1:
bounding_box['x'] = w-1
if bounding_box['y'] < 0:
bounding_box['y'] = 0
elif bounding_box['y'] > h-1:
bounding_box['y'] = h-1
if bounding_box['w'] < 0:
bounding_box['w'] = 0
elif bounding_box['x']+bounding_box['w'] > w-1:
bounding_box['w'] = w-1-bounding_box['x']
if bounding_box['h'] < 0:
bounding_box['h'] = 0
elif bounding_box['y']+bounding_box['h'] > h-1:
bounding_box['h'] = h-1-bounding_box['y']
if bounding_box['w'] ==0:
bounding_box['w'] = 1
if bounding_box['h'] == 0:
bounding_box['h'] = 1
if bounding_box['x1'] < 0:
bounding_box['x1'] = 0
elif bounding_box['x1'] > w-1:
bounding_box['x1'] = w-1
if bounding_box['y1'] < 0:
bounding_box['y1'] = 0
elif bounding_box['y1'] > h-1:
bounding_box['y1'] = h-1
if bounding_box['x2'] < bounding_box['x1']:
bounding_box['x2'] = bounding_box['x1']
elif bounding_box['x2'] > w-1:
bounding_box['x2'] = w-1
if bounding_box['y2'] < bounding_box['y1']:
bounding_box['y2'] = bounding_box['y1']
elif bounding_box['y2'] > h-1:
bounding_box['y2'] = h-1
if bounding_box['x1']==bounding_box['x2']:
if bounding_box['y1']==bounding_box['y2']:
return bounding_box
def intersect_area(bb,tb):
dx = min(bb['x2'], tb['x2'])-max(bb['x1'], tb['x1'])
dy = min(bb['y2'], tb['y2'])-max(bb['y1'], tb['y1'])
if dx >= 0 and dy>=0:
return dx*dy
return 0
def get_bounding_box_area(bb):
return intersect_area(bb,bb)
def chop_to_box(image, tb, bb):
chop = [0,0,image.width,image.height]
if "x" in bb:
x,y,w,h = bb['x'], bb['y'], bb['w'], bb['h']
x,y,w,h = bb['x1'], bb['y1'], bb['x2']-bb['x1'], bb['y2']-bb['y1']
if tb['x1'] < x:
chop[0] = x-tb['x1']
if tb['y1'] < y:
chop[1] = y-tb['y1']
if tb['x2'] > x+w:
chop[2] = image.width-tb['x2']+x+w
if tb['y2'] > y+h:
chop[3] = image.height-tb['y2']+y+h
image= image.crop(chop)
return image
def get_best_text_color(image, text_colors, threshold):
test_image = image.convert("P", palette=Image.ADAPTIVE).convert("RGBA")
tc = [[x,color_hex_to_byte(x)] for x in text_colors]
totals = {}
for num, color in test_image.getcolors():
for c, pix in tc:
if (pix[0]-color[0])**2+(pix[1]-color[1])**2+\
(pix[2]-color[2])**2 < threshold**2:
if totals:
for num, colors in test_image.getcolors():
for c, pix in tc:
totals[c] = totals.get(c,0)+num
best = max(totals, key=totals.get)
best = None
return best
def tint_image(image, color, border=2):
byte_color = color_hex_to_byte(color)
image = image.convert("RGBA")
tint_image ="RGBA", image.size, (255,255,255,255))
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(tint_image)
draw.rectangle([1,1, image.width-1,image.height-1],
new_image = ImageChops.multiply(image, tint_image)
return new_image
def black_expand(image, mark_color, target_colors):
w = image.width
h = image.height
if isinstance(target_colors, basestring):
target_colors = [target_colors]
mark_color = tuple(color_hex_to_byte(mark_color)[0:3])
target_colors = [tuple(color_hex_to_byte(x)[0:3]) for x in target_colors]
image = image.convert("RGB")
h_range = list()
w_range = list()
#expand horizontally first:
for j in range(h):
sec = image.crop((0,j, w, j+1)).getcolors()
for num, color in sec:
if color == mark_color:
#there is a black pixel on this line
for i in range(w):
if image.getpixel((i,j)) == mark_color:#in target_colors:
if i > 0 and image.getpixel((i-1, j)) in target_colors:
image.putpixel((i-1,j), mark_color)
if i < w-1 and image.getpixel((i+1, j)) in target_colors:
image.putpixel((i+1,j), mark_color)
#expand vertical first:
for i in range(w):
sec = image.crop((i,0, i+1, h)).getcolors()
for num, color in sec:
if color == mark_color:
#there is a black pixel on this line
for j in range(h):
if image.getpixel((i,j)) == mark_color:#in target_colors:
if j > 0 and image.getpixel((i, j-1)) in target_colors:
image.putpixel((i,j-1), mark_color)
if j < h-1 and image.getpixel((i, j+1)) in target_colors:
image.putpixel((i,j+1), mark_color)
print("Black expand took: "+str(time.time()-t_time))
return image
def expand_vertical(img, bg_color, target_color):
def cache_get(img, xy, cache):
if xy not in cache:
cache[xy] = img.getpixel(xy)
return cache[xy]
t_time = time.time()
bg = color_hex_to_byte(bg_color)[:3]
target = color_hex_to_byte(target_color)[:3]
w = img.width
h = img.height
image = img.convert("RGB")
h_range = list()
for j in range(h):
sec = image.crop((0,j, w, j+1)).getcolors()
for num, color in sec:
if color == target:
if j > 0:
if j < h-1:
h_range = list(set(h_range))
for i in range(w):
sec = image.crop((i,0, i+1, h)).getcolors()
for num, color in sec:
if color == target:
upset = dict()
cache = dict()
for j in h_range:
pix = cache_get(image, (i,j), cache)#.getpixel((i,j))
if pix == bg:
if (j > 0 and cache_get(image,(i,j-1), cache) == target) or\
(j < h-1 and cache_get(image, (i,j+1), cache) == target):
upset[j] = 1
for key in upset:
image.putpixel((i, key), target)
print("vert expand ", time.time()-t_time)
return image
def expand_horizontal(img, bg_color, target_color):
def cache_get(img, xy, cache):
if xy not in cache:
cache[xy] = img.getpixel(xy)
return cache[xy]
t_time = time.time()
bg = color_hex_to_byte(bg_color)[:3]
target = color_hex_to_byte(target_color)[:3]
w = img.width
h = img.height
image = img.convert("RGB")
w_range = list()
for i in range(w):
sec = image.crop((i, 0, i+1, h)).getcolors()
for num, color in sec:
if color == target:
if i > 0:
if i < w-1:
w_range = list(set(w_range))
for j in range(h):
sec = image.crop((0,j, h, j+1)).getcolors()
for num, color in sec:
if color == target:
upset = dict()
cache = dict()
for i in w_range:
pix = cache_get(image, (i,j), cache)#.getpixel((i,j))
if pix == bg:
if (i > 0 and cache_get(image,(i-1,j), cache) == target) or\
(i < w-1 and cache_get(image, (i+1,j), cache) == target):
upset[i] = 1
for key in upset:
image.putpixel((key, j), target)
print("horizontal expand ", time.time()-t_time)
return image
def draw_solid_box(image, color, bb):
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
byte_color = color_hex_to_byte(color)
draw.rectangle([bb['x1'], bb['y1'], bb['x2'], bb['y2']],
return image
def fix_neg_width_height(bb):
if bb['w'] < 0:
new_x = bb['x']+bb['w']
new_w = -1*bb['w']
bb['x'] = new_x
bb['w'] = new_w
if bb['h'] < 0:
new_y = bb['y']+bb['h']
new_h = -1*bb['h']
bb['y'] = new_y
bb['h'] = new_h
return bb

image_util.pyc Normal file

Binary file not shown.

58 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
-9 pirate fight: 7,8,9 not seen.
-castle being recorded at second town
-wall at second tile being read as wall but is not obstruction.
-parse ship, airship.
!DONE!-bat issues
??-dwarf issues
!DONE!-map screen (b+select)
!DONE!-get working with accessibility mode.
!DONE!-bridge scene.
!DONE!-fix issue with tiles above persons not being detected correctly.
!DONE!-fix map desc when moving.
!DONE!-black wall issue (north wall)
!DONE!-temple of fiends door.
!DONE!-temple of fiends stairs up tile
!DONE!-remove redunant specials
!DONE!-other castles
!DONE!-other ruins
!DONE!-battle magic issue
!DONE!-fix enemy names pronoucing
!DONE!-eg: GrOgre
!DONE!-battle item use.
!DONE!-battle enemy characters.
!DONE!-battle pause option.
!DONE!-player menu
!DONE!-item menu
!DONE!-magic menu
!DONE!-weapon menu
!DONE!-armor menu
!DONE!-status menu
!DONE!-change order menu.
-Add in screen identifier:
-get some screen elements.
-basic menus
!DONE!-look for "box" at the top.
-main menu: look for orbs
-item: look for item window at top
-magic: Look for L1/L2/etc.
-weapon: ...
-armor: ...
-status: ...
-get enemies by sprites.
-finish main screen
-tileset parsing
-spriteset parsing
-screen text box
-general screen obstruction mapping.
-work on spriteset algorithm.

readme.txt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
-In a separate window, start the package by running
-Set ai service mode to narrator mode, and set ai service url as http://localhost:4404/
-Make sure pause toggle is off
-When you start the game, press the ai service button to start automatically calling the package continuously.
-Pressing the ai service button again will stop the currently speaking text, and doing it twice will toggle it off (if it doesn't then it's a bug). If the package stops working, you can try restarting it, and the pressing the ai service button a few times to toggle it off and on again.
-Depending on the screen, the package will output differently:
-On map screens (overworld, in towns, in caves, etc.) it will say what is to the west, north, east, and south of you, granted that it's either an obstruction (like a wall), or is somehow special (eg: a person, or a path). If there's nothing around you, it will say "None."
-If you pause RetroArch here, it will say the direction, distance, and neighboring tile for the four directions (eg: "west 1 grass, north 1 door, east None grass, south 2 path"). Distance means how many tiles you can walk in that direction, with "None" meaning there are no obstructions in that direction for the entire current screen (around 7 tiles). After the directions are done it may then say "special" to indicate special tiles on the current screen (for example, people sprites, shops, towns, ports, caves, etc.). It will list the special things on screen in the form of "object x y" where x and y are the coordinates it is located at. For instance "weapon shop 2 3" means there is a weapon shop icon at 2 tiles east and 3 tiles up, whereas "old man -4 -1" means there is an old man character at 4 tiles west and one tile south.
-Some NPCs can move around on screen, which makes tracking them down harder. While they are moving, they won't be picked up by the package, and if they are next to you and moving, then it will report that tile as "unknown".
-Bats are a bit difficult to detect, but are mainly useless npcs. On some maps they will be incorrectly seen when they are not there.
-On menu screens (for example, character selection, player menus, shops, etc.), it will output the text on the screen and the currently selected menu item. When the menu selection changes, it will only read out the new menu item. If new text is shown, it will only read out the newly changed text. When on a menu, be sure to try moving left/right as well as up/down. For example, during a battle, the "Run" option is to the right of the usual "Fight", "Magic", etc. options.
-During battle, it will read out the enemy list at the start of each characters turn (for example: "3 imp Tom Fight", which indicates there are 3 imps, it's Tom's turn, and the current menu selection is on "Fight"). When selecting an enemy to fight, it will say what the currently selected enemy is, and it's position number (for example: "wolf 2").
-Pausing during battle will show the health of your characters.
-Sometimes between certain actions an incorrect state will be read out, since the service is being call continously very quickyly.
-There is also an AI Menu option. This is mainly meant to handle path-finding in towns and dungeons. To use it, pause the emulation, and then hold the start button. Once the current text has stopped being spoken, it will then say "AI Menu: go to 1:" followed by something on the current screen. To cycle through the available options, you can hold either the a or b buttons. Once you've found something to go to, you can hold the start button. It will say "Going to ..." and will then unpause the game and go to the special object on the screen. In the case of people, it will also talk to them once it's moved next to them. If you're in the AI Menu, you can unpause RetroArch to exit out to the regular mode. If you're currently moving towards an object and wish to stop, you can go into the player menu by pressing start and exiting again. Note that if two objects of the same type are on the screen (for instance, two guards), then the AI will find the path to the closest one.
-Other Tips:
-Again, be sure to test both up-down and left-right movement when in a menu. Options like running away during a battle requires a right press.
-When a character attacks an enemy that has already been killed during the current turn, the game will say the attack is "ineffective." This is different from most other Final Fantasy games.
-Be sure to equip weapons and armor you buy.
-Buy spells for your mages.
-The package should work up to the point where you get the boat.
-The world map screen can help you navigate the overworld. By holding B and pressing SELECT, it will bring up the game map. The package will then read out your current location as coordinates (eg: 150, 101) and then read out any special places nearby your location relative to your position (eg: "Temple of fiends: -20, 38)". Note that while it will read out a location nearby, it may not be possible to go there because of obstacles in the way.
-Navigating dungeons may be difficult. Leveling up, using save states, and patience may help.

4 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
pip install pillow
pip install accessible_output2

2364 Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

test.pyc Normal file

Binary file not shown.

112 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
import json
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from http.server import HTTPServer, BaseHTTPRequestHandler
from image_util import load_image
import unittest
import time
import os
import base64
po = test.PackageOutput("ff1_data.lud", "enemy_lookup.dat")
auto_obj =
def text_to_sound(string):
string = string.replace("\"", "'")
os.system("espeak \""+string+"\" --stdout > wave_out.wav")
data = base64.b64encode(open("wave_out.wav").read())
return data
class MainHandler(BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
def do_GET(self):
self.send_header("Content-type", "text/html")
def do_POST(self):
query = urlparse.urlparse(self.path).query
if query.strip():
query_components = dict(qc.split("=") for qc in query.split("&"))
query_components = {}
content_length = int(self.headers.getheader('content-length', 0))
data =;
doc = json.loads(data)
output = query_components.get("output","")
outputs = dict()
for value in output.split(","):
if value in ['sound', 'wav']:
outputs['sound'] = value
elif value in ['image', 'png-a', 'png']:
outputs['image'] = value
elif value in ['text']:
outputs['text'] = value
t_time = time.time()
strings = ""
presses = list()
if doc.get("image"):
im = load_image(doc['image'])
state = doc.get('state', {})
t_time = time.time()
strings, presses =, state)
print('aaa', time.time()-t_time)
words = " ".join(strings).replace(">", " ").split(" ")
nw = list()
for idx, word in enumerate(words):
if word.replace("G", "").replace("P", "").replace("O", "0").replace("o", "0").replace("DMG","").isdigit():
if len(words) > idx+1 and words[idx+1]=="to:":
nw.append(word.replace("O", "0").replace("o", "0"))
strings = " ".join(nw)
res = {"auto": "auto"}
if strings:
for key in outputs:
if key == 'text':
res['text'] = strings
elif key == 'sound':
res['sound'] = text_to_sound(strings)
elif key == 'image':
#res['text'] = strings
# res['error'] = "No text found."
res['press'] = ",".join(presses)
self.send_header("Content-type", "text/html")
output = json.dumps(res)
print(len(output), time.time()-t_time)
self.send_header("Content-Length", len(output))
def main():
host = "localhost"
port = 4404
server_class = BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer
httpd = server_class((host, port), MainHandler)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
if __name__=='__main__':

text0.png Normal file

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text2.png Normal file

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text3.png Normal file

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text4.png Normal file

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text5.png Normal file

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text6.png Normal file

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world.png Normal file

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world_basic_mask.png Normal file

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world_mask.png Normal file

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