Add 'Arch Linux'

storm 2023-01-21 20:47:54 -05:00
parent c07b42afe0
commit cd428dda73

75 Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
## Multilib
If you are on an x86_64 machine you will need to make sure multilib is enabled. To find out if your computer is x86_64, run the following command. Note that commands with a $ before them can be ran as your normal user while commands with a # before them must be ran as root most likely with sudo.
uname -m
If your computer is x86_64, edit your /etc/pacman.conf file as root and uncomment the multilib repository. Note that there are both multilib and multilib testing repositories, you want just multilib, and not the testing repository.
## MTRepo
While some of the required packages are available in the AUR, you can get pre-built binaries from Lilmike's repository. To add his repository, first add his key:
# pacman-key --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 79BC390E8864CD71305D4DD606CD2197A6EE5ED7 2B0FD5A71D02C1D02E287009EA268C38ED9923CF
# pacman-key --lsign 79BC390E8864CD71305D4DD606CD2197A6EE5ED7 2B0FD5A71D02C1D02E287009EA268C38ED9923CF
Next, edit your /etc/pacman.conf and at the bottom of the file add the following three lines:
SigLevel = Required
Server =$arch
Before installing packages, make sure repositories are all updated with the command:
# pacman -Syy
## Packages
here is a list of packages required for both audiogame-manager and games installed by it to work optimally.
- dialog
- cabextract
- gawk
- dos2unix
- unzip
- w3m
- wget
- wine
- winetricks
- wine_gecko
- wine-mono
- sdl2
- ncurses
- mpg123
- libpulse
- libpng
- libjpeg-turbo
- gnutls
- alsa-plugins
- alsa-lib
- mesa
- openal
- xz
- gst-plugins-bad
- gst-plugins-good
- gst-plugins-ugly
- gst-libav
- p7zip
In addition, if you are on an x86_64 machine, you will need the following:
- lib32-sdl2
- lib32-ncurses
- lib32-mpg123
- lib32-libpulse
- lib32-libpng
- lib32-libjpeg-turbo
- lib32-gnutls
- lib32-alsa-plugins
- lib32-alsa-lib
- lib32-mesa
- lib32-openal
- lib32-gst-plugins-good
- lib32-gst-plugins-bad
- lib32-gst-plugins-ugly
- lib32-gst-libav