Added instructions for manually building lib32-chromaprint and lib32-ffmpeg.

stormdragon2976 2023-02-09 23:35:56 -05:00
parent 60b0778329
commit 5dcf1f585b

@ -48,7 +48,59 @@ here is a list of packages required for both audiogame-manager and games install
- unrar - unrar
- xclip - xclip
In addition, if you are on an x86_64 machine, you will need the following: In addition, if you are on an x86_64 machine, you will need the following packages. but first, a note about lib32-ffmpeg and lib32-chromaprint.
## lib32-ffmpeg and lib32-chromaprint
These packages both fail for some people. If that happens, some of the older games especially and some of the newer ones will not work or at the very least will not have sound. Since these are audio games, not having sound is pretty much synonymous with not working.
To fix this problem, compile the packages by hand, with makepkg. First use yay -G to grab the PKGBUILDs.
yay -G lib32-ffmpeg lib32-chromaprint
Next, build lib32-chromaprint:
cd lib32-chromaprint
Edit the PKGBUILD and change this line:
So that it reads:
Delete the next line, it starts with -DGTEST_SOURCE_DIR. Also, delete the check() function. It is 6 lines long. After that, run makepkg:
makepkg -si
If it complains about missing packages, install them with yay and try makepkg again.
Next, change to the lib32-ffmpeg directory:
cd ../lib32-ffmpeg
edit the PKGBUILD for lib32-ffmpeg. Find the line that reads:
and change it to:
Run makepkg:
makepkg -si
If it complains about missing packages, install them with yay and try makepkg again.
Note that you can delete the lib32-chromaprint and lib32-ffmpeg directories after the packages have installed. If you are doing updates and see these packages available, you may need to update them manually following the instructions above.
## lib32 package requirements
- lib32-sdl2 - lib32-sdl2
- lib32-ncurses - lib32-ncurses