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<header id="title-block-header">
<h1 class="title">Welcome to I38</h1>
<h1 id="welcome-to-i38---accessible-i3-window-manager">Welcome to I38 -
Accessible i3 Window Manager</h1>
<p><strong>Note:</strong> This help guide has been tailored to your
specific configuration. Youve chosen <strong>BROWSER</strong> as your
web browser, <strong>MODKEY</strong> as your mod key, and youre using
the <strong>SCREENREADER</strong> screen reader.</p>
<h2 id="introduction-to-i38">Introduction to I38</h2>
<p>I38 is a configuration for the i3 window manager that makes it more
accessible for blind people. It features audio feedback, screen reader
integration, and keyboard shortcuts designed for non-visual
<p>Unlike traditional desktop environments like GNOME or MATE, i3 is a
tiling window manager, which means windows are arranged in a
non-overlapping layout. This can be more efficient to navigate by
keyboard, as windows are organized in a predictable structure.</p>
<h3 id="coming-from-gnome-or-mate">Coming from GNOME or MATE?</h3>
<p>If youre transitioning from GNOME or MATE, here are some key
differences to understand:</p>
<li><strong>Window Management</strong>: In GNOME/MATE, windows can
overlap freely and are typically manipulated with a mouse. In i3/I38,
windows tile automatically and are primarily controlled with keyboard
<li><strong>Panels and Indicators</strong>: Instead of persistent panels
with menus and indicators, I38 uses keyboard shortcuts to access
<li><strong>Workspace Navigation</strong>: While GNOME/MATE have
workspaces that you can switch between, I38s workspaces are more
central to the workflow and are accessed via dedicated keyboard
<li><strong>Application Launching</strong>: Rather than using a start
menu or activities overview, I38 provides keyboard shortcuts for
launching applications.</li>
<p>I38 has been configured to make this transition easier by providing a
tabbed layout (similar to browser tabs) and shortcuts that may feel
somewhat familiar.</p>
<h2 id="basic-concepts">Basic Concepts</h2>
<h3 id="workspaces">Workspaces</h3>
<p>Workspaces act like virtual desktops, allowing you to organize
applications. You have 10 workspaces available.</p>
<li>Switch to workspace: <code>Control</code> + <code>F1</code> through
<li>Move window to workspace: <code>Control</code> + <code>Shift</code>
+ <code>F1</code> through <code>F10</code></li>
<p><em>GNOME/MATE comparison:</em> Similar to workspaces in GNOME/MATE,
but with dedicated keyboard shortcuts rather than overview modes or
workspace switchers.</p>
<h3 id="window-management">Window Management</h3>
<p>Windows in I38 are arranged in a tabbed layout by default, which
means windows take up the entire screen and you can switch between them
like browser tabs.</p>
<li>Switch between windows: <code>Alt</code> + <code>Tab</code> (next)
or <code>Alt</code> + <code>Shift</code> + <code>Tab</code>
<li>Launch terminal: <code>MODKEY</code> + <code>Return</code></li>
<li>Close window: <code>MODKEY</code> + <code>F4</code></li>
<li>Toggle fullscreen: <code>MODKEY</code> + <code>BackSpace</code></li>
<li>List windows in current workspace: <code>RATPOISONKEY</code> then
<code>'</code> (apostrophe)</li>
<p><em>GNOME/MATE comparison:</em> Alt+Tab works similarly to
GNOME/MATE, but window placement is automatic rather than manual.</p>
<h2 id="modes-in-i38">Modes in I38</h2>
<h3 id="default-mode">Default Mode</h3>
<p>This is the standard mode for working with applications. Most
commands start with your mod key (<code>MODKEY</code>).</p>
<h3 id="ratpoison-mode">Ratpoison Mode</h3>
<p>Ratpoison mode allows quick access to common actions using shorter
key combinations. To enter Ratpoison mode, press
<code>RATPOISONKEY</code>. After pressing this key, you can execute
commands with single keystrokes.</p>
<p>Common Ratpoison mode commands:</p>
<col style="width: 38%" />
<col style="width: 61%" />
<td>Launch a terminal</td>
<td>Open text editor (TEXTEDITOR)</td>
<td>Launch web browser (BROWSER)</td>
<td>Kill (close) the current window</td>
<td>Show I38 help</td>
<td><code>Escape</code> or <code>Control</code> + <code>g</code></td>
<td>Exit Ratpoison mode without taking action</td>
<td><code>Shift</code> + <code>c</code></td>
<td>Restart Cthulhu screen reader</td>
<td><code>Shift</code> + <code>o</code></td>
<td>Restart Orca screen reader</td>
<td><code>Shift</code> + <code>t</code></td>
<td>Toggle screen reader</td>
<td><code>Control</code> + <code>;</code></td>
<td>Reload I38 configuration</td>
<td><code>Control</code> + <code>q</code></td>
<td>Exit i3 (log out)</td>
<td>Open run dialog</td>
<td><code>Alt</code> + <code>b</code></td>
<td>Check battery status</td>
<td>Check game controller status</td>
<p><em>GNOME/MATE comparison:</em> This mode has no direct equivalent in
GNOME/MATE. Think of it as a command palette or quick launcher activated
by a single key.</p>
<h3 id="bypass-mode">Bypass Mode</h3>
<p>Bypass mode passes all keys directly to the application, which is
useful for applications that need many keyboard shortcuts. To enter
bypass mode, press <code>MODKEY</code> + <code>Shift</code> +
<code>BackSpace</code>. Use the same key combination to exit bypass
<p><em>GNOME/MATE comparison:</em> In GNOME/MATE, applications always
receive keyboard input directly. Bypass mode simulates this behavior
within i3.</p>
<h2 id="accessibility-features">Accessibility Features</h2>
<h3 id="screen-reader">Screen Reader</h3>
<p>I38 is configured to work with your screen reader (SCREENREADER). The
screen reader will provide spoken feedback about whats happening on
screen so long as there is a window. If you dont have a window open and
need to change something SCREENREADER related, press Control+Alt+d to
bring up the desktop, then screen reader keys should work.</p>
<li>Toggle screen reader: <code>RATPOISONKEY</code> then
<code>Shift</code> + <code>t</code></li>
<li>Restart screen reader: <code>RATPOISONKEY</code> then
<code>Shift</code> + <code>o</code> (for Orca) or <code>Shift</code> +
<code>c</code> (for Cthulhu)</li>
<li>Interrupt speech: <code>MODKEY</code> + <code>Shift</code> +
<p><em>GNOME/MATE comparison:</em> GNOME uses Orca by default with its
own keyboard shortcuts. I38 integrates screen readers more deeply with
the window manager.</p>
<h3 id="braille-display-support">Braille Display Support</h3>
<p>If youve enabled braille display support during setup, I38 will
start XBrlAPI automatically to provide braille output from your screen
<h3 id="ocr-optical-character-recognition">OCR (Optical Character
<p>If installed, you can use OCR to read text from images or
inaccessible applications:</p>
<li><code>MODKEY</code> + <code>F5</code>: Perform OCR on the entire
screen and speak the content</li>
<li>In Ratpoison mode: <code>Print</code> or <code>MODKEY</code> +
<code>r</code>: Perform OCR and save to clipboard</li>
<p><em>GNOME/MATE comparison:</em> OCR features are typically not
integrated into GNOME/MATE by default.</p>
<h3 id="sound-effects">Sound Effects</h3>
<p>I38 provides audio feedback for many actions:</p>
<li>Window open/close: Ascending/descending tones</li>
<li>Mode changes: Distinctive sounds for each mode</li>
<li>Workspace changes: Subtle audio cues</li>
<li>Fullscreen toggle: Special sound effect</li>
<p>This audio feedback provides non-visual confirmation of actions and
state changes.</p>
<p><em>GNOME/MATE comparison:</em> GNOME/MATE typically have fewer sound
effects for window management actions.</p>
<h2 id="application-menu-and-running-programs">Application Menu and
Running Programs</h2>
<p>Access applications in multiple ways:</p>
<li>Applications menu: <code>MODKEY</code> + <code>F1</code></li>
<li>Run dialog (enter a command): <code>MODKEY</code> + <code>F2</code>
or in Ratpoison mode, <code>!</code> (exclamation mark)</li>
<li>Common applications have dedicated shortcuts in Ratpoison mode (see
table above)</li>
<p>The applications menu is organized by categories similar to
traditional desktop environments.</p>
<p><em>GNOME/MATE comparison:</em> Instead of clicking on application
icons or using a start menu, I38 provides keyboard shortcuts to access
<h2 id="reminders-and-notifications">Reminders and Notifications</h2>
<p>I38 includes integration with the <code>remind</code> program for
managing reminders:</p>
<li>Access the reminder tool: <code>RATPOISONKEY</code> then
<li>Create various types of reminders (one-time, daily, weekly,
<li>Get notification alerts for your reminders</li>
<p>The reminder tool provides the following features:</p>
<li><strong>One-time Reminders</strong>: Set for a specific date and
<li><strong>Daily Reminders</strong>: Occur every day at the specified
<li><strong>Weekly Reminders</strong>: Occur on specific days of the
<li><strong>Monthly Reminders</strong>: Occur on a specific day each
month or the last day of each month</li>
<li><strong>Custom Reminders</strong>: Create complex reminder
<p><em>GNOME/MATE comparison:</em> Similar to calendar applications in
GNOME/MATE but with a simplified interface optimized for keyboard
<h2 id="volume-and-media-controls">Volume and Media Controls</h2>
<h3 id="system-volume">System Volume</h3>
<li>Increase volume: <code>MODKEY</code> +
<li>Decrease volume: <code>MODKEY</code> +
<li>Mute/unmute: <code>MODKEY</code> + <code>XF86AudioMute</code></li>
<h3 id="media-player-controls">Media Player Controls</h3>
<li>Play/Pause: <code>XF86AudioPlay</code></li>
<li>Next track: <code>XF86AudioNext</code></li>
<li>Previous track: <code>XF86AudioPrev</code></li>
<li>Stop: <code>XF86AudioStop</code></li>
<li>Media info: <code>MODKEY</code> + <code>XF86AudioPlay</code></li>
<p>In Ratpoison mode, these are also available with Alt+Shift
<li>Increase volume: <code>Alt</code> + <code>Shift</code> +
<li>Decrease volume: <code>Alt</code> + <code>Shift</code> +
<li>Previous track: <code>Alt</code> + <code>Shift</code> +
<li>Pause: <code>Alt</code> + <code>Shift</code> + <code>c</code></li>
<li>Play: <code>Alt</code> + <code>Shift</code> + <code>x</code></li>
<li>Stop: <code>Alt</code> + <code>Shift</code> + <code>v</code></li>
<li>Next track: <code>Alt</code> + <code>Shift</code> +
<li>Media info: <code>Alt</code> + <code>Shift</code> +
<p><em>GNOME/MATE comparison:</em> Media controls are similar to those
in GNOME/MATE, with the addition of audio feedback.</p>
<h2 id="file-management">File Management</h2>
<p>I38 uses FILEBROWSER for file management. Launch it in Ratpoison mode
with the <code>f</code> key.</p>
<p><em>GNOME/MATE comparison:</em> Similar functionality to Nautilus
(GNOME) or Caja (MATE), but launched via keyboard shortcut rather than
from a desktop icon or menu.</p>
<h2 id="system-operations">System Operations</h2>
<li>Reload I38 configuration: In Ratpoison mode, <code>Control</code> +
<code>;</code> (semicolon)</li>
<li>Exit i3 (log out): In Ratpoison mode, <code>Control</code> +
<li>Check battery status: In Ratpoison mode, <code>Alt</code> +
<li>Check game controller status: In Ratpoison mode, <code>g</code></li>
<li>Adjust screen brightness (if xrandr is available): In Ratpoison
mode, <code>Alt</code> + <code>s</code></li>
<p><em>GNOME/MATE comparison:</em> These functions are typically
available through system menus or indicators in GNOME/MATE.</p>
<h2 id="keyboard-layouts">Keyboard Layouts</h2>
<p>Switch between layouts: <code>Super</code> + <code>Space</code></p>
<p>This is only available if you chose multiple keyboard layouts during
<p><em>GNOME/MATE comparison:</em> Similar to keyboard layout switching
in GNOME/MATE, but with a different default shortcut.</p>
<h2 id="desktop-and-window-decorations">Desktop and Window
<p>Unlike GNOME or MATE, i3 uses minimal window decorations. Windows
dont have title bars with minimize/maximize buttons. Instead, windows
fill their available space automatically, and interactions are performed
through keyboard shortcuts.</p>
<li>Show desktop icons: <code>MODKEY</code> + <code>Control</code> +
<h2 id="clipboard-management">Clipboard Management</h2>
<p>I38 includes clipboard management features:</p>
<li>Access clipboard history: <code>MODKEY</code> + <code>Control</code>
+ <code>c</code></li>
<h2 id="bookmark-management">Bookmark Management</h2>
<li>Access bookmarks: <code>MODKEY</code> + <code>Control</code> +
<p><em>GNOME/MATE comparison:</em> Bookmarks are typically managed
within applications in GNOME/MATE. I38 provides a system-wide bookmark
<h2 id="tips-for-new-users">Tips for New Users</h2>
<li><strong>Start with Ratpoison mode</strong>: Learn the single-key
commands first, as theyre easier to remember.</li>
<li><strong>Use the window list</strong>: When youre lost, use
<code>RATPOISONKEY</code> then <code>'</code> to show all windows in the
current workspace.</li>
<li><strong>Bookmark important websites</strong>: Use
<code>MODKEY</code> + <code>Control</code> + <code>b</code> to access
<li><strong>Remember the help shortcut</strong>: <code>MODKEY</code> +
<code>Shift</code> + <code>F1</code> is your friend when you need
<li><strong>Let the sound effects guide you</strong>: Pay attention to
the audio cues to understand whats happening.</li>
<li><strong>Take advantage of OCR</strong>: If an application isnt
accessible, try the OCR function.</li>
<h3 id="transitioning-from-gnomemate">Transitioning from GNOME/MATE</h3>
<li>Start by learning the basic navigation shortcuts before exploring
advanced features</li>
<li>The tabbed layout should feel somewhat familiar if youre used to
browser tabs</li>
<li>Alt+Tab works similarly to GNOME/MATE for switching between
<li>Focus on keyboard commands rather than looking for visual elements
like panels or docks</li>
<h2 id="customization">Customization</h2>
<p>You can customize I38 by editing the file
<code>~/.config/i3/customizations</code>. This file will not be
overwritten when you update I38.</p>
<p>Example customizations:</p>
<pre><code># Change background color
exec_always --no-startup-id xsetroot -solid &quot;#2E3440&quot;
# Add custom keybinding
bindsym $mod+F12 exec --no-startup-id pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ 100%</code></pre>
<p>To reconfigure I38 completely, run the <code>i38.sh</code> script
<p><em>GNOME/MATE comparison:</em> Much more text-based configuration
compared to the graphical settings dialogs in GNOME/MATE.</p>
<h2 id="getting-help">Getting Help</h2>
<p>If you need assistance with I38, you can:</p>
<li>Press <code>MODKEY</code> + <code>Shift</code> + <code>F1</code> to
view the help documentation</li>
<li>Visit the Stormux website at <a
<li>Check the i3 documentation at <a
<hr />
<p><em>I38 - Making i3 accessible. A Stormux project. License: GPL