Saving progress. Will do more later.

This commit is contained in:
Storm Dragon 2022-11-22 21:52:20 -05:00
parent 587496b681
commit 965afb1783

View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ i3Path="${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/i3"
export DIALOGOPTS='--no-lines --visit-items' export DIALOGOPTS='--no-lines --visit-items'
# Check to make sure minimum requirements are installed. # Check to make sure minimum requirements are installed.
for i in dialog sgtk-menu yad ; do for i in dialog grun sgtk-menu yad ; do
if ! command -v "$i" &> /dev/null ; then if ! command -v "$i" &> /dev/null ; then
missing+=("$i") missing+=("$i")
fi fi
@ -116,15 +116,6 @@ EOF
} }
if [ -z "$rc" ]; then
# Array of command line arguments # Array of command line arguments
declare -A command=( declare -A command=(
[h]="This help screen." [h]="This help screen."
@ -141,303 +132,140 @@ while getopts "${args}" i ; do
esac esac
done done
# Place holder. Configuration questions go here.
# Make sure rc variable is empty if [[ -d "${i3Path}" ]]; then
unset rc yesno "This will replace your existing configuration at ${i3Path}. Do you want to continue?" || exit 0
# Set path for helper scripts.
path="$(readlink -f $0)"
if ! command -v notify-send &> /dev/null ; then
timeOut="$(rangebox "Seconds for notifications:" 3 10 5)"
notify="yad --info --timeout $timeOut --no-buttons --title 'notification' --text"
add_setting "# Generated by strychnine (${0##*/})"$'\n'"# $(date '+%A, %B %d, %Y at %I:%M%p')"$'\n'$'\n'"# Miscellaneous"
add_setting startup_message off
add_setting set winname title
add_setting "set bgcolor #000000"
add_setting "set fgcolor #FFFFFF"
add_setting 'set font -*-terminus-medium-r-normal-*-24-*-*-*-*-*-*-*'
add_setting set waitcursor 1
add_setting banish
# Unbind existing keys that lead to inaccessible things like xterm or keys that user wants to change, or don't make sense for blind users:
add_setting $'\n'"# Unbind section"
add_setting unbind C-A
add_setting unbind A
add_setting unbind C-a
add_setting unbind a
add_setting unbind c
add_setting unbind C-c
add_setting unbind C-f
add_setting unbind F
add_setting unbind r
add_setting unbind C-r
add_setting unbind S
add_setting unbind C-S
add_setting unbind s
add_setting unbind C-s
add_setting unbind C-t
add_setting unbind C-v
add_setting unbind v
add_setting unbind C-w
add_setting unbind C-Down
add_setting unbind Down
add_setting unbind C-exclam
add_setting unbind exclam
add_setting unbind C-Left
add_setting unbind Left
add_setting unbind question
add_setting unbind C-Right
add_setting unbind Right
add_setting unbind C-Up
add_setting unbind Up
add_setting unbind C-apostrophe
add_setting unbind apostrophe
add_setting unbind colon
escapeKey="$(menulist "Ratpoison escape key:" C-t C-z -C-Escape M-Escape C-space Super_L Super_R)"
if [ "$escapeKey" != "C-t" ]; then
add_setting unbind t
fi fi
# Key binding section
add_setting $'\n'"# Key binding section"
# Key binding section
if [ "$escapeKey" != "C-t" ]; then
add_setting escape $escapeKey
add_setting "# Alt+f1 applications menu"
add_setting definekey top M-F1 exec yad --icons --compact --no-buttons --title=\"Ratpoison Applications Menu\" --close-on-unfocus --read-dir=/usr/share/applications
add_setting "# Alt+f2 executes the run dialog"
add_setting definekey top M-F2 run_dialog
add_setting "# Alt+f3 local applications menu"
add_setting definekey top M-F3 exec yad --icons --compact --no-buttons --title=\"Ratpoison Local Applications Menu\" --close-on-unfocus --read-dir=${HOME}/.local/share/applications
add_setting "# Control+Alt+d Desktop"
add_setting definekey top C-M-d exec yad --icons --compact --no-buttons --title=\"Ratpoison Desktop Menu\" --close-on-unfocus --read-dir=${HOME}/Desktop
add_setting "# Alt+tab switches through open windows"
add_setting definekey top M-Tab next
add_setting definekey top M-ISO_Left_Tab prev
add_setting definekey top M-F4 close_window
add_setting "# Media key bindings"
add_setting definekey top XF86AudioPrev music_player_previous_track
add_setting definekey top XF86AudioMute music_player_pause
add_setting definekey top XF86AudioPlay music_player_play
add_setting definekey top XF86AudioStop music_player_stop
add_setting definekey top XF86AudioNext music_player_next_track
add_setting definekey top XF86AudioLowerVolume music_player_decrease_volume
add_setting definekey top XF86AudioRaiseVolume music_player_increase_volume
add_alias alias close_window exec ratpoison -c 'delete'
if command -v ocrdesktop &> /dev/null ; then
add_setting definekey top Print exec $(command -v ocrdesktop) -d
add_setting bind exclam run_dialog
add_alias alias ratpoison_keybindings exec 'f=$(mktemp);ratpoison -c "help root" > $f && yad --text-info --show-cursor --title "Ratpoison Keybindings" --button "Close:0" --filename "$f";rm "$f"'
add_setting bind question ratpoison_keybindings
# Figure out which terminal emulator to use:
unset programList
for i in gnome-terminal lxterminal mate-terminal terminator tilda xfce4-terminal; do
if hash ${i/#-/} &> /dev/null ; then
if [ -n "$programList" ]; then
programList="$programList $i"
if [ -z "$programList" ]; then
die "No terminal emulator found, please install one of lxterminal mate-terminal terminator, or xfce4-terminal."
if [ "$programList" != "${programList// /}" ]; then
terminal="$(menulist "Terminal emulator:" $programList)"
# Configure file browser
unset programList
for i in caja nemo nautilus pcmanfm pcmanfm-qt thunar ; do
if hash ${i/#-/} &> /dev/null ; then
if [ -n "$programList" ]; then
programList="$programList $i"
if [ "$programList" != "${programList// /}" ]; then
fileBrowser="$(menulist "File browser:" $programList)"
if [ -n "$fileBrowser" ]; then
fileBrowser="$(command -v $fileBrowser)"
add_setting bind f exec $fileBrowser
# Configure web browser
unset programList
for i in brave chromium epiphany firefox google-chrome-stable midori seamonkey ; do
if hash ${i/#-/} &> /dev/null ; then
if [ -n "$programList" ]; then
programList="$programList $i"
if [ "$programList" != "${programList// /}" ]; then
webBrowser="$(menulist "Web browser:" $programList)"
if [ -n "$webBrowser" ]; then
webBrowser="$(command -v $webBrowser)"
add_setting bind w exec $webBrowser
add_setting bind W exec $webBrowser '$(ratpoison -c getsel) # Open selected URI in web browser'
# Configure text editor
unset programList
for i in geany gedit kate kwrite l3afpad leafpad libreoffice mousepad pluma ; do
if hash ${i/#-/} &> /dev/null ; then
if [ -n "$programList" ]; then
programList="$programList $i"
if [ "$programList" != "${programList// /}" ]; then
textEditor="$(menulist "Text editor:" $programList)"
if [ -n "$textEditor" ]; then
add_setting bind e exec $textEditor
if hash gasher &> /dev/null ; then
add_setting bind g exec EDITOR="$textEditor" gasher -p '# Post to GNU Social with Gasher'
if hash mumble &> /dev/null ; then
add_setting bind m exec /usr/bin/mumble
if command -v pidgin &> /dev/null ; then
add_setting bind p exec $(command -v pidgin)
if command -v talking-clock &> /dev/null ; then
add_setting bind M-t exec $(command -v talking-clock) '-c'
add_setting bind c exec /usr/bin/$terminal
add_setting bind C-c exec /usr/bin/$terminal
add_setting "# Music player bindings:" # Create the i3 configuration directory.
add_alias "alias music_player_previous_track exec playerctl previous && $notify \"\$(playerctl metadata -f '"{{title}}" by "{{artist}}"')\"" mkdir -p "${i3Path}"
add_alias "alias music_player_play exec playerctl play && $notify \"\$(playerctl metadata -f '"{{title}}" by "{{artist}}"')\"" # Move scripts into place
add_alias "alias music_player_pause exec playerctl play-pause && $notify \"\$(playerctl metadata -f '"{{title}}" by "{{artist}}" {{status}}')\"" cp -rv scripts/ "${i3Path}/scripts"
add_alias "alias music_player_stop exec playerctl stop"
add_alias "alias music_player_next_track exec playerctl next && $notify \"\$(playerctl metadata -f '"{{title}}" by "{{artist}}"')\""
add_alias "alias music_player_decrease_volume exec playerctl volume 0.5-"
add_alias "alias music_player_increase_volume exec playerctl volume 0.5+"
add_alias "alias music_player_show_info exec $notify \"\$(playerctl metadata -f '"{{title}}" by "{{artist}}" from "{{album}}" via {{playerName}}')\""
add_setting "bind M-Z music_player_previous_track"
add_setting "bind M-X music_player_play"
add_setting "bind M-C music_player_pause"
add_setting "bind M-V music_player_stop"
add_setting "bind M-B music_player_next_track"
add_setting "bind M-underscore music_player_decrease_volume"
add_setting "bind M-plus music_player_increase_volume"
add_setting "bind M-U music_player_show_info"
add_alias 'alias run_dialog exec historyPath="${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/strychnine";if ! [ -d "$historyPath" ]; then mkdir -p "$historyPath";fi;write_history(){ oldHistory="$(grep -v "$txt" "$historyPath/history" | head -n 49)";echo -e "$txt\n$oldHistory" | sed '"'s/^$//g'"' > "$historyPath/history"; };if [ -f "$historyPath/history" ]; then txt=$(yad --entry --editable --title "Ratpoison" --text "Execute program or enter file" --button "Open:0" --separator "\n" --rest "$historyPath/history");else txt=$(yad --entry --title "Ratpoison" --text "Execute program or enter file" --button "Open:0");fi;if [ -z "$txt" ]; then exit 0;fi;if [[ "$txt" =~ ^ftp://|http://|https://|www.* ]]; then '"$webBrowser"' $txt;write_history;exit 0;fi;if [[ "$txt" =~ ^mailto://.* ]]; then xdg-email $txt;write_history;exit 0;fi;if [[ "$txt" =~ ^man://.* ]]; then eval "${txt/:\/\// }" | yad --text-info --show-cursor --button "Close:0" --title "Ratpoison" -;write_history;exit 0;fi;if command -v "$(echo "$txt" | cut -d " " -f1)" &> /dev/null ; then eval $txt& else xdg-open $txt&fi;write_history;exit 0' cat << EOF > ${i3Path}/config
add_alias 'alias run_in_terminal_dialog exec c="$(yad --entry --title "Ratpoison" --text "Enter command:")" &&' /usr/bin/$terminal -e '$c' # Generated by I38 (${0##*/})
add_setting bind C-exclam run_in_terminal_dialog # $(date '+%A, %B %d, %Y at %I:%M%p')
add_alias alias set_window_name exec 't="$(yad --entry --title "Ratpoison" --text "Enter window name") && ratpoison -c "title $t"'
add_setting bind C-A set_window_name
add_setting bind A set_window_name
add_alias alias show_date exec "$notify" '"$(date +"%A, %B %d, %Y%n%I:%M%p")"'
add_setting bind C-a show_date
add_setting bind a show_date
add_setting bind C-t show_date
add_setting bind O exec /usr/bin/orca -r '# Restart Orca'
add_alias alias ratpoison_version exec "$notify" '"$(ratpoison -c "version")"'
add_setting bind C-v ratpoison_version
add_setting bind v ratpoison_version
add_alias alias window_menu exec 'ifs="$IFS";IFS=$'"'"\\n"'"';w="$(yad --list --title "Ratpoison" --text "Select Window" --column "Select" $(ratpoison -c "windows"))";IFS="$ifs";ratpoison -c "select ${w:0:1}"'
add_setting bind C-apostrophe window_menu
add_setting bind apostrophe window_menu
add_alias alias run_ratpoison_command exec 'c="$(yad --entry --title "Ratpoison" --text="Enter Ratpoison command:")" && ratpoison -c "$c"'
add_setting bind colon run_ratpoison_command
add_alias alias reload_ratpoison_configuration exec ratpoison -c "\"source $HOME/.ratpoisonrc\"&&$notify \"Ratpoison configuration reloaded\""
add_setting bind C-colon reload_ratpoison_configuration
add_setting bind C-M-r restart
add_setting bind C-M-q quit
# Sound for new window.
windowSound="$(yesno "Should new windows, and ratpoison keys make sounds?")"
#add_alias addhook switchwin speak_window_title
if [[ "$windowSound" == "yes" ]]; then
add_alias addhook newwindow announce_new_window
add_alias addhook key announce_top_level_key
add_alias alias announce_new_window exec bash -c $'\'excludedWindowNames="zenity";winName="$(ratpoison -c "info %t")";if ! [[ "$winName" =~ ^(${excludedWindowNames})$ ]]; then play -n synth .25 sin 440:880 sin 480:920 remix - norm -3 pitch -500;fi\''
add_alias alias announce_top_level_key exec 'play -qV0 "|sox -np synth .07 sq 400" "|sox -np synth .5 sq 800" fade h 0 .5 .5 norm -20'
#add_alias alias 'speak_window_title exec bash -c' "'"'windowName="$(ratpoison -c "info %t")";socketFile="$(find /tmp -maxdepth 1 -name "orca-*.sock")"; [[ -w "$socketFile" ]] && echo "$windowName" | socat - UNIX-CLIENT:"<#APPEND#>${socketFile}"'"'"
# Load user defined settings
if [[ -r ~/.ratpoison_customizations ]]; then
add_setting '# Load user defined settings'
add_setting "source ${HOME}/.ratpoison_customizations"
# Autostart section
add_setting $'\n'"# Autostart section" # i3 config file (v4)
if hash rpws &> /dev/null ; then #
workspaces="$(rangebox "Number of workspaces:" 1 8 4)" # Please see for a complete reference!
if [ $workspaces -gt 1 ]; then #
add_setting exec /usr/bin/rpws init $workspaces -a # This config file uses keycodes (bindsym) and was written for the QWERTY
for i in $(seq $workspaces) ; do # layout.
add_alias alias go_to_workspace_$i exec rpws $i #
add_alias alias move_current_application_to_workspace_$i rpwsm$i # To get a config file with the same key positions, but for your current
add_setting definekey top C-F$i go_to_workspace_$i # layout, use the i3-config-wizard
add_setting definekey top C-S-F$i move_current_application_to_workspace_$i #
fi # Font for window titles. Will also be used by the bar unless a different font
fi # is used in the bar {} block below.
if command -v transfersh &> /dev/null ; then font pango:monospace 8
add_setting bind u transfer_file
add_alias alias transfer_file 'exec fileName="$(yad --title "Strychnine Upload File" --file)" && url="$(transfersh "${fileName}" | tee >(yad --title "Strychnine - Uploading ${fileName##*/} ..." --progress --pulsate --no-buttons --auto-close))" && echo "${url#*saved at: }" | tee >(yad --title "Strychnine - Upload URL" --show-cursor --show-uri --button yad-close --sticky --text-info) >(xclip -selection clipboard)' # Start XDG autostart .desktop files using dex. See also
fi #
# Additional startup programs # exec --no-startup-id dex --autostart --environment i3
if [ -n "$(find /usr -type f -name 'notification-daemon' 2> /dev/null)" ] ; then
add_setting "exec $(find /usr -type f -name 'notification-daemon' 2> /dev/null)" # Startup applications
fi exec clipster -d
unset programs exec /usr/lib/notification-daemon-1.0/notification-daemon
brlapi="$(yesno "Do you want to use a braille display with Orca?")" exec orca
if [[ "$brlapi" == "yes" ]]; then
programs+=("$( command -v xbrlapi) --quiet") # Run dialog
fi bindsym Mod1+F2 exec grun
if command -v clipster &> /dev/null ; then
programs+=("$(command -v clipster) -d") # Clipboard manager
add_setting definekey top M-C-c exec clipster -s bindsym Mod1+Control+c exec clipster -s
echo "Enter any programs you want started automatically one per line. Press enter on a blank line when you are finished." | fold -s -w $(tput cols) # gtk bar
read -p "Enter program or enter when done: " -e programName bindsym Mod1+Control+Delete exec --no-startup-id sgtk-bar
while [[ -n "${programName}" ]]; do
programs+=("${programName}") # Use pactl to adjust volume in PulseAudio.
read -p "Enter program or enter when done: " -e programName set $refresh_i3status killall -SIGUSR1 i3status
done bindsym XF86AudioRaiseVolume exec --no-startup-id pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ +10% && $refresh_i3status
if [[ -n "$programs" ]]; then bindsym XF86AudioLowerVolume exec --no-startup-id pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ -10% && $refresh_i3status
for i in "${programs[@]}" ; do
add_setting exec "$i" # start a terminal
done bindsym Mod1+Return exec i3-sensible-terminal
add_setting exec 'if [ "$(gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.a11y.applications screen-reader-enabled)" != "true" ]; then gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.a11y.applications screen-reader-enabled true&&' "$notify \"QT5 accessibility enabled. You need to restart ratpoison for the changes to take affect.\""';fi' # kill focused window
add_setting exec /usr/bin/orca bindsym Mod1+F4 kill
if [ -f "$HOME/.ratpoisonrc" ]; then
continue="$(yesno "$HOME/.ratpoisonrc exists. Over write it?")" # Applications menu
if [ "$continue" = "no" ]; then bindsym Mod1+F1 exec --no-startup-id sgtk-menu -f
exit 0
fi # Desktop icons
fi bindsym Mod1+Control+d exec --no-startup-id yad --icons --compact --no-buttons --title="Desktop" --close-on-unfocus --read-dir=${HOME}/Desktop
echo "$rc" > $HOME/.ratpoisonrc
echo >> $HOME/.ratpoisonrc # change focus
echo "# Alias Section">> $HOME/.ratpoisonrc # alt+tab and shift tab
echo "$rpAlias" >> $HOME/.ratpoisonrc bindsym Mod1+Shift+Tab focus left
exit 0 bindsym Mod1+Tab focus right
# enter fullscreen mode for the focused container
bindsym Mod1+BackSpace fullscreen toggle
# focus the parent container
bindsym Mod1+a focus parent
# focus the child container
#bindsym Mod1+d focus child
# move the currently focused window to the scratchpad
bindsym Mod1+Shift+minus move scratchpad
# Show the next scratchpad window or hide the focused scratchpad window.
# If there are multiple scratchpad windows, this command cycles through them.
bindsym Mod1+minus scratchpad show
# Define names for default workspaces for which we configure key bindings later on.
# We use variables to avoid repeating the names in multiple places.
set \$ws1 "1"
set \$ws2 "2"
set \$ws3 "3"
set \$ws4 "4"
set \$ws5 "5"
set \$ws6 "6"
set \$ws7 "7"
set \$ws8 "8"
set \$ws9 "9"
set \$ws10 "10"
# switch to workspace
bindsym Control+F1 workspace number \$ws1
bindsym Control+F2 workspace number \$ws2
bindsym Control+F3 workspace number \$ws3
bindsym Control+F4 workspace number \$ws4
bindsym Control+F5 workspace number \$ws5
bindsym Control+F6 workspace number \$ws6
bindsym Control+F7 workspace number \$ws7
bindsym Control+F8 workspace number \$ws8
bindsym Control+F9 workspace number \$ws9
bindsym Control+F10 workspace number \$ws10
# move focused container to workspace
bindsym Control+Shift+F1 move container to workspace number \$ws1
bindsym Control+Shift+F2 move container to workspace number \$ws2
bindsym Control+Shift+F3 move container to workspace number \$ws3
bindsym Control+Shift+F4 move container to workspace number \$ws4
bindsym Control+Shift+F5 move container to workspace number \$ws5
bindsym Control+Shift+F6 move container to workspace number \$ws6
bindsym Control+Shift+F7 move container to workspace number \$ws7
bindsym Control+Shift+F8 move container to workspace number \$ws8
bindsym Control+Shift+F9 move container to workspace number \$ws9
bindsym Control+Shift+F10 move container to workspace number \$ws10
# reload the configuration file
bindsym Mod1+Shift+c reload
# restart i3 inplace (preserves your layout/session, can be used to upgrade i3)
bindsym Mod1+Shift+r restart
# exit i3 (logs you out of your X session)
bindsym Mod1+Shift+e exec "i3-nagbar -t warning -m 'You pressed the exit shortcut. Do you really want to exit i3? This will end your X session.' -B 'Yes, exit i3' 'i3-msg exit'"
# Start i3bar to display a workspace bar (plus the system information i3status
# finds out, if available)
bar {
status_command i3status