#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (c) 2024 Stormux # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this program; if not, write to the # Free Software Foundation, Inc., Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, # Boston MA 02110-1301 USA. # ======= Version Configuration ======= # Update version number here for new releases of Toby Doom Accessibility Mod # Example: 8.0 for version 8.0, 8.5 for version 8.5, etc TOBY_VERSION_NUMBER = 8.0 # DO NOT EDIT ANYTHING BELOW THIS LINE! # =================================== import configparser import json import sys import os import re import subprocess import time import platform import shutil import glob import threading from pathlib import Path from typing import Final, List, Dict, Optional, Tuple from setproctitle import setproctitle from PySide6.QtWidgets import (QApplication, QMainWindow, QWidget, QHBoxLayout, QVBoxLayout, QComboBox, QPushButton, QLabel, QSpinBox, QMessageBox, QLineEdit, QDialog, QDialogButtonBox, QRadioButton) from PySide6.QtCore import Qt, QTimer import webbrowser # Initialize speech provider based on platform if platform.system() == "Windows": # Set up DLL paths for Windows if getattr(sys, 'frozen', False): # If running as compiled executable dllPath = os.path.join(sys._MEIPASS, 'lib') if os.path.exists(dllPath): os.add_dll_directory(dllPath) # Also add the executable's directory os.add_dll_directory(os.path.dirname(sys.executable)) # Sound playback for audio manual on Windows # Initialize Windows speech provider try: import accessible_output2.outputs.auto s = accessible_output2.outputs.auto.Auto() speechProvider = "accessible_output2" except ImportError as e: print(f"Failed to initialize accessible_output2: {e}") sys.exit() else: # Linux/Mac path try: output = subprocess.check_output(["pgrep", "cthulhu"]) speechProvider = "cthulhu" except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, FileNotFoundError): try: import accessible_output2.outputs.auto s = accessible_output2.outputs.auto.Auto() speechProvider = "accessible_output2" except ImportError as e: try: import speechd spd = speechd.Client() speechProvider = "speechd" except ImportError: print("No speech providers found.") sys.exit() class AccessibleComboBox(QComboBox): """ComboBox with enhanced keyboard navigation""" def __init__(self, parent=None): super().__init__(parent) self.setEditable(True) self.lineEdit().setReadOnly(True) self.pageStep = 5 # Number of items to jump for page up/down def keyPressEvent(self, event): currentIndex = self.currentIndex() itemCount = self.count() if event.key() == Qt.Key_PageUp: newIndex = max(0, currentIndex - self.pageStep) self.setCurrentIndex(newIndex) elif event.key() == Qt.Key_PageDown: newIndex = min(itemCount - 1, currentIndex + self.pageStep) self.setCurrentIndex(newIndex) elif event.key() == Qt.Key_Home: self.setCurrentIndex(0) # Force update and focus events self.setFocus() self.currentIndexChanged.emit(0) self.activated.emit(0) elif event.key() == Qt.Key_End: lastIndex = itemCount - 1 self.setCurrentIndex(lastIndex) # Force update and focus events self.setFocus() self.currentIndexChanged.emit(lastIndex) self.activated.emit(lastIndex) else: super().keyPressEvent(event) class SpeechHandler: """Handles text-to-speech processing for game output""" # Class-level constants for patterns FILTER_PATTERNS = [ r'^----+$', r'^$', r'^[0-9]', r'^P_StartScript:', r'^(ALSA|Cannot|Facing |fluidsynth|INTRO|MAP[0-9]+|Music "|Unknown)', r'^(\[Toby Accessibility Mod\] )?READ.*', r'^ *TITLEMAP', r'^\[Toby Accessibility Mod\] (INTRO|READMe)([0-9]+).*', r'key card', r'^New PDA Entry:', r"^(As |Computer Voice:|Holy|I |I've|Monorail|Sector |Ugh|What|Where)", r'Script warning, "', r'Tried to define' ] TEXT_REPLACEMENTS = [ (r'^\[Toby Accessibility Mod\] M_', r'[Toby Accessibility Mod] '), (r'^\[Toby Accessibility Mod\] ', r''), (r'^MessageBoxMenu$', r'Confirmation menu: Press Y for yes or N for no'), (r'^Mainmenu$', r'Main menu'), (r'^Skillmenu$', r'Difficulty menu'), (r'^Episodemenu$', r'Episode menu'), (r'^Playerclassmenu$', r'Player class menu'), (r'^Loadmenu$', r'Load menu'), (r'^Savemenu$', r'Save menu'), (r'^Optionsmenu$', r'Options menu'), (r'([A-Z][a-z0-9]+)menu$', r'\1 menu'), (r'^NGAME$', r'New game'), (r'^(LOAD|SAVE|QUIT)G$', r'\1 game'), (r'"cl_run" = "true"', r'run'), (r'"cl_run" = "false"', r'walk'), (r'UAC', r'U A C'), (r'^JKILL', r"I'm too young to die"), (r'^ROUGH', r'Hey, not too rough'), (r'^HURT', r'Hurt me plenty'), (r'^ULTRA', r'Ultra-Violence'), (r'^\+', r''), (r' ?\*+ ?', r'') ] def __init__(self): """Initialize the speech handler""" self.platform = platform.system() # Compile all regex patterns once at initialization self.filterPatterns = [re.compile(pattern) for pattern in self.FILTER_PATTERNS] self.textReplacements = [(re.compile(pattern), repl) for pattern, repl in self.TEXT_REPLACEMENTS] def speak(self, text: str) -> None: """Speak text using available speech method""" if not text: return if speechProvider == "speechd": spd.cancel() spd.speak(text) elif speechProvider == "accessible_output2": s.speak(text, interrupt=True) else: # Cthulhu try: process = subprocess.Popen( ["socat", "-", "UNIX-CLIENT:/tmp/cthulhu.sock"], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True ) process.communicate(input=text) except Exception as e: print(f"Cthulhu error: {e}", file=sys.stderr) def process_line(self, line: str) -> Optional[str]: """Process a line of game output for speech""" # Skip empty lines if not line.strip(): return None # Check if line should be filtered out for pattern in self.filterPatterns: if pattern.search(line): return None # Apply replacements processedLine = line for pattern, repl in self.textReplacements: processedLine = pattern.sub(repl, processedLine) return processedLine.strip() if processedLine.strip() else None def speak_thread(self, process: subprocess.Popen): """Thread to handle speech processing""" startSpeech = False # Don't start speaking until after initial output try: # Read directly from stdout, no need for buffer attribute for line in process.stdout: try: # Handle encoding by trying utf-8 first, then fallback to latin1 try: if isinstance(line, bytes): lineStr = line.decode('utf-8').strip() else: lineStr = line.strip() except UnicodeDecodeError: lineStr = line.decode('latin1').strip() # Keep gzdoom's existing functionality of lines being printed to the console print(lineStr) # Wait for the initial separator before starting speech if not startSpeech: if lineStr and all(c == '-' for c in lineStr): startSpeech = True continue processedLine = self.process_line(lineStr) if processedLine: self.speak(processedLine) except Exception as e: print(f"Error processing line: {e}", file=sys.stderr) continue # Skip this line and continue with the next except Exception as e: print(f"Error in speech thread: {e}", file=sys.stderr) class MenuDialog(QDialog): """Dialog for game configuration options""" def __init__(self, title: str, options: Dict[str, dict], parent=None): super().__init__(parent) self.setWindowTitle(title) self.dialogOptions = options self.init_dialog_ui() def init_dialog_ui(self): """Initialize the dialog UI components""" dialogLayout = QVBoxLayout(self) for key, opt in self.dialogOptions.items(): if opt['type'] == 'radio': dialogWidget = QRadioButton(opt['label']) elif opt['type'] == 'spinbox': # Create label first label = QLabel(opt['label']) dialogWidget = QSpinBox() dialogWidget.setRange(opt['min'], opt['max']) dialogWidget.setValue(opt.get('default', opt['min'])) # Set accessibility label dialogWidget.setAccessibleName(opt['label']) # Add label to layout first dialogLayout.addWidget(label) elif opt['type'] == 'text': dialogWidget = QLineEdit() dialogWidget.setPlaceholderText(opt['placeholder']) elif opt['type'] == 'combobox': dialogWidget = AccessibleComboBox() dialogWidget.addItems(opt['items']) dialogLayout.addWidget(QLabel(opt['label'])) else: continue setattr(self, f"{key}_widget", dialogWidget) dialogLayout.addWidget(dialogWidget) dialogButtons = QDialogButtonBox( QDialogButtonBox.Ok | QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) dialogButtons.accepted.connect(self.accept) dialogButtons.rejected.connect(self.reject) dialogLayout.addWidget(dialogButtons) def get_dialog_values(self) -> dict: """Get the current values from all dialog widgets""" values = {} for key in self.dialogOptions.keys(): widget = getattr(self, f"{key}_widget") if isinstance(widget, QSpinBox): values[key] = widget.value() elif isinstance(widget, QComboBox): values[key] = widget.currentText() elif isinstance(widget, QRadioButton): values[key] = widget.isChecked() else: values[key] = widget.text() return values class AudioPlayer: """Handles cross-platform audio playback using VLC if available""" def __init__(self): self.currentTrack = None self.currentIndex = -1 self.isPlaying = False self.playAllMode = False self.tracks = [] self.vlcAvailable = False # State monitoring timer self.stateTimer = QTimer() self.stateTimer.setInterval(500) # Check every 500ms self.stateTimer.timeout.connect(self.checkPlayerState) try: import vlc self.instance = vlc.Instance() self.player = self.instance.media_player_new() # Store VLC states we care about self.State_Ended = vlc.State.Ended self.State_Error = vlc.State.Error self.State_Playing = vlc.State.Playing self.vlcAvailable = True except Exception as e: print(f"VLC not available: {e}", file=sys.stderr) self.instance = None self.player = None def checkPlayerState(self): """Monitor VLC player state""" if not self.vlcAvailable or not self.player or not self.isPlaying: return try: state = self.player.get_state() # Check for end states if state in (self.State_Ended, self.State_Error): print(f"Track ended (state: {state})") self.isPlaying = False self.stateTimer.stop() if self.playAllMode and self.currentIndex < len(self.tracks) - 1: self.currentIndex += 1 self.play() except Exception as e: print(f"Error checking player state: {e}", file=sys.stderr) def loadTracks(self, files): """Load list of tracks to play""" if not self.vlcAvailable: return self.tracks = [str(f) for f in files] self.currentIndex = 0 if self.tracks else -1 print(f"Loaded tracks: {self.tracks}") def play(self): """Play current track""" if not self.vlcAvailable: return False if self.currentIndex >= 0 and self.currentIndex < len(self.tracks): self.stop() # Stop any current playback first self.currentTrack = self.tracks[self.currentIndex] try: print(f"Attempting to play: {self.currentTrack}") media = self.instance.media_new(self.currentTrack) self.player.set_media(media) result = self.player.play() if result == 0: # VLC returns 0 on success self.isPlaying = True self.stateTimer.start() # Start state monitoring return True else: print(f"VLC play() returned error: {result}", file=sys.stderr) return False except Exception as e: print(f"Playback error: {e}", file=sys.stderr) self.isPlaying = False return False return False def stop(self): """Stop playback""" if not self.vlcAvailable: return if self.player and self.isPlaying: try: self.stateTimer.stop() # Stop state monitoring self.player.stop() self.isPlaying = False print("Playback stopped") except Exception as e: print(f"Stop error: {e}", file=sys.stderr) def nextTrack(self): """Move to next track""" if not self.vlcAvailable: return False if self.currentIndex < len(self.tracks) - 1: self.stop() self.currentIndex += 1 return True return False def previousTrack(self): """Move to previous track""" if not self.vlcAvailable: return False if self.currentIndex > 0: self.stop() self.currentIndex -= 1 return True return False def getCurrentTrackName(self): """Get current track name""" if not self.vlcAvailable: return "" if self.currentTrack: return Path(self.currentTrack).stem return "" class AudioManualDialog(QDialog): """Dialog for audio manual playback""" def __init__(self, manualPath, parent=None): super().__init__(parent) self.manualPath = manualPath self.audioPlayer = AudioPlayer() # Show warning if VLC not available if not self.audioPlayer.vlcAvailable: QMessageBox.warning(self, "VLC Not Found", "VLC is required for Audio Manual playback. Please install VLC media player. If running from source, also install python-vlc.") self.close() return # Create update timer for checking playback state self.stateTimer = QTimer(self) self.stateTimer.timeout.connect(self.checkPlaybackState) self.stateTimer.start(500) # Check every 500ms self.initUI() class AudioManualDialog(QDialog): """Dialog for audio manual playback""" def __init__(self, manualPath, parent=None): super().__init__(parent) self.manualPath = manualPath self.audioPlayer = AudioPlayer() # Create update timer for checking playback state self.stateTimer = QTimer(self) self.stateTimer.timeout.connect(self.checkPlaybackState) self.stateTimer.start(500) # Check every 500ms self.initUI() def checkPlaybackState(self): """Periodically check playback state and update UI""" if not self.audioPlayer.isPlaying and self.stopButton.isEnabled(): self.updateButtonStates() def initUI(self): """Initialize the dialog UI""" self.setWindowTitle("Audio Manual") layout = QVBoxLayout(self) # Manual selection manualLabel = QLabel("Select Manual:") self.manualCombo = AccessibleComboBox() self.manualCombo.setAccessibleName("Manual Selection") self.populateManuals() layout.addWidget(manualLabel) layout.addWidget(self.manualCombo) # Track selection trackLabel = QLabel("Select Track:") self.trackCombo = AccessibleComboBox() self.trackCombo.setAccessibleName("Track Selection") layout.addWidget(trackLabel) layout.addWidget(self.trackCombo) # Create buttons buttonLayout = QHBoxLayout() self.prevButton = QPushButton("Previous") self.playButton = QPushButton("Play") self.stopButton = QPushButton("Stop") self.nextButton = QPushButton("Next") # Setup focus and keyboard interaction self.manualCombo.setFocusPolicy(Qt.StrongFocus) self.trackCombo.setFocusPolicy(Qt.StrongFocus) # Allow Enter key to play selected track self.trackCombo.lineEdit().returnPressed.connect(self.playAudio) # Set keyboard shortcuts and accessibility for buttons self.prevButton.setShortcut("Left") self.playButton.setShortcut("Space") self.stopButton.setShortcut("S") self.nextButton.setShortcut("Right") # Set accessible names for buttons self.prevButton.setAccessibleName("Previous Track") self.playButton.setAccessibleName("Play Track") self.stopButton.setAccessibleName("Stop Playback") self.nextButton.setAccessibleName("Next Track") # Connect button signals self.prevButton.clicked.connect(self.previousTrack) self.playButton.clicked.connect(self.playAudio) self.stopButton.clicked.connect(self.stopAudio) self.nextButton.clicked.connect(self.nextTrack) # Add buttons to layout buttonLayout.addWidget(self.prevButton) buttonLayout.addWidget(self.playButton) buttonLayout.addWidget(self.stopButton) buttonLayout.addWidget(self.nextButton) layout.addLayout(buttonLayout) # Status label self.statusLabel = QLabel("") self.statusLabel.setAccessibleName("Playback Status") layout.addWidget(self.statusLabel) # Update tracks when manual changes self.manualCombo.currentTextChanged.connect(self.populateTracks) # Close button closeButton = QPushButton("Close") closeButton.setAccessibleName("Close Dialog") closeButton.setShortcut("Escape") closeButton.clicked.connect(self.close) layout.addWidget(closeButton) # Initial setup self.populateTracks() self.updateButtonStates() def closeEvent(self, event): """Handle dialog close event""" self.stateTimer.stop() self.audioPlayer.stop() super().closeEvent(event) def populateManuals(self): """Populate manual selection combo box""" manualDirs = sorted([d for d in self.manualPath.iterdir() if d.is_dir()]) self.manualCombo.addItems([m.name for m in manualDirs]) def populateTracks(self): """Populate track selection combo box""" self.trackCombo.clear() selectedManual = self.manualPath / self.manualCombo.currentText() if selectedManual.exists(): tracks = sorted(selectedManual.glob('*.mp3')) self.trackCombo.addItem("Play All") self.trackCombo.addItems([t.stem for t in tracks]) # Update button states after populating tracks self.updateButtonStates() def playAudio(self): """Start audio playback""" if not self.manualCombo.currentText() or not self.trackCombo.currentText(): return selectedManual = self.manualPath / self.manualCombo.currentText() selectedTrack = self.trackCombo.currentText() # Stop any current playback self.audioPlayer.stop() self.audioPlayer.playAllMode = selectedTrack == "Play All" if selectedTrack == "Play All": # Get sorted list of MP3 files tracks = sorted(selectedManual.glob('*.mp3')) print(f"Loading {len(tracks)} tracks for Play All") self.audioPlayer.loadTracks([str(t) for t in tracks]) else: print("Loading single track") tracks = [selectedManual / f"{selectedTrack}.mp3"] self.audioPlayer.loadTracks([str(t) for t in tracks]) # Start playback if self.audioPlayer.play(): self.statusLabel.setText(f"Playing: {self.audioPlayer.getCurrentTrackName()}") else: self.statusLabel.setText("Playback error") self.updateButtonStates() def stopAudio(self): """Stop audio playback""" self.audioPlayer.playAllMode = False # Reset play all flag self.audioPlayer.stop() self.statusLabel.setText("Playback stopped") self.updateButtonStates() def nextTrack(self): """Play next track""" if self.audioPlayer.nextTrack(): if self.audioPlayer.play(): self.statusLabel.setText(f"Playing: {self.audioPlayer.getCurrentTrackName()}") else: self.statusLabel.setText("Playback error") self.updateButtonStates() def previousTrack(self): """Play previous track""" if self.audioPlayer.previousTrack(): if self.audioPlayer.play(): self.statusLabel.setText(f"Playing: {self.audioPlayer.getCurrentTrackName()}") else: self.statusLabel.setText("Playback error") self.updateButtonStates() def updateButtonStates(self): """Update button enabled states""" trackCount = len(self.audioPlayer.tracks) hasMultipleTracks = trackCount > 1 isFirst = self.audioPlayer.currentIndex <= 0 isLast = self.audioPlayer.currentIndex >= trackCount - 1 # Enable play button if we have any tracks selected or available hasTrackSelected = (self.trackCombo.count() > 0 and self.trackCombo.currentText()) or trackCount > 0 # Allow navigation during playback for Play All mode self.prevButton.setEnabled(hasMultipleTracks and not isFirst) self.nextButton.setEnabled(hasMultipleTracks and not isLast) self.playButton.setEnabled(hasTrackSelected and not self.audioPlayer.isPlaying) self.stopButton.setEnabled(self.audioPlayer.isPlaying) class IWADSelector: """Handles IWAD file detection and selection""" def __init__(self): if platform.system() == "Windows": self.configFile = Path.cwd() / 'TobyConfig.ini' else: self.configFile = Path(os.getenv('XDG_CONFIG_HOME', Path.home() / '.config')) / 'gzdoom/gzdoom.ini' self.wadPaths = self._get_wad_paths() def _get_wad_paths(self) -> List[str]: """Extract IWAD search paths from GZDoom config""" if not self.configFile.exists(): print("Config file not found") return [] try: # Read the file directly to handle duplicate keys paths = [] currentSection = None with open(self.configFile, 'r') as f: for line in f: line = line.strip() if line.startswith('['): currentSection = line[1:-1] elif currentSection == 'IWADSearch.Directories' and '=' in line: key, value = line.split('=', 1) if key.strip().lower().startswith('path'): value = value.strip() # Handle special paths if value == '$DOOMWADDIR' or value == '$PROGDIR': continue # Skip these as they're GZDoom internal elif value == '$HOME': value = str(Path.home()) paths.append(value) except Exception as e: print(f"Error reading config: {e}", file=sys.stderr) # Additional paths to check if platform.system() == "Windows": paths.append(str(Path.cwd())) else: paths.append(str(Path("/usr/share/doom"))) paths.append(str(Path("/usr/share/games/doom"))) paths.append(str(Path.home() / ".local/games/doom")) paths.append(str(Path.home() / ".local/share/doom")) return paths def is_iwad(self, file_path: str) -> bool: """Check if a file is an IWAD or IPK3""" path = Path(file_path) if path.suffix.lower() == '.ipk3': return True try: with open(file_path, 'rb') as f: header = f.read(4) return header == b'IWAD' except Exception: return False def find_iwads(self) -> Dict[str, str]: """Find all available IWADs in configured paths""" uniqueWads = {} for path in self.wadPaths: wadDir = Path(path) if not wadDir.is_dir(): continue # Only look at files directly in the directory, not subdirectories for wadFile in wadDir.iterdir(): if wadFile.is_file(): # Check if it's a WAD or IPK3 file if wadFile.suffix.lower() in ['.wad', '.iwad']: if self.is_iwad(str(wadFile)): wadName = wadFile.stem.lower() uniqueWads[wadName] = str(wadFile) elif wadFile.suffix.lower() == '.ipk3': if self.is_iwad(str(wadFile)): wadName = wadFile.stem.lower() uniqueWads[wadName] = str(wadFile) return uniqueWads class CustomGameDialog(QDialog): """Dialog for selecting and configuring custom games""" def __init__(self, customGames: Dict[str, dict], parent=None): super().__init__(parent) self.setWindowTitle("Custom Game Selection") self.customGames = customGames # Create layout layout = QVBoxLayout(self) # Game selection combobox label = QLabel("Select Custom Game:") self.gameCombo = AccessibleComboBox() self.gameCombo.setAccessibleName("Custom Game Selection") self.gameCombo.addItems(sorted(customGames.keys())) # Connect enter key to accept self.gameCombo.lineEdit().returnPressed.connect(self.accept) layout.addWidget(label) layout.addWidget(self.gameCombo) # Dialog buttons buttons = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Ok | QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) buttons.accepted.connect(self.accept) buttons.rejected.connect(self.reject) layout.addWidget(buttons) def keyPressEvent(self, event): """Handle key press events""" if event.key() in (Qt.Key_Return, Qt.Key_Enter): self.accept() else: super().keyPressEvent(event) def get_selected_game(self) -> Optional[str]: """Get the selected game name""" if self.result() == QDialog.Accepted: return self.gameCombo.currentText() return None class DoomLauncher(QMainWindow): """Main launcher window for Toby Doom""" def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.setWindowTitle("Toby Doom Launcher") if platform.system() == "Windows": self.configFile = Path.cwd() / 'TobyConfig.ini' self.gamePath = Path.cwd() else: self.gamePath = Path.home() / ".local/games/doom" self.configFile = Path(os.getenv('XDG_CONFIG_HOME', Path.home() / '.config')) / 'gzdoom/gzdoom.ini' self.tobyVersion = TOBY_VERSION self.speechHandler = SpeechHandler() self.iwadSelector = IWADSelector() # Add IWAD selector self.init_launcher_ui() def keyPressEvent(self, event): """Handle key press events""" if event.key() == Qt.Key_Escape: self.close() def handle_button_keypress(self, event, button): """Handle key press events for buttons""" if event.key() in (Qt.Key_Return, Qt.Key_Enter): button.click() # Make sure to call the parent class's key press event QPushButton.keyPressEvent(button, event) def populate_iwad_list(self): """Populate the IWAD selection combo box""" iwads = self.iwadSelector.find_iwads() for name, path in iwads.items(): self.iwadCombo.addItem(name, userData=path) def init_launcher_ui(self): """Initialize the main launcher UI""" centralWidget = QWidget() self.setCentralWidget(centralWidget) mainLayout = QVBoxLayout(centralWidget) # IWAD Selection iwadLabel = QLabel("Select IWAD:") self.iwadCombo = AccessibleComboBox(self) self.iwadCombo.setAccessibleName("IWAD Selection") self.populate_iwad_list() mainLayout.addWidget(iwadLabel) mainLayout.addWidget(self.iwadCombo) # Game Selection self.gameCombo = AccessibleComboBox(self) self.gameCombo.setAccessibleName("Game Selection") self.populate_game_list() self.gameCombo.lineEdit().returnPressed.connect(self.launch_single_player) mainLayout.addWidget(QLabel("Select Game:")) mainLayout.addWidget(self.gameCombo) # Narration style selection self.narrationCombo = AccessibleComboBox(self) self.narrationCombo.setAccessibleName("Narration Style") self.narrationCombo.addItems(["Self-voiced", "Text to Speech"]) # Set current value based on config current = self.get_narration_type() self.narrationCombo.setCurrentText( "Self-voiced" if current == 0 else "Text to Speech" ) self.narrationCombo.currentTextChanged.connect(self.narration_type_changed) mainLayout.addWidget(QLabel("Narration Style:")) mainLayout.addWidget(self.narrationCombo) # Create buttons self.singlePlayerBtn = QPushButton("&Single Player") self.deathMatchBtn = QPushButton("&Deathmatch") self.customDeathMatchBtn = QPushButton("C&ustom Deathmatch") # Alt+U self.coopBtn = QPushButton("&Co-op") self.audioManualBtn = QPushButton("&Audio Manual") # Alt+A self.singlePlayerBtn.clicked.connect(self.launch_single_player) self.deathMatchBtn.clicked.connect(self.show_deathmatch_dialog) self.customDeathMatchBtn.clicked.connect(self.show_custom_deathmatch_dialog) # New line self.coopBtn.clicked.connect(self.show_coop_dialog) self.audioManualBtn.clicked.connect(self.show_audio_manual) self.singlePlayerBtn.keyPressEvent = lambda e: self.handle_button_keypress(e, self.singlePlayerBtn) self.deathMatchBtn.keyPressEvent = lambda e: self.handle_button_keypress(e, self.deathMatchBtn) self.customDeathMatchBtn.keyPressEvent = lambda e: self.handle_button_keypress(e, self.customDeathMatchBtn) # New line self.coopBtn.keyPressEvent = lambda e: self.handle_button_keypress(e, self.coopBtn) self.audioManualBtn.keyPressEvent = lambda e: self.handle_button_keypress(e, self.audioManualBtn) mainLayout.addWidget(self.singlePlayerBtn) mainLayout.addWidget(self.deathMatchBtn) mainLayout.addWidget(self.customDeathMatchBtn) mainLayout.addWidget(self.coopBtn) mainLayout.addWidget(self.audioManualBtn) def get_narration_type(self) -> int: """Get the current narration type from config file""" try: if not self.configFile.exists(): return 0 # Default if file doesn't exist with open(self.configFile, 'r') as f: for line in f: line = line.strip() if line.startswith('Toby_NarrationOutputType='): value = line.split('=')[1].strip() return int(value) return 0 # Default to self-voiced if not found except Exception as e: print(f"Error reading config: {e}", file=sys.stderr) return 0 def set_narration_type(self, value: int) -> bool: """Set the narration type in config file Args: value (int): Narration type (0 for self-voiced, 2 for TTS) Returns: bool: True if successful, False otherwise """ try: if not self.configFile.exists(): # Create new config with default section with open(self.configFile, 'w') as f: f.write('[GlobalSettings]\n') f.write(f'Toby_NarrationOutputType={value}\n') return True # Read all lines with open(self.configFile, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() # Try to find and replace existing setting found = False for i, line in enumerate(lines): if line.strip().startswith('Toby_NarrationOutputType='): lines[i] = f'Toby_NarrationOutputType={value}\n' found = True break # If not found, add to end or after [GlobalSettings] if not found: globalSettingsIndex = -1 for i, line in enumerate(lines): if line.strip() == '[GlobalSettings]': globalSettingsIndex = i break if globalSettingsIndex >= 0: # Insert after [GlobalSettings] lines.insert(globalSettingsIndex + 1, f'Toby_NarrationOutputType={value}\n') else: # Add [GlobalSettings] section if it doesn't exist lines.append('\n[GlobalSettings]\n') lines.append(f'Toby_NarrationOutputType={value}\n') # Write back the modified content with open(self.configFile, 'w') as f: f.writelines(lines) return True except Exception as e: print(f"Error writing config: {e}", file=sys.stderr) return False def narration_type_changed(self, text: str): """Handle narration type combobox changes""" value = 0 if text == "Self-voiced" else 2 if not self.set_narration_type(value): QMessageBox.warning( self, "Error", "Failed to update narration setting. Check file permissions." ) # Reset combobox to current value current = self.get_narration_type() self.narrationCombo.setCurrentText( "Self-voiced" if current == 0 else "Text to Speech" ) def populate_game_list(self): """Populate the game selection combo box""" gameList = [ "Toby Demo Map", "Classic Doom", "Toby Doom", "OperationMDK", "Classic Heretic", "Toby Heretic", "Classic Hexen", "Toby Hexen", "Custom Game" ] for gameName in gameList: self.gameCombo.addItem(gameName) def find_freedm(self) -> Optional[str]: """Find freedm.wad in standard locations""" # Check common locations locations = [ self.gamePath / "freedm.wad", Path("/usr/share/games/doom/freedm.wad"), Path("/usr/share/doom/freedm.wad") ] for loc in locations: if loc.exists(): return str(loc) return None def find_gzdoom(self) -> Optional[str]: """Find the GZDoom executable""" if platform.system() == "Windows": gzdoomPath = Path.cwd() / "gzdoom.exe" return str(gzdoomPath) if gzdoomPath.exists() else None return shutil.which("gzdoom") def get_addon_files(self, game_type: str = "DOOM") -> List[str]: """Get all addon PK3 files for specified game type""" addonFiles = [] # MENU addons are common to all games menuPath = self.gamePath / "Addons" / "MENU" if menuPath.exists(): addonFiles.extend(str(p) for p in menuPath.glob("Toby*.pk3")) # Game specific addons gamePath = self.gamePath / "Addons" / game_type if gamePath.exists(): if game_type == "HERETIC": pattern = "TobyHeretic*.pk3" elif game_type == "HEXEN": pattern = "TobyHexen*.pk3" else: # DOOM pattern = "Toby*.pk3" addonFiles.extend(str(p) for p in gamePath.glob(pattern)) return addonFiles def get_selected_game_files(self) -> List[str]: tobyMod = self.gamePath / f"TobyAccMod_V{self.tobyVersion}.pk3" if not tobyMod.exists(): QMessageBox.critical(self, "Error", f"Could not find {tobyMod}") return [] baseFiles = [str(tobyMod)] selectedGame = self.gameCombo.currentText() # Determine game type and get corresponding addons if "Heretic" in selectedGame: gameType = "HERETIC" if "Toby Heretic" in selectedGame: baseFiles.append(str(self.gamePath / "Addons/MAPS/TobyHereticLevels.wad")) elif "Hexen" in selectedGame: gameType = "HEXEN" if "Toby Hexen" in selectedGame: baseFiles.append(str(self.gamePath / "Addons/MAPS/TobyHexen.pk3")) else: # Doom games gameType = "DOOM" if "Demo Map" in selectedGame: baseFiles.append(str(self.gamePath / "Addons/MAPS/Toby-Demo-Level.wad")) elif "Toby Doom" in selectedGame: baseFiles.append(str(self.gamePath / "Addons/MAPS/TobyDoomLevels.wad")) musicRenamer = self.gamePath / "Toby-Doom-Level-Music-Renamer.pk3" if musicRenamer.exists(): baseFiles.append(str(musicRenamer)) elif "OperationMDK" in selectedGame: baseFiles.append(str(self.gamePath / "OpMDK.wad")) # Add metal music mod if available (Doom only) metalV7 = self.gamePath / "DoomMetalVol7.wad" metalV6 = self.gamePath / "DoomMetalVol6.wad" if metalV7.exists(): baseFiles.append(str(metalV7)) elif metalV6.exists(): baseFiles.append(str(metalV6)) # Add game-specific addons baseFiles.extend(self.get_addon_files(gameType)) return baseFiles def show_custom_deathmatch_dialog(self): """Show custom deathmatch configuration dialog""" # First find available PK3s for customization pk3List = [] for item in self.gamePath.glob('*.pk3'): if item.stat().st_size > 10 * 1024 * 1024: # >10MB pk3List.append(str(item)) # Add Army of Darkness if available aodWad = self.gamePath / "aoddoom1.wad" if aodWad.exists(): pk3List.append(str(aodWad)) if not pk3List: QMessageBox.warning(self, "Error", "No custom mods found") return # Create mod selection dialog modDialog = QDialog(self) modDialog.setWindowTitle("Select Customization") dialogLayout = QVBoxLayout(modDialog) modLabel = QLabel("Select Mod:") modCombo = AccessibleComboBox(modDialog) modCombo.setAccessibleName("Mod Selection") for pk3 in pk3List: modCombo.addItem(Path(pk3).stem, userData=pk3) dialogLayout.addWidget(modLabel) dialogLayout.addWidget(modCombo) buttons = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Ok | QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) buttons.accepted.connect(modDialog.accept) buttons.rejected.connect(modDialog.reject) dialogLayout.addWidget(buttons) if not modDialog.exec(): return selectedMod = modCombo.currentData() # Show map selection dialog (same as regular deathmatch) mapOptions = { 'map': { 'type': 'combobox', 'label': 'Select Map', 'items': [ "Com Station (2-4 players)", "Warehouse (2-4 players)", "Sector 3 (2-4 players)", "Dungeon of Doom (2-4 players)", "Ocean Fortress (2-4 players)", "Water Treatment Facility (2-4 players)", "Phobos Base Site 4 (2-4 players)", "Hangar Bay 18 (2-4 players)", "Garden of Demon (2-4 players)", "Outpost 69 (2-4 players)" ] } } mapDialog = MenuDialog("Select Map", mapOptions, self) if not mapDialog.exec(): return selectedMap = mapDialog.get_dialog_values()['map'] mapIndex = mapOptions['map']['items'].index(selectedMap) + 1 # 1-based index # Show game options dialog options = { 'mode': { 'type': 'combobox', 'label': 'Game Mode', 'items': [ "Host Game", "Join Game", "Bots Only" ] }, 'ip': { 'type': 'text', 'placeholder': 'Enter IP address to join (required for joining)' }, 'fraglimit': { 'type': 'spinbox', 'label': 'Frag Limit', 'min': 1, 'max': 500, 'default': 20 }, 'players': { 'type': 'spinbox', 'label': 'Number of Players', 'min': 2, 'max': 4, 'default': 2 }, 'skill': { 'type': 'spinbox', 'label': 'Skill Level', 'min': 1, 'max': 5, 'default': 3 } } dialog = MenuDialog("Deathmatch Options", options, self) if dialog.exec(): values = dialog.get_dialog_values() # Set up game files gameFiles = [ str(self.gamePath / f"TobyAccMod_V{self.tobyVersion}.pk3") ] # Add menu addons menuPath = self.gamePath / "Addons/MENU" if menuPath.exists(): gameFiles.extend(str(p) for p in menuPath.glob("Toby*.pk3")) # Add selected mod gameFiles.append(selectedMod) # Add deathmatch map deathMatchMap = str(self.gamePath / "Addons/MAPS/TobyDeathArena_V1-5.wad") if Path(deathMatchMap).exists(): gameFiles.append(deathMatchMap) # Get deathmatch flags and add map selection gameFlags = self.get_deathmatch_flags(values) gameFlags.extend(["-warp", str(mapIndex)]) # Check/set freedm.wad as IWAD freedmPath = self.find_freedm() if not freedmPath: QMessageBox.critical(self, "Error", "Could not find freedm.wad") return # Force freedm.wad selection for i in range(self.iwadCombo.count()): if "freedm" in self.iwadCombo.itemText(i).lower(): self.iwadCombo.setCurrentIndex(i) break # Launch the game self.launch_game(gameFiles, gameFlags) def load_custom_games(self) -> Dict[str, dict]: """Load all custom game configurations""" customGames = {} if platform.system() == "Windows": customDir = Path.cwd() / "TobyCustom" else: pathList = [ Path(__file__).parent / "TobyCustom", self.gamePath / "TobyCustom", Path(os.path.expanduser("~/.local/share/doom/TobyCustom")) ] # Use first existing path or fall back to original customDir = next( (path for path in pathList if path.exists()), Path(__file__).parent / "TobyCustom" ) if not customDir.exists(): return customGames for json_file in customDir.glob("*.json"): try: with open(json_file, 'r') as f: game_config = json.load(f) customGames[game_config['name']] = game_config except Exception as e: print(f"Error loading custom game {json_file}: {e}") return customGames def check_dependencies(self, dependencies: List[dict]) -> bool: """Check if required files exist and show download info if not""" for dep in dependencies: file_path = self.gamePath / dep['file'] if not file_path.exists(): message = [ f"You are missing the \"{dep['file']}\" Package.\n", f"You can get it from \"{dep['url']}\"\n", "The URL will now open in your browser.\n" ] message.extend(f"{msg}\n" for msg in dep.get('messages', [])) QMessageBox.critical( self, "Missing Dependency", "".join(message) ) # Open the URL in browser try: webbrowser.open(dep['url']) except Exception: pass return False return True def show_custom_game_dialog(self): """Show dialog for custom game selection""" customGames = self.load_custom_games() if not customGames: QMessageBox.warning( self, "No Custom Games", "No custom game configurations found in TobyCustom directory." ) return dialog = CustomGameDialog(customGames, self) if not dialog.exec(): return selectedGame = dialog.get_selected_game() if selectedGame and selectedGame in customGames: config = customGames[selectedGame] # Check dependencies before launching if not self.check_dependencies(config.get('dependencies', [])): return gameFiles = [] # We'll build this up as we go # Always start with TobyAccMod tobyMod = self.gamePath / f"TobyAccMod_V{self.tobyVersion}.pk3" if not tobyMod.exists(): QMessageBox.critical(self, "Error", f"Could not find {tobyMod}") return gameFiles.append(str(tobyMod)) # Handle map selection right after TobyAccMod if specified if config.get('use_map_menu', False) and 'submenu' not in config: mapFiles = ["None"] # Start with None option mapsDir = self.gamePath / "Addons/MAPS" if mapsDir.exists(): mapFiles.extend([p.name for p in mapsDir.glob("*.wad") if p.name != "TobyDeathArena_V1-5.wad"]) # Add Operation MDK as special case opMDK = self.gamePath / "OpMDK.wad" if opMDK.exists(): mapFiles.append("OpMDK.wad") mapDialog = QDialog(self) mapDialog.setWindowTitle("Select Map") dialogLayout = QVBoxLayout(mapDialog) mapLabel = QLabel("Select Map:") mapCombo = AccessibleComboBox(mapDialog) mapCombo.setAccessibleName("Map Selection") mapCombo.addItems(mapFiles) dialogLayout.addWidget(mapLabel) dialogLayout.addWidget(mapCombo) buttons = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Ok | QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) buttons.accepted.connect(mapDialog.accept) buttons.rejected.connect(mapDialog.reject) dialogLayout.addWidget(buttons) if not mapDialog.exec(): return selectedMap = mapCombo.currentText() if selectedMap != "None": if selectedMap == "OpMDK.wad": mapPath = str(self.gamePath / selectedMap) else: mapPath = str(self.gamePath / "Addons/MAPS" / selectedMap) if Path(mapPath).exists(): gameFiles.append(mapPath) # Handle submenu if present if 'submenu' in config: selectedFile = self.show_submenu_dialog(config['submenu']) if not selectedFile: return gameFiles.append(selectedFile) # Add remaining files tobyBaseVersion = self.tobyVersion.split('-')[0] for filePath in config.get('files', []): filePath = filePath.format(toby_base_version=tobyBaseVersion) # Handle glob patterns if '*' in filePath: pathObj = self.gamePath / filePath.split('*')[0] pattern = filePath.split('/')[-1] if pathObj.parent.exists(): matches = list(pathObj.parent.glob(pattern)) gameFiles.extend(str(p) for p in matches) else: fullPath = self.gamePath / filePath if fullPath.exists(): gameFiles.append(str(fullPath)) # Add optional files last for optFile in config.get('optional_files', []): optPath = self.gamePath / optFile if optPath.exists(): gameFiles.append(str(optPath)) # Get any custom flags gameFlags = config.get('flags', []) # Launch the game if we have files if gameFiles: iwadIndex = self.iwadCombo.currentIndex() if iwadIndex < 0: QMessageBox.critical(self, "Error", "Please select an IWAD first") return self.launch_game(gameFiles, gameFlags) def show_submenu_dialog(self, submenu_config) -> Optional[str]: """Show dialog for selecting submenu option""" dialog = QDialog(self) dialog.setWindowTitle(submenu_config['title']) dialogLayout = QVBoxLayout(dialog) # Game selection combobox label = QLabel("Select Version:") gameCombo = AccessibleComboBox(dialog) gameCombo.setAccessibleName("Game Version Selection") # Add options and store full file paths as user data for option in submenu_config['options']: gameCombo.addItem(option['name'], userData=str(self.gamePath / option['file'])) dialogLayout.addWidget(label) dialogLayout.addWidget(gameCombo) # Dialog buttons buttons = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Ok | QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) buttons.accepted.connect(dialog.accept) buttons.rejected.connect(dialog.reject) dialogLayout.addWidget(buttons) if dialog.exec(): return gameCombo.currentData() return None def launch_single_player(self): """Launch single player game""" selectedGame = self.gameCombo.currentText() if selectedGame == "Custom Game": self.show_custom_game_dialog() elif selectedGame == "Audio Manual": self.show_audio_manual() else: gameFiles = self.get_selected_game_files() if gameFiles: # Get selected IWAD iwadIndex = self.iwadCombo.currentIndex() if iwadIndex < 0: QMessageBox.critical(self, "Error", "Please select an IWAD first") return iwadPath = self.iwadCombo.itemData(iwadIndex) cmdLine = [self.find_gzdoom(), "-iwad", iwadPath] + gameFiles if cmdLine[0]: # If gzdoom was found self.launch_game(gameFiles) def show_audio_manual(self): """Show and play audio manual""" manualPath = self.gamePath / "Manual" if not manualPath.exists(): QMessageBox.warning(self, "Error", "Manual directory not found") return dialog = AudioManualDialog(manualPath, self) dialog.exec() def show_deathmatch_dialog(self): """Show deathmatch configuration dialog""" # First show map selection mapOptions = { 'map': { 'type': 'combobox', 'label': 'Select Map', 'items': [ "Com Station (2-4 players)", "Warehouse (2-4 players)", "Sector 3 (2-4 players)", "Dungeon of Doom (2-4 players)", "Ocean Fortress (2-4 players)", "Water Treatment Facility (2-4 players)", "Phobos Base Site 4 (2-4 players)", "Hangar Bay 18 (2-4 players)", "Garden of Demon (2-4 players)", "Outpost 69 (2-4 players)" ] } } mapDialog = MenuDialog("Select Map", mapOptions, self) if not mapDialog.exec(): return selectedMap = mapDialog.get_dialog_values()['map'] mapIndex = mapOptions['map']['items'].index(selectedMap) + 1 # 1-based index # Show game options dialog options = { 'mode': { 'type': 'combobox', 'label': 'Game Mode', 'items': [ "Host Game", "Join Game", "Bots Only" ] }, 'ip': { 'type': 'text', 'placeholder': 'Enter IP address to join (required for joining)' }, 'fraglimit': { 'type': 'spinbox', 'label': 'Frag Limit', 'min': 1, 'max': 500, 'default': 20 }, 'players': { 'type': 'spinbox', 'label': 'Number of Players', 'min': 2, 'max': 4, 'default': 2 }, 'skill': { 'type': 'spinbox', 'label': 'Skill Level', 'min': 1, 'max': 5, 'default': 3 } } dialog = MenuDialog("Deathmatch Options", options, self) if dialog.exec(): values = dialog.get_dialog_values() gameFiles = self.get_selected_game_files() # Add deathmatch map deathMatchMap = str(self.gamePath / "Addons/MAPS/TobyDeathArena_V1-5.wad") if Path(deathMatchMap).exists(): gameFiles.append(deathMatchMap) gameFlags = self.get_deathmatch_flags(values) # Add map selection flag gameFlags.extend(["-warp", str(mapIndex)]) # Check/set freedm.wad as IWAD freedmPath = self.find_freedm() if not freedmPath: QMessageBox.critical(self, "Error", "Could not find freedm.wad") return # Force freedm.wad selection for i in range(self.iwadCombo.count()): if "freedm" in self.iwadCombo.itemText(i).lower(): self.iwadCombo.setCurrentIndex(i) break self.launch_game(gameFiles, gameFlags) def show_coop_dialog(self): """Show co-op configuration dialog""" options = { 'host': { 'type': 'radio', 'label': 'Host Game' }, 'ip': { 'type': 'text', 'placeholder': 'Enter IP address to join' }, 'players': { 'type': 'spinbox', 'label': 'Number of Players', 'min': 2, 'max': 10, 'default': 2 }, 'skill': { 'type': 'spinbox', 'label': 'Skill Level', 'min': 1, 'max': 5, 'default': 3 } } dialog = MenuDialog("Co-op Options", options, self) if dialog.exec(): values = dialog.get_dialog_values() gameFiles = self.get_selected_game_files() # Add keyshare for co-op keyshareFile = str(self.gamePath / "keyshare-universal.pk3") if Path(keyshareFile).exists(): gameFiles.append(keyshareFile) gameFlags = self.get_coop_flags(values) self.launch_game(gameFiles, gameFlags) def get_deathmatch_flags(self, values: dict) -> List[str]: """Get command line flags for deathmatch mode""" mode = values['mode'] if mode == "Join Game": if not values['ip'].strip(): QMessageBox.warning(self, "Error", "IP address required for joining") return [] return ["-join", values['ip']] # Handle both Host Game and Bots Only if mode == "Bots Only": values['players'] = 1 QMessageBox.information( self, "Bot Instructions", "When the game starts, press ` to open the console.\n" "Type addbot and press enter.\n" "Repeat addbot for as many bots as you want.\n" "Press ` again to close the console." ) return [ "-host", str(values['players']), "-skill", str(values['skill']), "-deathmatch", "+Toby_SnapToTargetTargetingMode", "0", "+set", "sv_cheats", "1", "+fraglimit", str(values['fraglimit']), "+dmflags", "16384", "+dmflags", "4", "+dmflags", "128", "+dmflags", "4096", "+dmflags2", "512", "+dmflags2", "1024", "-extratic", "-dup", "3" ] def get_coop_flags(self, values: dict) -> List[str]: """Get command line flags for co-op mode""" if not values['host']: if not values['ip'].strip(): QMessageBox.warning(self, "Error", "IP address required for joining") return [] return ["-join", values['ip']] return [ "-host", str(values['players']), "-skill", str(values['skill']), "+set", "sv_cheats", "1", "+set", "sv_weaponsstay", "1", "+set", "sv_respawnprotect", "1", "+set", "sv_respawnsuper", "1", "+set", "alwaysapplydmflags", "1", "-extratic", "-dup", "3" ] def monitor_game_process(self, process): """Monitor game process and exit when it's done""" process.wait() # Wait for the game to finish QApplication.instance().quit() # Quit the application def launch_game(self, gameFiles: List[str], gameFlags: List[str] = None): """Launch game with speech processing""" if not gameFiles: return gzdoomPath = self.find_gzdoom() if not gzdoomPath: QMessageBox.critical(self, "Error", "GZDoom executable not found") return # Get selected IWAD iwadIndex = self.iwadCombo.currentIndex() if iwadIndex < 0: QMessageBox.critical(self, "Error", "Please select an IWAD first") return iwadPath = self.iwadCombo.itemData(iwadIndex) try: if platform.system() == "Windows": configFile = Path.cwd() / 'TobyConfig.ini' # For Windows, use unbuffered stdout for accessible_output2 cmdLine = [gzdoomPath, "-stdout", "-config", str(configFile), "-iwad", iwadPath, "-file"] + gameFiles if gameFlags: cmdLine.extend(gameFlags) # Use CREATE_NO_WINDOW flag to prevent console window startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() startupinfo.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW startupinfo.wShowWindow = subprocess.SW_HIDE process = subprocess.Popen( cmdLine, cwd=str(self.gamePath), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, bufsize=1, # Line buffered universal_newlines=True, # This handles text encoding env=dict(os.environ, PYTHONUNBUFFERED="1"), startupinfo=startupinfo ) else: # For Linux/Mac, use stdbuf to unbuffer output cmdLine = ["stdbuf", "-oL", gzdoomPath, "-stdout", "-iwad", iwadPath, "-file"] + gameFiles if gameFlags: cmdLine.extend(gameFlags) process = subprocess.Popen( cmdLine, cwd=str(self.gamePath), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, bufsize=1, # Line buffered universal_newlines=True, # This handles text encoding env=dict(os.environ, PYTHONUNBUFFERED="1") ) # Start speech processing thread speechThread = threading.Thread( target=self.speechHandler.speak_thread, args=(process,), daemon=True ) speechThread.start() # Start process monitor thread monitorThread = threading.Thread( target=self.monitor_game_process, args=(process,), daemon=True ) monitorThread.start() # Hide the window self.hide() except Exception as e: QMessageBox.critical(self, "Error", f"Failed to launch game: {e}") if __name__ == "__main__": # Converts version number to required format (e.g., 8.0 -> "8-0") TOBY_VERSION: Final[str] = f"{int(TOBY_VERSION_NUMBER)}-{int(TOBY_VERSION_NUMBER * 10 % 10)}" setproctitle("Toby Doom Launcher") app = QApplication(sys.argv) window = DoomLauncher() window.show() sys.exit(app.exec())