diff --git a/Toby Doom Launcher.py b/Toby Doom Launcher.py
index d002f57..b7831f5 100755
--- a/Toby Doom Launcher.py	
+++ b/Toby Doom Launcher.py	
@@ -248,26 +248,33 @@ class SpeechHandler:
         while True:
                 line = process.stdout.readline()
-                # Keep gzdoom's existing functionality of lines being printed to the console.
-                print(line, end='')
+                if not isinstance(line, str):
+                    line = line.decode('utf-8', errors='replace')
                 if not line:
+                # Keep gzdoom's existing functionality of lines being printed to the console
+                print(line, end='', flush=True)
                 lineStr = line.strip()
+                if not lineStr:
+                    continue
                 # Wait for the initial separator before starting speech
                 if not startSpeech:
-                    if lineStr and all(c == '-' for c in lineStr):
+                    if all(c == '-' for c in lineStr):
                         startSpeech = True
-                    continue
+                        continue
-                processedLine = self.process_line(lineStr)
-                if processedLine:
-                    self.speak(processedLine)
+                if startSpeech:
+                    processedLine = self.process_line(lineStr)
+                    if processedLine:
+                        self.speak(processedLine)
             except Exception as e:
                 print(f"Error processing game output: {e}", file=sys.stderr)
-                break
+                continue
 class MenuDialog(QDialog):