#!/bin/bash trap 'popd &> /dev/null' EXIT export SUDO_ASKPASS=/etc/audibleprompt.sh if [[ ! -d /opt/configure-stormux ]]; then # Offer to switch fenrir layout. echo "Would you like to switch Fenrir to laptop layout? (y/n)" read -r continue continue="${continue::1}" if [[ "${continue,}" == "y" ]];then sed -i 's/=desktop/=laptop/' /etc/fenrirscreenreader/settings/settings.conf systemctl restart fenrirscreenreader.service clear fi if ! ping -c1 stormux.org &> /dev/null ; then echo "No internet connection detected. Press enter to open NetworkManager." echo "Note, it is best to put Fenrir into highlight mode while using NetworkManager." echo "In desktop layout this is done by pressing Fenrir+numpad asterisk." echo "That is the key just above numpad 9." echo "In laptop mode, press Fenrir+y." echo "In desktop mode the Fenrir key is numpad insert." echo "In laptop mode the Fenrir key is the Super key, sometimes called the Windows key." echo "Press enter to continue." read -r continue nmtui-connect fi # Check for internet connectivity if ping -qc1 -W 1 stormux.org &> /dev/null; then echo "Updating the clock to prevent certificate errors..." # Get current date and time date_time=$(curl -s http://worldtimeapi.org/api/ip | grep -oP '(?<="datetime":")[^"]*') echo "Current date and time: $date_time" # set date and time date -s "$date_time" else echo "Please connect to the internet and run ${0##*/} again." exit 1 fi echo "Installing configure-stormux..." git -C /opt clone -q https://git.stormux.org/storm/configure-stormux || exit 1 fi echo echo "Initial setup is complete." echo echo "If you would like more options, run configure-stormux," echo "or you may configure your system manually." echo echo "Thank you for choosing Stormux." exit 0