#!/bin/bash # install-f123light.sh # Description: Installer script for F123Light on x86_64 machines # # Copyright 2019, F123 Consulting, # Copyright 2019, Storm Dragon, # # This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the # terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free # Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later # version. # # This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this package; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free # Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA # 02110-1301, USA. # # This script is based off vm.sh located at https://stormdragon.tk/scripts/vm.sh # #--code-- # the gettext essentials export TEXTDOMAIN=install-f123light.sh export TEXTDOMAINDIR=/usr/share/locale source gettext.sh # Log writing function log() { # Usage: command | log for just stdout. # Or command |& log for stderr and stdout. while read -r line ; do echo "$line" | sudo tee -a "$logFile" done } # Log file name is /var/log/scriptname logFile="/var/log/${0##*/}" # Clear previous logs echo -n | sudo tee "$logFile" &> /dev/null # Check if this script is already running if [ $(ps ux | grep "$(basename $0)" |grep -v grep | wc -l) -gt 2 ] ; then [ "$1" = "-a" ] || echo "This script already appears to be running... Exiting." exit 1 fi # Find out if we are efi or not. if [[ -d /sys/firmware/efi ]]; then efi="yes" else efi="no" fi gpgkeys=('1E14FA260F577600704793200DD7721ADC85709B' '8E322618C859858A0A11205F5BEA237143DDC193') disk=sda # Disk will be chosen by user once implemented diskSize=$(lsblk -b -n -o size /dev/${disk} |head -n1) bootSize=468 rootSize=30000 if [ $diskSize -le 36000000000 ];then rootSize=15000 fi homeSize=-1 # from last partitian to end of disk leaving enough space for gpt. diskPrefix=$disk if [[ $diskPrefix =~ (mmcblk|nvme).+ ]];then diskPrefix=${diskPrefix}p fi # check internet and connect wifi if not connected if ! ping -c4 &> /dev/null ; then read -p "You don't seem to be connected to the internet. Would you like to connect via wifi? (y/n)" wifi if [ "$wifi" = "y" ] ; then echo "Once you press enter, a menu will open with all available wifi networks listed. Arrow to the one you want to use and press enter twice. Once you do this, if a password is required for your wifi network you must enter it, then press enter. Once wifi is connected you may continue with the installation." read -p "Press enter to continue or control+c to quit." continue while : ; do wifi-menu if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then read -p "Wifi didn't seem to connect properly. Would you like to try again? (y/n)" wifi if [ "$wifi" != "y" ] ; then echo "Wifi couldn't connect. This installer cannot continue. If you wish to connect manually, do so and run $0 again." exit 1 fi else break fi done else echo "This installer requires internet to run. Please connect manually and run $0 again." exit 1 fi fi # Load files echo "Loading, please wait..." # Make sure we have git installed pacman -Syy --needed --noconfirm git |& log &> /dev/null for i in content-F123Light files-F123Light F123Light ; do case "$i" in "files-F123Light") branch="x86";; *) branch="master";; esac if [[ -d "/tmp/${i}" ]]; then git -C "/tmp/${i}" pull -q git -C "/tmp/${i}" checkout -b ${branch} |& log &> /dev/null else if git clone -q --depth 1 -b $branch https://gitlab.com/f123/${i}.git /tmp/${i} ; then echo "Cloned ${i}" | log &> /dev/null else echo "$(gettext "Failed to download required files. Please make sure you are connected to the internet.")" | log exit 1 fi fi done #get information echo echo "Welcome! Before I create your F123Light installation, I need to ask you a couple questions." # Find out if we are installing to a vm? read -p "Are you installing a virtual machine? (y/n) " vm if [ "${vm^}" = "Y" ]; then vm="yes" else vm="no" fi if [ "$vm" = "no" ]; then echo "Do you want this script to partition your drive for you? If yes, the whole drive will be used for F123Light, and all data that existed on the drive before will be erased." read -p "If no, you will need to create partitions and file systems and mount them to /mnt. (y/n) " format if [ "${format^}" = "Y" ]; then format="yes" else format="no" fi if [[ -z "$format" ]]; then echo "Format was not set to yes nor no." | log fi fi #Verify information echo | log echo "----------------------------------------------------------------------" | log msg="You are" if [[ "$vm" == "no" ]]; then msg+=" not" fi echo "${msg} installing to a virtual machine." | log echo "This computer will be called: f123light" | log echo "Your root password will be: root" | log echo | log echo "Your user account is: f123" | log echo "Your user account password is: f123" | log echo | log if [[ "$vm" == "no" ]]; then echo "You are installing to disk, not virtual machine." | log if [[ "$format" = "yes" ]]; then echo "this script will automatically partition the disk for you. All previous data will be erased." | log else echo "You chose to manually handle partitions and file systems. Please make sure your desired directory structure is mounted to /mnt/" | log fi echo | log fi read -p "Press enter to continue: " continue echo echo "Note: When you press enter a lot of things will happen and you may wish to turn off speech during this process." echo "To do so, if you have a numeric keypad, press numpad insert pluss numpad enter." echo "If you are using a laptop, press and hold control, then press and hold capslock, finally press enter." echo "This is a toggle, so to reenable speech, simply press the same keyboard shortcut again." echo "Also note: when pacman installs the reflector package, it will rate the speed of arch linux package servers. This may take several minutes, so be patient." unset continue read -p "Continue with the installation? (y/n): " continue if [ "${continue^}" != "Y" ]; then exit 0 fi # Add F123Light version of pacman.conf if ! grep -q '\[f123light\]' /etc/pacman.conf ; then sed -i -e 's/\[core\]/[f123light]\nServer = https:\/\/packages.f123.org\/$arch\n\n[core]/' /etc/pacman.conf fi # Make sure system time is correct, and pacman-key is correct ntpd -g |& log pacman-key --populate archlinux |& log # add f123 keys to the keyring. pacman-key --recv-keys ${gpgkeys[@]} pacman-key --lsign ${gpgkeys[@]} # Synchronize repositories and install reflector if needed. pacman -Syy --needed --noconfirm reflector |& log # Now that we have reflector, run it to get best mirrors. /usr/bin/reflector -f 10 -a 6 > /tmp/mirrorlist F="$(< /tmp/mirrorlist)" [ -n "$F" ] && mv /tmp/mirrorlist /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist # make partitions if [[ "$format" == "yes" || "$vm" == "yes" ]]; then wipefs --all /dev/$disk |& log dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/$disk bs=1M count=8 |& log if [[ "$efi" = "yes" ]]; then boot=1 parted -s -a optimal -- /dev/$disk mklabel gpt \ mkpart primary 3MiB ${bootSize}MiB set 1 esp on \ mkpart primary $(( 3 + $bootSize ))MiB ${rootSize}MiB \ mkpart primary $(( 3 + $bootSize + $rootSize ))MiB ${homeSize}MiB |& log else if [[ $diskSize -gt 2000000000000 ]]; then boot=2 parted -s -a optimal -- /dev/$disk mklabel gpt \ mkpart primary 1MiB 2MiB set 1 bios_grub on \ mkpart primary 3MiB ${bootSize}MiB set 2 boot on \ mkpart primary $(( 3 + $bootSize ))MiB ${rootSize}MiB \ mkpart primary $(( 3 + $bootSize + $rootSize ))MiB ${homeSize}MiB \ disk_toggle pmbr_boot |& log else boot=1 parted -s -a optimal -- /dev/$disk mklabel msdos \ mkpart primary 3MiB ${bootSize}MiB set 1 boot on \ mkpart primary $(( 3 + $bootSize ))MiB ${rootSize}MiB \ mkpart primary $(( 3 + $bootSize + $rootSize ))MiB ${homeSize}MiB \ disk_toggle pmbr_boot |& log fi fi # make filesystems mkfs.vfat -F 32 /dev/${diskPrefix}${boot} |& log mkfs.ext4 /dev/${diskPrefix}$(( $boot + 1 )) |& log mkfs.ext4 /dev/${diskPrefix}$(( $boot + 2 )) |& log # set up /mnt # Root mount /dev/${diskPrefix}$(( $boot + 1 )) /mnt |& log # Create directory structure mkdir -pv /mnt/boot |& log mkdir -pv /mnt/home |& log # Boot mount /dev/${diskPrefix}${boot} /mnt/boot |& log # Home mount /dev/${diskPrefix}$(( $boot + 2 )) /mnt/home |& log fi # install packages # Packages are in an array to make it easier to add/remove them. mapfile -t packageList < <(sed -e 's/\([[:space:]a-zA-Z0-9_.\+-]*\).*/\1/g' -e 's/^ *//' -e 's/ .*//' -e '/\(^\s*[[:punct:]]\|^$\)/d' "/tmp/F123Light/build/package_lists/packages.list") # Remove unneeded packages for i in ${!packageList[@]} ; do if echo "${packageList[$i]}" | grep -q "fake-hwclock" ; then unset packageList[$i] fi if echo "${packageList[$i]}" | grep -q "pi-bluetooth" ; then unset packageList[$i] fi if echo "${packageList[$i]}" | grep -q "raspberry" ; then unset packageList[$i] fi done # Add the boot loader and needed packages. packageList+=("grub" "dosfstools") if [[ "$efi" == "yes" ]]; then packageList+=("efibootmgr") fi if [ "$vm" = "no" ]; then packageList+=("grub" "os-prober") fi # Install packages. pacstrap /mnt ${packageList[@]} |& log # generate fstab genfstab -U -p /mnt > /mnt/etc/fstab #copy sound state alsactl store cp /var/lib/alsa/asound.state /mnt/var/lib/alsa/asound.state |& log # Copy over F123Light configuration files cp -arv /tmp/files-F123Light/files/* /mnt/ |& log # Update F123Light specific configuration directory. cp -arv /tmp/files-F123Light/files/etc/F123-Config/ /mnt/etc/F123-Config |& log mkdir -p /mnt/usr/share/doc/F123 cp -Rv /tmp/content-F123Light/F123/* /mnt/usr/share/doc/F123 |& log # Initialize the timestamp file date '+%y%m%d%H%M' > /mnt/etc/timestamp-f123light # Get list of services to be enabled once inside the chroot echo -n "systemctl enable " > /mnt/f123light-services tail -1 /tmp/F123Light/build/F123Light.conf | cut -d '"' -f2 | sed 's/ /\nsystemctl enable /g' >> /mnt/f123light-services # chroot arch-chroot /mnt /bin/bash << EOF |& log # Source the services variable. source f123light-services # Configure pulse stuff groupadd --system pulse groupadd --system pulse-access useradd --system -g pulse -G audio -d /var/run/pulse -m -s /bin/nologin pulse gpasswd -a pulse lp gpasswd -a root pulse-access # set hostname echo "f123light" > /etc/hostname # Set hwclock for install to disc. if [ "$vm" = "no" ]; then hwclock --systohc --utc fi # set locale echo "en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8" >> /etc/locale.gen locale-gen echo 'LANG=en_US.UTF-8' > /etc/locale.conf # Install internet packages for install to disc. if [ "$vm" = "no" ]; then pacman -S --noconfirm --needed dialog iw wpa_supplicant fi # Enable internet for the vm if [ "$vm" = "yes" ]; then systemctl enable dhcpcd fi # enable service files. bash /f123light-services # install and configure grub or systemd boot bootloader if [[ "$efi" == "no" ]]; then grub-install --target=i386-pc --recheck /dev/${disk} sed -i 's/#\s*GRUB_INIT_TUNE=/GRUB_INIT_TUNE=/' /etc/default/grub grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg else if [[ "$(cat /sys/firmware/efi/fw_platform_size)" = "64" ]]; then grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot --bootloader-id=GRUB sed -i 's/#\s*GRUB_INIT_TUNE=/GRUB_INIT_TUNE=/' /etc/default/grub grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg #bootctl install --esp-path=/boot #mkdir -p /boot/loader/entries #cp /usr/share/systemd/bootctl/arch.conf /boot/loader/entries #cp /usr/share/systemd/bootctl/loader.conf /boot/loader #sed -i -e "s/PARTUUID=XXXX/PARTUUID=$(lsblk -n -o uuid /dev/${diskPrefix}2)/" -e "s/rootfstype=XXXX/rootfstype=ext4/" /boot/loader/entries/arch.conf else # This is highly likely not to work, I'm leaving it here until we confirm if it does or doesn't. //Michael grub-install --target=i386-efi --efi-directory=/boot --bootloader-id=GRUB sed -i 's/#\s*GRUB_INIT_TUNE=/GRUB_INIT_TUNE=/' /etc/default/grub grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg fi fi # set root password echo "root:root" | chpasswd # Enable multilib for 64 bit systems. sed -i '/^#\[multilib\]$/{{N;s/^#\[multilib\]\n#Include = \/etc\/pacman.d\/mirrorlist$/[multilib]\nInclude = \/etc\/pacman.d\/mirrorlist/;t;P;D}}' /etc/pacman.conf pacman -Sy #Create user account useradd -m -g users -G wheel,storage,power,uucp,audio,games,lp,scanner,pulse-access -s /bin/bash f123 # set user password echo "f123:f123" | chpasswd #allow users of group wheel to use sudo without password for next section sed -i 's/# %wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL/%wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL/' /etc/sudoers sudo -u f123 touch /home/f123/.firstboot # end section sent to chroot EOF # Copy over the log of the installation cp $logFile /mnt/var/log # sync for good measure sync # unmount umount -R /mnt espeak -v en-us -a 150 "Installation complete!" &> /dev/null echo "Installation complete! Type poweroff to shut down this live invironment." echo "Then power on to boot into your newly installed F123Light operating system!" echo "Thank you for choosing F123Light." exit 0