#!/bin/bash # # Copyright 2018, F123 Consulting, # Copyright 2018, Kyle, # Copyright 2018, Storm Dragon, # # This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the # terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free # Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later # version. # # This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this package; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free # Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA # 02110-1301, USA. # #--code-- # the gettext essentials export TEXTDOMAIN=update-f123light export TEXTDOMAINDIR=/usr/share/locale . gettext.sh # Import the standard F123Light functions . /usr/lib/F123-includes/script_functions.sh cleanup() { # The temporary files downloaded from the F123Light git repositories are no longer needed. # Kill the clones. sudo -v && sudo rm -Rf /tmp/files-F123Light /tmp/content-F123Light } # Log writing function log() { while read -r line ; do echo "$line" | sudo tee -a "$logFile" &> /dev/null done } # Incremental update timestamp function # Determine whether to perform the update that calls this function. # Return false if the time in yymmddhhmm format is not later than /etc/build-timestamp # Otherwise write the new timestamp and return 0 so that the update is performed. # on the calling system. update () { local updateTime="$1" local lastUpdated="$(cat /etc/timestamp-f123light | tr -cd '[:digit:]' 2> /dev/null)" lastUpdated=${lastUpdated:-0} if [[ $updateTime -gt $lastUpdated ]]; then echo -n "$updateTime" | sudo tee /etc/timestamp-f123light &> /dev/null echo "Performed incremental update $updateTime" | log else return 100 fi return 0 } reboot_prompt () { # Prompt the user to reboot just in case something like the kernel that deserves a reboot has been updated. # We will prompt for a keypress. Enter to reboot, escape to exit the script and return to the shell or calling script. local $key clear key=$(yesno "$(gettext "Your system has been updated. We recommend that you restart your computer. Please press 'Enter' to restart or 'Escape' to finish the update without restarting.")") case $key in "Yes") sudo systemctl reboot ;; "No") ;; esac } # Default files-F123Light git branch to be cloned branch=master # test to determine whether to prompt for a reboot, initially false reboot=false # Get command line options if ! options=$(getopt -o b:h -l branch:,help, -n "update-f123light" -- "$@"); then exit 1 fi eval set -- "$options" while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do case $1 in -b|--branch) branch="$2" shift 2 ;; -h|--help) cat <<-HELP $(gettext "Usage") $(eval_gettext "\$name [options...]") $(gettext "Options") -h, --help: $(gettext "Print this help message and exit") -b , --branch=: $(eval_gettext "Get files from the specified git branch, default: \$branch") HELP exit 0 ;; (--) shift ;; *) echo $(basename $0): $1 $(gettext "not recognized") 1>&2 exit 1 ;; esac done clear set -Eo pipefail trap cleanup EXIT # Log file name logFile="/var/log/${0##*/}" # Check if the current user uas sudo privileges. if sudo -v ; then # Initialize logFile. echo "Log for update-f123light. Starting at version $( /dev/null else infobox "$USER $(gettext "Does not currently have administrator access to this system. Please upgrade with a user that has adminstrator access.")"; exit 1; fi # See if we can update the system. if [[ -f "/var/lib/pacman/db.lck" ]]; then echo "Found /var/lib/pacman/db.lck" | log if [[ "$(yesno "$(gettext "Your system needs to restart before updates can begin. Would you like to do this now?")")" == "Yes" ]]; then sudo rm -f "/var/lib/pacman/db.lck" echo "Removed /var/lib/pacman/db.lck" | log sudo reboot else echo "User chose not to remove /var/lib/pacman/db.lck" | log exit 0 fi fi # Check for internet connectivity. if ! ping -c1 -W5 f123.org &> /dev/null | dialog --progressbox "$(gettext "Checking internet connection...")" 0 0; then echo "Could not connect to internet" | log infobox "$(gettext "No internet connection detected. Please connect to the internet and try again.")" exit 1 fi # Check for free space in /tmp # Get free size on disk freeSpace=$(df -h --output=avail /tmp | tr -Cd '[:digit:]') if [[ $freeSpace -lt 50 ]]; then echo "Not enough free space on the disk to do updates." | log infobox "$(gettext "There is not enough free space on the disk to update the system.")" exit 1 fi # Make sure update-f123light is up to date. oldVersion="$(pacman -Qi update-f123light | head -2 | tail -1)" sudo pacman -Sy --noconfirm --needed update-f123light &> /dev/null | dialog --progressbox "Checking to make sure you have the latest version of update-f123light" -1 -1 newVersion="$(pacman -Qi update-f123light | head -2 | tail -1)" if [[ "$oldVersion" != "$newVersion" ]]; then echo "update-f123light was updated from version $oldVersion to $newVersion" | log msgbox "A new version of update-f123light has been installed. Please run update-f123light again." exit 0 fi # Cleanup just in case there is a temporary file or content repository left behind from a previous update. sudo rm -Rf /tmp/files-F123Light /tmp/content-F123Light # Clone the files-F123Light and content-F123Light git repositories. if git clone -q -b $branch --depth 1 https://gitlab.com/f123/files-F123Light.git /tmp/files-F123Light ; then echo "Cloned files-F123Light: $branch" | log else echo "Failed to clone files-F123Light: $branch" | log infobox "$(gettext "Failed to download update files. Please try again later.")" exit 1 fi if git clone -q --depth 1 https://gitlab.com/f123/content-F123Light.git /tmp/content-F123Light ; then echo "Cloned content-F123Light." | log else echo "Failed to clone content-F123Light: $branch" | log msgbox "$(gettext "Failed to download content and language improvements. The update process will continue, but language improvements and documentation updates will not be added.")" fi # Due to the nature of system updates, this script may ask for the user's password more than once. # Try to minimize user fears with a friendly message. echo "All preupgrade checks passed." | log msgbox "$(gettext "The software update process for F123Light will now begin. Depending on how many updates there are, your password might be requested more than once. Do not be alarmed, as this is normal. Press the 'Enter' key to continue, or the escape key to exit.")" || exit 0 # Perform incremental updates # They are found in scripts/updates.sh in the files-F123Light repository # This file explains how to apply incremental updates, usage, formatting, etc. source /tmp/files-F123Light/scripts/updates.sh | dialog --progressbox "$(gettext "Performing incremental updates...")" -1 -1 # Clean the package cache. sudo pacman -Sc --noconfirm |& log | dialog --progressbox "$(gettext "Cleaning package cache...")" -1 -1 if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then echo "There were problems cleaning the package cache." | log fi # Update all ALARM and F123 maintained packages on the system that are not in the ignore list on public.f123.org. # Track kernel version and prompt for a reboot after if it changes oldKernel="$(uname -r)" oldKernel="${oldKernel%-*}" ignorePkgList="$(curl -Ls public.f123.org/update-f123light/ignorepkg.txt)" if [[ -n "${ignorePkgList}" ]]; then ignorePkgList="--ignore ${ignorePkgList//[[:space:]]/,} " fi yes | sudo pacman -Syu --noconfirm --noprogressbar ${ignorePkgList}|& sudo tee -a "$logFile" | grep -v '\? \[Y/n\]' | dialog --progressbox "$(gettext "Updating system software...")" -1 -1 newKernel="$(pacman -Qi linux-raspberrypi | head -2 | tail -1)" newKernel="${newKernel##* }" if [[ "$oldKernel" != "$newKernel" ]]; then reboot="true" echo "The kernel was upgraded from version ${oldKernel%%-*} to version ${newKernel%%-*}" | log fi infobox "$(gettext "Updating configuration and other files...")" # Copy in the files-F123Light and content-F123Light files. # Only the files under files-F123Light/files/usr should be copied to the system to avoid resetting configs modified by the system menu. # Everything in content-F123Light is always copied. shopt -s dotglob sudo cp -a /tmp/files-F123Light/files/usr/* /usr # Update F123Light specific configuration directory. sudo cp -a /tmp/files-F123Light/files/etc/F123-Config/* /etc/F123-Config # /boot is a special case on a Raspberry Pi, as it's an oldschool DOS partition. if uname -m | grep -q armv7 ; then sudo cp -R /tmp/files-F123Light/files/boot/* /boot |& log fi sudo cp -R /tmp/content-F123Light/F123/* /usr/share/doc/F123 if [[ "$reboot" == "true" ]]; then reboot_prompt fi msgbox "$(gettext "Update complete.")" exit 0