Compare commits


No commits in common. "89ab28a79cd163436c258b964238823d1ccc7511" and "5bae083148f76bb09cb08aae032fff7d642f3b75" have entirely different histories.

6 changed files with 1 additions and 73 deletions

View File

@ -189,7 +189,6 @@ pacman -Su --needed --noconfirm \
pipewire-alsa \ pipewire-alsa \
pipewire-jack \ pipewire-jack \
pipewire-pulse \ pipewire-pulse \
poppler \
python-pyudev \ python-pyudev \
python-daemonize \ python-daemonize \
python-evdev \ python-evdev \
@ -252,7 +251,7 @@ rm -rf /home/stormux/packages/
# Enable linger so that hopefully sound will start at login. # Enable linger so that hopefully sound will start at login.
mkdir -p /var/lib/systemd/linger mkdir -p /var/lib/systemd/linger
touch /var/lib/systemd/linger/stormux touch /var/lib/systemd/linger/stormux
systemctl --global enable dbus-broker.service pipewire.service pipewire-pulse.service systemctl --global enable dbus-broker.service pipewire.service pipewire-pulse.service wireplumber.service
/usr/share/fenrirscreenreader/tools/ /usr/share/fenrirscreenreader/tools/
sudo -u stormux /usr/share/fenrirscreenreader/tools/ sudo -u stormux /usr/share/fenrirscreenreader/tools/
# Configure sudo for group wheel, remove nopasswd for the stormux user # Configure sudo for group wheel, remove nopasswd for the stormux user
@ -275,7 +274,6 @@ cp -rv ../files/boot/* /mnt/boot
cp -rv ../files/etc/* /mnt/etc cp -rv ../files/etc/* /mnt/etc
cp -rv ../files/var/* /mnt/var cp -rv ../files/var/* /mnt/var
cp -rv ../files/usr/* /mnt/usr cp -rv ../files/usr/* /mnt/usr
cp -rv ../files/etc/skel/{.,}* /mnt/home/stormux/
# Exiting calls the cleanup function to unmount. # Exiting calls the cleanup function to unmount.
exit 0 exit 0

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@
alias sudo='sudo '

View File

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
memuse() {
ps axo rss,comm,pid \
| awk '{ proc_list[$2] += $1; } END \
{ for (proc in proc_list) { printf("%d\t%s\n", proc_list[proc],proc); }}' \
| sort -n | tail -n 10 | sort -rn \
| awk '{$1/=1024;printf "%.0fMB\t",$1}{print $2}'
if [[ $# -ne 1 ]]; then
echo 'Usage: pdf <file>' >&2
local dir=$(mktemp -d -p /tmp pdf_conversion.XXXXXX)
local outFile="${1##*/}"
local outFile="${outFile%.*}"
pdftohtml -noframes -i -s "$1" "${dir}/${outFile}.html"
w3m -s "${dir}/${outFile}.html"

View File

@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
# ~/.bashrc
# If not running interactively, don't do anything
[[ $- != *i* ]] && return
#Change directories without using cd
shopt -s autocd
# Keep bash history in screen
# load Aliases and functions
[[ -f ".bash_aliases" ]] && source .bash_aliases
[[ -f ".bash_functions" ]] && source .bash_functions
#Invironment variables
PS1='[\u@\h \W] \$ '
export DIALOGOPTS='--no-lines --visit-items'
export GPG_TTY
# Don't put commands prefixed with space, or duplicate commands in history
export HISTCONTROL=ignoreboth

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
# Reload changes with control+x followed by control+r
set echo-control-characters off
# History searching with up and down arrows.
"\e[A": history-search-backward
"\e[B": history-search-forward

View File

@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
vbell off
bell_msg ""
hardstatus off
startup_message off
defscrollback 4096
bind ! select 10
bind @ select 11
bind \# select 12
bind $ select 13
bind % select 14
bind ^ select 15
bind & select 16
bind * select 17
bind ( select 18
bind ) select 19
bind b eval "writebuf" 'exec !!! xclip -selection "clipboard" -i /tmp/screen-exchange'
#termcapinfo xterm|xterms|xs|rxvt ti@:te@
termcapinfo xterm* ti@:te@