diff --git a/install-stormux.sh b/install-stormux.sh index 33277c7..bd59d17 100755 --- a/install-stormux.sh +++ b/install-stormux.sh @@ -114,6 +114,8 @@ fi answer="$(yesno "Have you created your own disk layout and mounted it at /mnt?")" if [[ $answer -eq 1 ]]; then msgbox "Stormux can format a drive for you. Keep in mind that all data on the selected drive will be lost, including any other operating system that may be installed. To cancel, press control+c." + mapfile -t driveList < <(lsblk -l -d -o 'PATH,SiZE' | tail -n +2 | tr -s '[:space:]' | tr '[:space:]' $'\n') + drive=$(menulist "Select a drive for the installation." "${driveList[@]}") fi language=$(menulist "Select the System Language" \