[ -f functions.sh ] && source functions.sh set -f name="$1" channelName="$2" shift shift if [[ $# -eq 0 ]]; then msg "$channelName" "$name: Please provide a location or postcode." return 0 fi location="${*}" # Convert spaces to +. location="${location//[[:space:]]/+}" # c Weather condition, # C Weather condition textual name, # h Humidity, # t Temperature (Actual), # f Temperature (Feels Like), # w Wind, # l Location, # m Moonphase ðð, # M Moonday, # p precipitation (mm), # o Probability of Precipitation, # P pressure (hPa), # D Dawn*, # S Sunrise*, # z Zenith*, # s Sunset*, # d Dusk*. format="%c|%C|%h|%t|%f|%w|%l|%m|%M|%p|%o|%P|%D|%S|%z|%s|%d" argList="${format//%/}" argList="${argList//|/ }" weatherString="$(curl -s https://wttr.in/${location}?format="${format}")" i=1 declare -A weatherInfo for j in $argList ; do weatherInfo[$j]="$(echo "${weatherString}" | cut -d '|' -f $i)" ((i++)) done # Format times to 12 hour format. for i in S D z s d ; do weatherInfo[$i]="$(date '+%r' --date="${weatherInfo[$i]}")" done message="${weatherInfo[l]}: ${weatherInfo[t]} and ${weatherInfo[C]}" if [[ "${weatherInfo[t]}" == "${weatherInfo[f]}" ]]; then message+=". " else message+=" with a real feel of ${weatherInfo[f]}. " fi message+="Wind: ${weatherInfo[w]}" if [[ "${weatherInfo[p]}" != "0.0mm" ]]; then message+=" Precipitation: ${weatherInfo[p]} " fi if [[ -n "${weatherInfo[o]}" ]]; then message+="Chance of precipitation ${weatherInfo[o]} " fi message+=" Humidity: ${weatherInfo[h]}. " message+="Sunrise: ${weatherInfo[S]}, Sunset: ${weatherInfo[s]}." msg "$channelName" "$name: ${message//+/ }"