NICK elizabot2 USER elizabot2 elizabot2 elizabot2 : elizabot2 JOIN #interns PONG :3D818075 JOIN #interns PRIVMSG #interns :Vy: The available modules I have are: PRIVMSG #interns :Vy: ping talk~ help eliza_java.jar rps talk output~ output args PRIVMSG '#interns' :'Vy': 'bye' PRIVMSG #interns :Vy: bye PRIVMSG #interns :Vy: Bye again! PONG PRIVMSG #interns :Vy: The available modules I have are: PRIVMSG #interns :Vy: ping talk~ help eliza_java.jar rps talk output~ output args PRIVMSG #interns :Vy: Hi PRIVMSG #interns :Vy: Hi PONG PRIVMSG #interns :Vy: The available modules I have are: PRIVMSG #interns :Vy: ping talk~ help eliza_java.jar rps talk output~ output args PRIVMSG #interns :Vy: PRIVMSG #interns :Vy: I'm not sure I understand you fully. PRIVMSG #interns :Vy: The available modules I have are: PRIVMSG #interns :Vy: ping talk~ help eliza_java.jar rps talk output args PRIVMSG #interns :Vy: Hi. What seems to be your problem ? PRIVMSG #interns :Vy: How do you do. Please state your problem. PRIVMSG #interns :Vy: Are you saying no just to be negative? PRIVMSG greg :greg: Are you saying no just to be negative? PRIVMSG greg :greg: Are you saying no just to be negative? PRIVMSG greg :greg: Do you feel strongly about discussing such things ? PRIVMSG greg :greg: Do you feel strongly about discussing such things ? PRIVMSG greg :greg: Do you feel strongly about discussing such things ? PRIVMSG greg :greg: Do you feel strongly about discussing such things ? PRIVMSG greg :greg: Do you feel strongly about discussing such things ? PRIVMSG greg :greg: Do you feel strongly about discussing such things ? PRIVMSG greg :greg: Please go on. PRIVMSG greg :greg: Please go on. PRIVMSG greg :greg: Please go on. PRIVMSG greg :greg: Please go on. PRIVMSG #interns :Vy: Nice talking to you! My secretary will send you the bill! PRIVMSG greg :greg: Nice talking to you! My secretary will send you the bill! PRIVMSG greg :greg: Nice talking to you! My secretary will send you the bill! PONG PONG PONG PONG PONG PONG