[ -f functions.sh ] && source functions.sh shift chan="$1" shift #get the lyric text into a variable trackName="${@//Ã/o}" trackName="${trackName//:/-}" trackName="$(echo "$trackName" | sed -r -e "s/((\w|\d| |\.|!|\?|')+ - (\w|\d| |\.|!|\?|')+)( +\[| +\(| +- ).*/\1/")" # Random agent string agent="$(shuf -n 1 -e \ "Mozilla/5.0 (Android; Mobile; rv:40.0) Gecko/40.0 Firefox/40.0"\ "Mozilla/5.0 (Android; Tablet; rv:40.0) Gecko/40.0 Firefox/40.0"\ "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 4.4; Nexus 5 Build/_BuildID_) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36")" # Get our curl command unset curl if command -v torify &> /dev/null ; then curl="torify " fi curl="${curl}curl" #Lyricsmania trackName="$(echo "$trackName" | sed -e "s/ /_/g" -e "s/([[:print:]]*)//g" -e "s/['\/\.]//g" -e 's/&/and/g')" artist="$(echo "${trackName,,}" | cut -d "-" -f 1 | sed -e 's/_$//' -e 's/^the_\(.*\)/\1_the/')" song="$(echo "${trackName,,}" | cut -d "-" -f 2 | sed 's/^_//')" lyricsUrl="http://www.lyricsmania.com/${song}_lyrics_${artist}.html" lyricText="$($curl -s "$lyricsUrl" | grep -A 100 'Lyrics to ' | grep -B 100 ' ' | tail -n +2 | head -n -2 | sed -e 's/<[^>]*>//g' -e 's/
/\n/g' -e 's/<\/div>.*//')" #get the number of lines in the text lyricMaxLines=$(echo "$lyricText" | wc -l) #keep track of 10 line chunks of text for your starting point. x=10 lyricStartLine=$x while [[ $x -le $(($lyricMaxLines - 10)) ]] ; do x=$((x + 10)) lyricStartLine="$lyricStartLine $x" done #pass the starting options through shuf so we can get our starting line lyricStartLine=$(shuf -n 1 -e $lyricStartLine) #we only need to do the head, tail manipulation if there's more than one line. if [ $lyricMaxLines -gt 10 ] ; then lyricText="$(echo "$lyricText" | tail -n $lyricStartLine | head -n 10)" fi #Make sure all white space is not an enter or vertical space of any kind. lyricText="$(echo "$lyricText" | tr "[:space:]" " " | tr -s "[:space:]")" #sometimes lyrics are just one long line with everything. If this happens, cut it down so it's not too long for the 512 character channel limit. if [ ${#lyricText} -gt 412 ] ; then lyricText="${lyricText:0:409}... " lyricText="$(echo "$lyricText" | rev | cut -d " " -f 1- | rev)" fi #remove simi-colons lyricText="$(echo "$lyricText" | tr ';' ':' | sed 's/try { _402_Show(): } catch(e) {}//')" #Display the lyric text if [ ${#lyricText} -gt 15 ] ; then msg "$chan" "${lyricText}" exit 0 fi msg "$chan" "no lyrics found for ${trackName}." exit 0