[ -f functions.sh ] && source functions.sh case "${3^^}" in D|DI|DIM|DIME) coin="dime" ;; D|DO|DOL|DOLL|DOLLA|DOLLAR) coin="silver dollar" ;; H|HA|HAL|HALF|HALF-|HALF-D|HALF-DO|HALF-DOL|HALF-DOLL|HALF-DOLLA|HALF-DOLLAR) coin="fifty-cent piece" ;; N|NI|NICNICK|NICKE|NICKEL) coin="nickel" ;; P|PE|PEN|PENN|PENNY) coin="penny" ;; Q|QU|QUA|QUAR|QUART|QUARTER) coin="quarter" ;; *) coin="$(shuf -n1 -e dime "fifty-cent piece" nickel penny "silver dollar" quarter)" esac catch="$(shuf -n1 -e true false)" flip="$(shuf -n1 -e HEADS TAILS)" message="pulls a $coin out, flips it high into the air," if [ "$catch" = "true" ]; then message="$message and deftly catches it," else message="$message and tries to grab it on the way back down but misses. After lots of cussin', tobaccer juce spittin' and searching, the $coin is found," fi message="$message revealing $flip!" act "$2" "$message"