[ -f functions.sh ] && source functions.sh cpu="$(shuf -n 1 -e HACKER NUKE SHOTGUN)" player="$3" case "${player^^}" in H|HA|HAC|HACK|HACKE|HACKER) player="HACKER" ;; N|NU|NUKE) player="NUKE" ;; S|SH|SHO|SHOT|SHOTG|SHOTGU|SHOTGUN) player="SHOTGUN" ;; *) player="INVALID" esac if [[ "$player" = "INVALID" ]]; then msg "$2" "$1: Please select HACKER, NUKE, or SHOTGUN." elif [[ "$cpu" = "$player" ]]; then msg "$2" "$1: You and I both selected $player, so we achieved mutual annihilation!" elif [[ "$cpu" = "HACKER" && "$player" != "SHOTGUN" ]]; then msg "$2" "$1: my $cpu disarmed your $player! I win!" elif [[ "$cpu" = "NUKE" && "$player" != "HACKER" ]]; then msg "$2" "$1: Never bring a $player to a fight with ${cpu}s! I blew your ass up! I win!" elif [[ "$cpu" = "SHOTGUN" && "$player" != "NUKE" ]]; then msg "$2" "$1: my $cpu splattered your ${player}'s head all over the wall! Eww gross, look at the brain goo... I win!" elif [[ "$player" = "HACKER" && "$cpu" != "SHOTGUN" ]]; then msg "$2" "$1: your $player disarmed my $cpu! You win!" elif [[ "$player" = "NUKE" && "$cpu" != "HACKER" ]]; then msg "$2" "$1: Never bring a $cpu to a fight with ${player}s! You blew my ass up! You win!" else msg "$2" "$1: your $player splattered my ${cpu}'s head all over the wall! Eww gross, look at the brain goo... You win!" fi