#enter channels here in quotes before the ) channel="a11y" # The date format for log entries. man date for details. dateFormat='%B %d, %I:%m%P' # Greet people who enter the channel? (true/false) # Configure greetings in triggers/greet/greet.sh greet=true # Say something when people leave the channel? (true/false) # Configure bye messages in triggers/bye/bye.sh leave=true # Path to log file log="log.txt" nick="storm_bot" port=6667 # Message to give when the bot logs off the server quitMessage="$nick vanishes in a sudden flash of brilliant lightning." server="irc.talkabout.cf" # format=username hostname servername :realname user="$nick ${server%.} $server :$nick" # auto rejoin if kicked from channel? autoRejoinChannel=true # Say something nasty to whomever kicked the bot? curseKicker=true # Symbols used to specify you are calling a bot module. botCaller=",.!+?" # People who are allowed to private message the bot separate multiple names with | allowList="" ignoreList="storm_bot"