#!/usr/bin/env bash # Set the current path to the Doom path required by some OS. pushd "${doomPath}" # Set up the pk3 and wad files gameOption=( "${doomPath}/TobyAccMod_V${tobyVersion}.pk3" "${doomPath}/PB-Toby-Compatibility-Addon.pk3" "${doomPath}/Toby-Universal-Pickup-Beacon-Prototype.pk3" "${doomPath}/TobyDoomLevels.wad" "$(find /usr/share/games/ -name 'Project_Brutality-master.pk3')" ) # Check for and include if present a wad. Some people may not have it. if [[ -e "${doomPath}/DoomMetalVol7.wad" ]]; then gameOption+=("${doomPath}/DoomMetalVol7.wad") elif [[ -e "${doomPath}/DoomMetalVol6.wad" ]]; then gameOption+=("${doomPath}/DoomMetalVol6.wad") fi # Extend the search for new messages to be read. grepStrings+=('-e' '^\*\*\* Brutality Bonus awarded!' '-e' ' died.' '-e' 'Ectoplasmic Surge!' '-e' '^Game Saved.' '-e' ' has been ' '-e' '^(Armor|Health) boosted!' '-e' 'Lesser demon energy' '-e' '^Found ' '-e' 'Got the ' '-e' ' killed (her|him|it)self(\.|!)' '-e' 'Picked up ' '-e' '^(Mega|Soul)sphere$' '-e' ' skeleton key secured!$' '-e' ' (SPLATTERED|was) .*(\.|!)' '-e' '^Took ' '-e' '^Vanguard of the gods!$' '-e' "You've found " '-e' 'You (collected|got|found|picked up) ') antiGrepStrings+=('-e' 'key card' '-e' ' was .*\?' ) sedStrings+=('-e' 's/*\{3\}//g') # Launch the game and pipe things to be spoken through speech-dispatcher. # This also leaves the console output intact for people who may want to read it. exec stdbuf -oL ${gzdoom} ${gameOption[@]} | while IFS= read -r l ; do echo "$l" | { grep "${grepStrings[@]}" | grep "${antiGrepStrings[@]}" | sed "${sedStrings[@]}" | spd-say -e ${spd_module} ${spd_pitch} ${spd_rate} ${spd_voice} ${spd_volume} -- > /dev/null 2>&1; }; echo "$l";done