check_architecture x86_64 echo "Please note this requires the game to be available either in your Steam library" echo "or as the installer purchased from" echo "If using the installer, please use the default path when prompted." alert check_dependencies steamcmd appId="646570" if ! [[ -f ~/Downloads/ ]] && ! [[ -f ~/Desktop/ ]]; then echo "Please enter Steam user name:" read -er steamUser steamcmd +@sSteamCmdForcePlatformType linux +force_install_dir "${HOME}/.local/games/SlayTheSpire" +login "$steamUser" +app_update "$appId" +quit else DISPLAY="" find ~/Downloads -maxdepth 1 -type f -name '' -exec bash "{}" \; || find ~/Desktop -maxdepth 1 -type f -name '' -exec bash "{}" \; if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then ln -sf "${HOME}/GOG Games/Slay the Spire/game" "${installPath}/SlayTheSpire" || { echo "Error creating link." exit 1; } else echo "Error installing game." exit 1 fi fi # Move files into place mkdir -p "${HOME}/.config/ModTheSpire" if [[ -f ~"/.config/ModTheSpire/mod_lists.json" ]]; then dialog --backtitle "Linux Game manager" \ --yesno "Existing mod_lists.json file found. Would you like to replace it?" -1 -1 --stdout && cp -v .files/SlayTheSpire/mod_lists.json "${HOME}/.config/ModTheSpire/mod_lists.json" else cp -v .files/SlayTheSpire/mod_lists.json "${HOME}/.config/ModTheSpire/mod_lists.json" fi cp -v .files/SlayTheSpire/ "${HOME}/.local/games/SlayTheSpire/" # Get mods declare -A mods=( [mod the spire]=1605060445 [base mod]=1605833019 [stslib]=1609158507 [curses come first]=2304840098 [achievement enabler]=1692554109 [say the spire]=2239220106 ) installString="" for x in ${mods[@]} ; do installString="$installString +workshop_download_item $appId $x" done steamcmd +@sSteamCmdForcePlatformType linux +force_install_dir "${HOME}/.local/games/SlayTheSpire/" +login anonymous $installString +quit mkdir -p "$HOME/.local/games/SlayTheSpire/mods" for x in "${!mods[@]}" ; do if [ "$x" == "mod the spire" ] ; then ln -sr "$HOME/.local/games/SlayTheSpire/steamapps/workshop/content/$appId/${mods[$x]}"/* "$HOME/.local/games/SlayTheSpire/" else ln -sr "$HOME/.local/games/SlayTheSpire/steamapps/workshop/content/$appId/${mods[$x]}"/* "$HOME/.local/games/SlayTheSpire/mods/" fi done