#!/usr/bin/env bash # check for required pk3. source ${0%/*}/TobyCustom/.dependencies check_dependencies "${gamePath}/Project_Brutality.pk3" \ "https://www.moddb.com/mods/project-brutality" \ "This should be included by default." \ 'If you are seeing this message, please reinstall after removing any TobyDoom files from ~/.cache/linux-game-manager.' \ 'rm -f ~/.cache/linux-game-manager/TobyAccessibilityMod_Version*' # Set up the pk3 and wad files gameOption=( "${gamePath}/TobyAccMod_V${tobyVersion}.pk3" "$gamePath/Addons/MENU/TobyV${tobyVersion%%-*}_"* "$gamePath/Addons/DOOM/TobyV${tobyVersion%%-*}_Proximity.pk3" "${gamePath}/PB-Toby-Compatibility-Addon.pk3" "${gamePath}/Project_Brutality.pk3" ) # Check for and include if present a wad. Some people may not have it. if [[ -e "${gamePath}/DoomMetalVol7.wad" ]]; then gameOption+=("${gamePath}/DoomMetalVol7.wad") elif [[ -e "${gamePath}/DoomMetalVol6.wad" ]]; then gameOption+=("${gamePath}/DoomMetalVol6.wad") fi source ${0%/*}/TobyCustom/.mapmenu flags=( # Key bindings '+bind Alt +altattack' '+bind Ctrl +attack' '+bind G +User1' '+bind U unreloader' # Variables '+pb_exaggeratedrecoil false' '+pb_weapon_recoil_mod_horizontal 0' '+pb_weapon_recoil_mod_vertical 0' '+vertspread true' )