check_architecture x86_64 check_dependencies steamcmd alert dialog --backtitle "Linux Game manager" \ --msgbox \ "Please note this requires the game to be available either in your Steam library\nor as the installer purchased from\nIf using the installer, please use the default path when prompted." -1 -1 --stdout dialog --backtitle "Linux Game Manager" \ --yes-label "GOG" \ --no-label "Steam" \ --yesno "Select installation method" -1 -1 --stdout installationMethod=$? appId="646570" gogFileName="" if [[ $installMethod -eq 1 ]]; then # Steam Installation echo "Please enter Steam user name:" read -er steamUser steamcmd +@sSteamCmdForcePlatformType linux +force_install_dir "${HOME}/.local/games/SlayTheSpire" +login "$steamUser" +app_update "$appId" +quit if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then dialog --backtitle "Linux Game Manager" \ --msgbox "Error installing game through Steam." -1 -1 --stdout exit 1 fi else # GOG Installation get_installer "$gogFileName" "" DISPLAY="" find ~/Downloads -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "$gogFileName" -exec bash "{}" \; || DISPLAY="" find ~/Desktop -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "$gogFileName" -exec bash "{}" \; if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then ln -sf "${HOME}/GOG Games/Slay the Spire/game" "${installPath}/SlayTheSpire" || { dialog --backtitle "Linux Game Manager" \ --msgbox "Error creating link to game directory." -1 -1 --stdout exit 1; } else dialog --backtitle "Linux Game Manager" \ --msgbox "Error installing game from GOG installer." -1 -1 --stdout exit 1 fi fi # Move files into place mkdir -p "${HOME}/.config/ModTheSpire" if [[ -f ~"/.config/ModTheSpire/mod_lists.json" ]]; then dialog --backtitle "Linux Game manager" \ --yesno "Existing mod_lists.json file found. Would you like to replace it?" -1 -1 --stdout && cp -v .files/SlayTheSpire/mod_lists.json "${HOME}/.config/ModTheSpire/mod_lists.json" else cp -v .files/SlayTheSpire/mod_lists.json "${HOME}/.config/ModTheSpire/mod_lists.json" fi cp -v .files/SlayTheSpire/ "${HOME}/.local/games/SlayTheSpire/" # Get mods declare -A modsMap=( [mod the spire]=1605060445 [base mod]=1605833019 [stslib]=1609158507 [curses come first]=2304840098 [achievement enabler]=1692554109 [say the spire]=2239220106 ) installString="" for modId in ${modsMap[@]} ; do installString="$installString +workshop_download_item $appId $modId" done steamcmd +@sSteamCmdForcePlatformType linux +force_install_dir "${HOME}/.local/games/SlayTheSpire/" +login anonymous $installString +quit if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then dialog --backtitle "Linux Game Manager" \ --msgbox "Error installing required mods. Some accessibility features may not be available." -1 -1 --stdout exit 1 fi mkdir -p "$HOME/.local/games/SlayTheSpire/mods" for modName in "${!modsMap[@]}" ; do if [[ "$modName" == "mod the spire" ]]; then ln -sr "$HOME/.local/games/SlayTheSpire/steamapps/workshop/content/$appId/${modsMap[$modName]}"/* "$HOME/.local/games/SlayTheSpire/" else ln -sr "$HOME/.local/games/SlayTheSpire/steamapps/workshop/content/$appId/${modsMap[$modName]}"/* "$HOME/.local/games/SlayTheSpire/mods/" fi if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && [[ "$modName" == "say the spire" ]]; then dialog --backtitle "Linux Game Manager" \ --msgbox "Error installing SayTheSpire mod. Screen reader support will not be available." -1 -1 --stdout exit 1 fi done