Updated the game removal function.

This commit is contained in:
Storm Dragon 2024-12-23 20:41:51 -05:00
parent 81eb291bea
commit 30f36491f7

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@ -407,47 +407,55 @@ game_installer() {
# remove games
game_removal() {
mapfile -t lines < <(sed '/^$/d' "${configFile}" 2> /dev/null)
if [[ ${#lines} -eq 0 ]]; then
echo "No games found."
# Initialize array for menu construction
mapfile -t menuList < <(
if [[ -d ".launch" ]]; then
find -L "${0%/*}/.launch" -maxdepth 1 -type f -iname "*.sh" -print0 | sort -z | xargs -0 bash -c '
for f; do
echo "$f"
echo "${name%.sh}"
done' _
if [[ ${#menuList} -eq 0 ]]; then
dialog --backtitle "Linux Game Manager" \
--msgbox "No games found." -1 -1
exit 0
# Create the menu of installed games
declare -a menuList
for i in "${lines[@]}" ; do
menuList+=("${i#*|}" "${i%|*}")
menuList+=("Donate" "Donate")
menuList+=("Become a Patron" "Become a Patron")
local game="$(dialog --backtitle "Audio Game Removal" \
local selectedGame="$(dialog --backtitle "Linux Game Manager" \
--clear \
--no-tags \
--menu "Please select a game to delete" 0 0 0 "${menuList[@]}" --stdout)"
if [[ ${#game} -gt 0 ]]; then
if [[ "$game" == "Donate" ]]; then
open_url "https://ko-fi.com/stormux"
exit 0
if [[ "$game" == "Become a Patron" ]]; then
open_url "https://2mb.games/product/2mb-patron/"
exit 0
local launcherPath="$(readlink -f "$0")"
local noRemove="no"
if [[ "${game%/*}" =~ ^$launcherPath ]] ; then
# The launcher is actually a script under lgm, do not remove.
[[ $? -ne 0 ]] && exit 0
# Get the actual game file paths
local gameName="${selectedGame##*/}"
local gameFile="$(readlink -f "${0%/*}/.launch/${gameName}.sh")"
# Get the actual installation path from the .game file
local gameInstallPath
gameInstallPath="$(grep -F "installPath" "$gameFile" | grep -v 'pushd' | head -n1)"
if [[ -z "$gameInstallPath" ]]; then
# No install path found, just remove from list
dialog --backtitle "Linux Game Manager" \
--yesno "This will remove the game from your game list, but will not remove any files. Do you want to continue?." -1 -1 --stdout || exit 0
--yesno "This will remove the game from your game list, but will not remove any files. Do you want to continue?" -1 -1 || exit 0
# Remove only the .sh symlink
rm -f "${0%/*}/.launch/${gameName}.sh" | \
dialog --backtitle "Linux Game Manager" \
--progressbox "Removing game from list..." -1 -1
# Found install path, can remove game files
dialog --backtitle "Linux Game Manager" \
--yesno "This will remove the directory \"${game%/*}\" and all of its contents. Do you want to continue?." -1 -1 --stdout || exit 0
--yesno "This will remove the directory \"${installPath}/${gameInstallPath}\" and all of its contents. Do you want to continue?" -1 -1 || exit 0
# Remove the game directory and symlink
{ rm -rfv "${installPath}/${gameInstallPath}"
rm -fv "${0%/*}/.launch/${gameName}.sh";
} | dialog --backtitle "Linux Game Manager" \
--progressbox "Removing game..." -1 -1
export noRemove
{ [[ "$noRemove" == "no" ]] && rm -rfv "${game%/*}";
sed -i "/${game//\//\\/}/d" "$configFile"; } | dialog --backtitle "Linux Game Manager" --progressbox "Removing game..." -1 -1
exit 0
@ -500,6 +508,11 @@ game_launcher() {
done' _
if [[ ${#menuList} -eq 0 ]]; then
dialog --backtitle "Linux Game Manager" \
--msgbox "No games found." 5 20
exit 0
# Create the menu of all games
selectedGame="$(dialog --backtitle "Linux Game Launcher" \
--clear \