Added text along with the speak command. Updated window size.

This commit is contained in:
Storm Dragon 2024-07-22 16:08:42 -04:00
parent df386cbbd9
commit 9a6d6374f9

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@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import pyperclip
import random
import re
import requests
import textwrap
import webbrowser
# Global variable for speech provider
@ -117,12 +118,30 @@ def read_config(readGlobal = False):
def speak(text, interupt=True):
if speechProvider == "speechd":
if interupt == True: spd.cancel()
if interupt: spd.cancel()
if speechProvider == "accessible_output2":
s.speak(text, interrupt=True)
# Display the text on screen
screen = pygame.display.get_surface()
font = pygame.font.Font(None, 36)
# Wrap the text
maxWidth = screen.get_width() - 40 # Leave a 20-pixel margin on each side
wrappedText = textwrap.wrap(text, width=maxWidth // font.size('A')[0])
# Render each line
textSurfaces = [font.render(line, True, (255, 255, 255)) for line in wrappedText]
screen.fill((0, 0, 0)) # Clear screen with black
# Calculate total height of text block
totalHeight = sum(surface.get_height() for surface in textSurfaces)
# Start y-position (centered vertically)
currentY = (screen.get_height() - totalHeight) // 2
# Blit each line of text
for surface in textSurfaces:
textRect = surface.get_rect(center=(screen.get_width() // 2, currentY + surface.get_height() // 2))
screen.blit(surface, textRect)
currentY += surface.get_height()
def check_for_exit():
for event in pygame.event.get():
@ -153,7 +172,7 @@ def initialize_gui(gameTitle):
# start pygame
# start the display (required by the event loop)
pygame.display.set_mode((320, 200))
pygame.display.set_mode((800, 600))
# Set 32 channels for sound by default
pygame.mixer.pre_init(44100, -16, 2, 1024)