use strict; use vars qw($VERSION %IRSSI); use Irssi; $VERSION = '1.0'; %IRSSI = ( authors => 'Storm Dragon', contact => 'blah@blah.blah', name => 'alert', description => 'Play sounds for different events in IRSSI.', url => '', license => 'GNU General Public License', changed => '$Date: 2007-02-07 12:00:00 +0100 (Thu, 7 Feb 2008) $' ); #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # Original script created by Chrelad # Feb 7, 2008 #Heavily modified by Storm Dragon #Added private message sound. #Sounds now play as a background process. #sounds are generated using sox. #-------------------------------------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # The sound playing function for public message #-------------------------------------------------------------------- sub pub_msg { my ($server,$msg,$nick,$address,$target) = @_; system("play -qn -V0 synth 0.09 tri E3:B3 &"); } #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # The sound playing function for private message #-------------------------------------------------------------------- sub pri_msg { my ($server,$msg,$nick,$address,$target) = @_; system("play -qn synth pl G2 pl B2 pl D3 pl G3 pl D4 pl G4 delay 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 remix - phaser fade p 0 0.5 0.3 &"); } #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # The sound playing function for nick mensioning message #-------------------------------------------------------------------- sub nick_msg { my ($server,$msg,$nick,$address,$target) = @_; system("play -qn -V0 synth 0.5 tri A3:D3 tri D3:A3 remix - &"); } #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # Irssi::signal_add_last / Irssi::command_bind #-------------------------------------------------------------------- Irssi::signal_add("beep", "nick_msg"); Irssi::signal_add_last("message public", "pub_msg"); Irssi::signal_add_last("message private", "pri_msg"); #- end