from io import StringIO import io import base64 import colorsys from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageChops #mainly used for video processing def swap_red_blue(image): r,g,b = image.split() return Image.merge('RGB', (b,g,r)) def decode_video_image(image): return swap_red_blue(Image.fromarray(image).convert("RGB")) #PIL image decode/encoder... def image_decode(image_data): try: import bson.binary if isinstance(image_data, bson.binary.Binary): return str(image_data) except ImportError: pass return base64.b64decode(image_data) def image_to_binary(image, crush=False): try: import bson.binary if type(image) == bson.binary.Binary: return image except ImportError: return image_to_string(load_image(image)) image = load_image(image) #uses pngcrush! if crush: t_time = time.time() tempfile = "./temp/infile.png" outfile = "./temp/outfile.png" cmd = "pngcrush -reduce "+tempfile+" "+outfile+" 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null" output =, shell=True) if output == 1: print("failed to crush") s=bson.binary.Binary(open(outfile).read()) print(time.time()-t_time) return s else: output = StringIO.StringIO(), format="PNG") string = output.getvalue() return bson.binary.Binary(string) def general_index(image_data): byte_data = base64.b64decode(image_data) image = res = image.resize((1,1), Image.ANTIALIAS).convert("RGB") r, g, b = res.getpixel((0,0)) h, s, v = colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(float(r)/255,float(g)/255,float(b)/255) return h,s,v def load_image(image_data): if type(image_data) == Image.Image: return image_data else: try: byte_data = image_decode(image_data) image = except: byte_data = image_data image = image = image.convert("RGBA") return image def image_to_string(img): output = StringIO.StringIO(), format="PNG") string = output.getvalue() return base64.b64encode(string) def image_to_bmp_string(img): output = StringIO.StringIO() img.convert("RGB").save(output, format="BMP") string = output.getvalue() return base64.b64encode(string) def image_to_string_format(img,format_type, conv="RGB"): output = StringIO.StringIO() img.convert(conv).save(output, format=format_type) string = output.getvalue() return base64.b64encode(string) def color_byte_to_hex(byte_color): def to_hex(byte): b = str(hex(byte))[2:] while len(b) < 2: b = "0"+b return b return "".join([to_hex(x) for x in byte_color[:3]]) def color_hex_to_byte(text_color): return (int(text_color[0:2], 16), int(text_color[2:4], 16), int(text_color[4:6], 16), 255) def rectify(image): t = time.time() for i in range(3): image,c = rectify_sub(image) if c == 0: break #print("Rectify took: "+str(time.time()-t)) return image def rectify_sub(image): w = image.width h = image.height BLACK = (0,0,0) WHITE = (255,255,255) t_time = time.time() changes = 0 #top left, down vertical # _ # | curr_pixel = BLACK for i in range(w): if i == 0: continue for j in range(h): last_pixel = curr_pixel curr_pixel = image.getpixel((i,j)) if curr_pixel == BLACK and\ last_pixel == WHITE and\ image.getpixel((i-1,j)) == WHITE: image.putpixel((i,j), WHITE) curr_pixel = WHITE changes+=1 #top right, down vertical # _ # | #top right, down vertical # _ # | curr_pixel = BLACK for i in reversed(range(w)): if i == w-1: continue for j in range(h): last_pixel = curr_pixel curr_pixel = image.getpixel((i,j)) if curr_pixel == BLACK and\ last_pixel == WHITE and\ image.getpixel((i+1,j)) == WHITE: image.putpixel((i,j), WHITE) curr_pixel = WHITE changes+=1 #bottom left, right horizontal # # |_ curr_pixel = BLACK for j in reversed(range(h)): if j == h-1: continue for i in range(w): last_pixel = curr_pixel curr_pixel = image.getpixel((i,j)) if curr_pixel == BLACK and\ last_pixel == WHITE and\ image.getpixel((i,j+1)) == WHITE: image.putpixel((i,j), WHITE) curr_pixel = WHITE changes+=1 #top right, left horizontal # # curr_pixel = BLACK for j in reversed(range(h)): if j == h-1: continue for i in reversed(range(w)): last_pixel = curr_pixel curr_pixel = image.getpixel((i,j)) if curr_pixel == BLACK and\ last_pixel == WHITE and\ image.getpixel((i,j+1)) == WHITE: image.putpixel((i,j), WHITE) curr_pixel = WHITE changes+=1 return image, changes def segfill(image, mark_color, target_color): w = image.width h = image.height mark_color = tuple(color_hex_to_byte(mark_color)[0:3]) target_color = tuple(color_hex_to_byte(target_color)[0:3]) image = image.convert("RGB") last_red = False h_range = list() w_range = list() for j in range(h): sec = image.crop((0,j, w, j+1)).getcolors() for num, color in sec: if color == target_color: h_range.append(j) break for i in range(w): sec = image.crop((i,0, i+1, h)).getcolors() for num, color in sec: if color == target_color: w_range.append(i) break new_w_range = dict() new_h_range = dict() white_count = 0 for j in h_range: last_red = False white_count = 0 for i in range(max(min(w_range)-1, 0), max(w_range)): pix = image.getpixel((i,j)) if last_red == False: if pix == mark_color: last_red = True if white_count > 0: for k in range(white_count): image.putpixel((i-1-k,j), mark_color) white_count = 0 elif pix == target_color: white_count +=1 new_w_range[i] = 1 new_h_range[j] = 1 else: white_count = 0 elif pix == target_color: image.putpixel((i,j), mark_color) if white_count > 0: for k in range(white_count): image.putpixel((i-1-k,j), mark_color) white_count = 0 elif pix == mark_color: if white_count > 0: for k in range(white_count): image.putpixel((i-1-k,j), mark_color) white_count = 0 else: white_count = 0 last_red = False for entry in new_h_range.keys(): if entry > 0: new_h_range[entry-1] = 1 new_h_range = sorted(new_h_range.keys()) new_w_range = sorted(new_w_range.keys()) white_count = 0 #vertical pass for i in new_w_range: last_red = False white_count = 0 for num_j, j in enumerate(new_h_range): if num_j == 0 or new_h_range[num_j-1] != j-1: white_count = 0 pix = image.getpixel((i,j)) if last_red == False: if pix == mark_color: last_red = True if white_count > 0: for k in range(white_count): image.putpixel((i,j-1-k), mark_color) white_count = 0 elif white_count == target_color: white_count += 1 pass else: white_count = 0 elif pix == target_color: image.putpixel((i,j), mark_color) if white_count > 0: for k in range(white_count): image.putpixel((i,j-1-k), mark_color) white_count = 0 elif pix == mark_color: if white_count > 0: for k in range(white_count): image.putpixel((i,j-1-k), mark_color) white_count = 0 else: white_count = 0 last_red = False return image.convert("RGBA") def floodfill2(image, center, bg_color): def get_pix_near(bytes_array, xy, mark_color, threshold): if (xy[0] >= w or xy[0] < 0 or xy[1]>= h or xy[1] < 0): return None s = w*xy[1]*4+xy[0]*4 val = 0 for i in range(4): val += (mark_color[i]-bytes_array[s+i])**2 if val < threshold**2: return True return False def get_pix_near2(bytes_array, xy, mark_color, threshold): if (xy[0] >= w or xy[0] < 0 or xy[1]>= h or xy[1] < 0): return None s = w*xy[1]*4+xy[0]*4 #print([mark_color, tuple(bytes_array[s:s+4])]) if mark_color == tuple(bytes_array[s:s+4]): return True return False def get_pix(bytes_array, xy): s = w*xy[1]*4+xy[0]*4 return bytes_array[s:s+4] def set_pix(bytes_array, xy, color): s = w*xy[1]*4+xy[0]*4 for i in range(4): bytes_array[s+i] = color[i] t=time.time() w = image.width h = image.height bg_color = color_hex_to_byte(bg_color) mode = "RGBA" bytes_array = [ord(x) for x in image.convert("RGBA").tobytes()] mark_color = tuple(get_pix(bytes_array, (10,10))) print(mark_color) print(bg_color) threshold = 16 last_marked = [[0,i] for i in range(h)]#center] last_marked2 = list() rounds = 0 print(time.time()-t) a = 0 b = 0 while last_marked: rounds+=1 for entry in last_marked: for offx, offy in [[1,0]]:#, [0, 1], [-1,0], [0,-1]]: a+=1 if get_pix_near2(bytes_array, (entry[0]+offx, entry[1]+offy), mark_color, threshold): b+=1 set_pix(bytes_array, (entry[0]+offx, entry[1]+offy), bg_color) last_marked2.append((entry[0]+offx, entry[1]+offy)) last_marked = last_marked2 last_marked2 = list() ########## #print([chr(x) for x in bytes_array]) print(time.time()-t) print([a,b]) image_out = Image.frombytes(mode, (w,h),"".join([chr(x) for x in bytes_array])) print(time.time()-t) def floodfill(image, bg_color, mid_color, end_color, sample_points, threshold): image = image.convert("RGBA") center = [0,0] bg_color = color_hex_to_byte(bg_color) mid_color = color_hex_to_byte(mid_color) end_color = color_hex_to_byte(end_color) for sample_point in sample_points: center = tuple(sample_point) pixel = image.getpixel(center) if color_dist(bg_color, pixel) <= threshold**2: ImageDraw.floodfill(image, xy=center, value=mid_color) #revert to end color now for sample_point in sample_points: center = tuple(sample_point) pixel = image.getpixel(center) if color_dist(mid_color, pixel) <= threshold**2: ImageDraw.floodfill(image, xy=center, value=end_color) return image def color_dist(color1, color2): rr = color1[0] - color2[0] gg = color1[1] - color2[1] bb = color1[2] - color2[2] return rr**2+gg**2+bb**2 def reduce_to_text_color(img, color_thresh, bg): img = img.convert("RGB") img = img.convert("P", palette=Image.ADAPTIVE) p = img.getpalette() nc = [(color_hex_to_byte(x[0]),x[1]) for x in color_thresh] bg = color_hex_to_byte(bg) new_palette = list() for i in range(256): r = p[3*i] g = p[3*i+1] b = p[3*i+2] close = None closest = 1000000000 for tc,thr in nc: rr = r-tc[0] gg = g-tc[1] bb = b-tc[2] d = rr**2+gg**2+bb**2 if d < closest and d < thr**2: closest = d t = 1-(d/(thr**2.0)) close = [int(t*(tc[0]-bg[0])+bg[0]), int(t*(tc[1]-bg[1])+bg[1]), int(t*(tc[2]-bg[2])+bg[2])] else: pass if close: new_palette.extend([close[0], close[1], close[2]]) else: new_palette.extend([bg[0],bg[1],bg[2]]) img.putpalette(new_palette) return img def reduce_to_multi_color(img, bg, colors_map, threshold): def vdot(a,b): return a[0]*b[0]+a[1]*b[1]+a[2]*b[2] def vnorm(b): return vdot(b,b)**0.5 def vscale(b, s): return [b[0]*s, b[1]*s, b[2]*s] def vsub(a, b): return [a[0]-b[0], a[1]-b[1], a[2]-b[2]] new_palette = list() p = img.getpalette() if bg is not None: bg = color_hex_to_byte(bg) for i in range(256): r = p[3*i] g = p[3*i+1] b = p[3*i+2] closest = 1000000000 close = color_hex_to_byte("000000") for entry in colors_map: if type(entry) in (list, tuple): tc, tc_map = entry else: tc, tc_map = entry, entry if isinstance(tc, basestring): tc = color_hex_to_byte(tc) rr = r-tc[0] gg = g-tc[1] bb = b-tc[2] d = rr**2+gg**2+bb**2 if d < closest: closest = d close = color_hex_to_byte(tc_map) else: tc = [color_hex_to_byte(tc[0]), color_hex_to_byte(tc[1])] #color range vector crv = [tc[1][0]-tc[0][0], tc[1][1]-tc[0][1], tc[1][2]-tc[0][2]] #relative palette vector rpv = [r-tc[0][0], g-tc[0][1], b-tc[0][2]] #formula to use vector dot product to get distance #to line segment. vb = crv va = rpv va1 = vdot(va, vscale(vb, 1/vnorm(vb))) if va1 < 0 or va1 > vnorm(vb): continue va2 = vscale(vb, va1/vnorm(vb)) va3 = vsub(va, va2) #print(va3) d = vnorm(va3) if d**2 < closest: closest = d**2 if type(tc_map) in [tuple, list]: if va1/vnorm(vb) <0.5: close = color_hex_to_byte(tc_map[0]) else: close = color_hex_to_byte(tc_map[1]) else: close = color_hex_to_byte(tc_map) if close is not None and closest <= threshold**2: new_palette.extend(close[:3]) elif bg is None: new_palette.extend([r,g,b]) else: new_palette.extend(bg[:3]) img.putpalette(new_palette) return img def reduce_to_mask(img, threshold): new_palette = list() img = img.convert("P", palette=Image.ADAPTIVE) p = img.getpalette() for i in range(256): r = p[3*i] g = p[3*i+1] b = p[3*i+2] val = r**2+g**2+b**2 if val <= threshold**2: new_palette.extend([0,0,0]) else: new_palette.extend([255,255,255]) img.putpalette(new_palette) return img.convert("RGB") def reduce_to_colors(img, colors, threshold): new_palette = list() p = img.getpalette() for i in range(256): r = p[3*i] g = p[3*i+1] b = p[3*i+2] vals = list() for tc in colors: tc = color_hex_to_byte(tc) rr = r-tc[0] gg = g-tc[1] bb = b-tc[2] vals.append(rr**2+gg**2+bb**2) if vals and min(vals) <= threshold**2: new_palette.extend([255,255,255]) else: new_palette.extend([0,0,0]) img.putpalette(new_palette) return img def get_color_counts(img, text_colors, threshold): if img.mode != "P": img = img.convert("P", palette=Image.ADAPTIVE) tc = [color_hex_to_byte(x) for x in text_colors] img = reduce_to_colors(img, text_colors, threshold) pixel_count = 0 for c in img.convert("RGBA").getcolors(): if c[1] == (255,255,255,255): pixel_count = c[0] return pixel_count def get_color_counts_simple(img, text_colors, threshold): test_image = img.convert("P", palette=Image.ADAPTIVE).convert("RGBA") tc = [color_hex_to_byte(x) for x in text_colors] total = 0 for num, color in test_image.getcolors(): for pix in tc: if (pix[0]-color[0])**2+(pix[1]-color[1])**2+\ (pix[2]-color[2])**2 < threshold**2: total+=num return total def convert_to_absolute_box(bb): if "x" in bb: return {"x1": int(bb['x']), 'y1': int(bb['y']), 'x2': int(bb['x'])+int(bb['w']), "y2": int(bb['y'])+int(bb['h'])} else: return bb def fix_bounding_box(img, bounding_box): w = img.width h = img.height for key in bounding_box: if isinstance(bounding_box[key], basestring): bounding_box[key] = int(bounding_box[key]) if 'w' in bounding_box: if bounding_box['x'] < 0: bounding_box['x'] = 0 elif bounding_box['x'] > w-1: bounding_box['x'] = w-1 if bounding_box['y'] < 0: bounding_box['y'] = 0 elif bounding_box['y'] > h-1: bounding_box['y'] = h-1 if bounding_box['w'] < 0: bounding_box['w'] = 0 elif bounding_box['x']+bounding_box['w'] > w-1: bounding_box['w'] = w-1-bounding_box['x'] if bounding_box['h'] < 0: bounding_box['h'] = 0 elif bounding_box['y']+bounding_box['h'] > h-1: bounding_box['h'] = h-1-bounding_box['y'] if bounding_box['w'] ==0: bounding_box['w'] = 1 if bounding_box['h'] == 0: bounding_box['h'] = 1 else: if bounding_box['x1'] < 0: bounding_box['x1'] = 0 elif bounding_box['x1'] > w-1: bounding_box['x1'] = w-1 if bounding_box['y1'] < 0: bounding_box['y1'] = 0 elif bounding_box['y1'] > h-1: bounding_box['y1'] = h-1 if bounding_box['x2'] < bounding_box['x1']: bounding_box['x2'] = bounding_box['x1'] elif bounding_box['x2'] > w-1: bounding_box['x2'] = w-1 if bounding_box['y2'] < bounding_box['y1']: bounding_box['y2'] = bounding_box['y1'] elif bounding_box['y2'] > h-1: bounding_box['y2'] = h-1 if bounding_box['x1']==bounding_box['x2']: bounding_box['x2']+=1 if bounding_box['y1']==bounding_box['y2']: bounding_box['y2']+=1 return bounding_box def intersect_area(bb,tb): dx = min(bb['x2'], tb['x2'])-max(bb['x1'], tb['x1']) dy = min(bb['y2'], tb['y2'])-max(bb['y1'], tb['y1']) if dx >= 0 and dy>=0: return dx*dy return 0 def get_bounding_box_area(bb): return intersect_area(bb,bb) def chop_to_box(image, tb, bb): chop = [0,0,image.width,image.height] if "x" in bb: x,y,w,h = bb['x'], bb['y'], bb['w'], bb['h'] else: x,y,w,h = bb['x1'], bb['y1'], bb['x2']-bb['x1'], bb['y2']-bb['y1'] if tb['x1'] < x: chop[0] = x-tb['x1'] if tb['y1'] < y: chop[1] = y-tb['y1'] if tb['x2'] > x+w: chop[2] = image.width-tb['x2']+x+w if tb['y2'] > y+h: chop[3] = image.height-tb['y2']+y+h image= image.crop(chop) return image def get_best_text_color(image, text_colors, threshold): test_image = image.convert("P", palette=Image.ADAPTIVE).convert("RGBA") tc = [[x,color_hex_to_byte(x)] for x in text_colors] totals = {} for num, color in test_image.getcolors(): for c, pix in tc: if (pix[0]-color[0])**2+(pix[1]-color[1])**2+\ (pix[2]-color[2])**2 < threshold**2: totals[c]=totals.get(c,0)+num if totals: for num, colors in test_image.getcolors(): for c, pix in tc: totals[c] = totals.get(c,0)+num best = max(totals, key=totals.get) else: best = None return best def tint_image(image, color, border=2): byte_color = color_hex_to_byte(color) image = image.convert("RGBA") tint_image ="RGBA", image.size, (255,255,255,255)) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(tint_image) draw.rectangle([1,1, image.width-1,image.height-1], fill=byte_color, outline=(255,255,255,255)) new_image = ImageChops.multiply(image, tint_image) return new_image def black_expand(image, mark_color, target_colors): w = image.width h = image.height if isinstance(target_colors, basestring): target_colors = [target_colors] mark_color = tuple(color_hex_to_byte(mark_color)[0:3]) target_colors = [tuple(color_hex_to_byte(x)[0:3]) for x in target_colors] image = image.convert("RGB") t_time=time.time() h_range = list() w_range = list() #expand horizontally first: for j in range(h): sec = image.crop((0,j, w, j+1)).getcolors() for num, color in sec: if color == mark_color: #there is a black pixel on this line for i in range(w): if image.getpixel((i,j)) == mark_color:#in target_colors: if i > 0 and image.getpixel((i-1, j)) in target_colors: image.putpixel((i-1,j), mark_color) if i < w-1 and image.getpixel((i+1, j)) in target_colors: image.putpixel((i+1,j), mark_color) break #expand vertical first: for i in range(w): sec = image.crop((i,0, i+1, h)).getcolors() for num, color in sec: if color == mark_color: #there is a black pixel on this line for j in range(h): if image.getpixel((i,j)) == mark_color:#in target_colors: if j > 0 and image.getpixel((i, j-1)) in target_colors: image.putpixel((i,j-1), mark_color) if j < h-1 and image.getpixel((i, j+1)) in target_colors: image.putpixel((i,j+1), mark_color) break print("Black expand took: "+str(time.time()-t_time)) return image def expand_vertical(img, bg_color, target_color): def cache_get(img, xy, cache): if xy not in cache: cache[xy] = img.getpixel(xy) return cache[xy] t_time = time.time() bg = color_hex_to_byte(bg_color)[:3] target = color_hex_to_byte(target_color)[:3] w = img.width h = img.height image = img.convert("RGB") h_range = list() for j in range(h): sec = image.crop((0,j, w, j+1)).getcolors() for num, color in sec: if color == target: if j > 0: h_range.append(j-1) if j < h-1: h_range.append(j+1) h_range.append(j) break h_range = list(set(h_range)) h_range.sort() for i in range(w): sec = image.crop((i,0, i+1, h)).getcolors() for num, color in sec: if color == target: upset = dict() cache = dict() for j in h_range: pix = cache_get(image, (i,j), cache)#.getpixel((i,j)) if pix == bg: if (j > 0 and cache_get(image,(i,j-1), cache) == target) or\ (j < h-1 and cache_get(image, (i,j+1), cache) == target): upset[j] = 1 for key in upset: image.putpixel((i, key), target) print("vert expand ", time.time()-t_time) return image def expand_horizontal(img, bg_color, target_color): def cache_get(img, xy, cache): if xy not in cache: cache[xy] = img.getpixel(xy) return cache[xy] t_time = time.time() bg = color_hex_to_byte(bg_color)[:3] target = color_hex_to_byte(target_color)[:3] w = img.width h = img.height image = img.convert("RGB") w_range = list() for i in range(w): sec = image.crop((i, 0, i+1, h)).getcolors() for num, color in sec: if color == target: if i > 0: w_range.append(i-1) if i < w-1: w_range.append(i+1) w_range.append(i) break w_range = list(set(w_range)) w_range.sort() for j in range(h): sec = image.crop((0,j, h, j+1)).getcolors() for num, color in sec: if color == target: upset = dict() cache = dict() for i in w_range: pix = cache_get(image, (i,j), cache)#.getpixel((i,j)) if pix == bg: if (i > 0 and cache_get(image,(i-1,j), cache) == target) or\ (i < w-1 and cache_get(image, (i+1,j), cache) == target): upset[i] = 1 for key in upset: image.putpixel((key, j), target) print("horizontal expand ", time.time()-t_time) return image def draw_solid_box(image, color, bb): draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image) byte_color = color_hex_to_byte(color) draw.rectangle([bb['x1'], bb['y1'], bb['x2'], bb['y2']], fill=byte_color) return image def fix_neg_width_height(bb): if bb['w'] < 0: new_x = bb['x']+bb['w'] new_w = -1*bb['w'] bb['x'] = new_x bb['w'] = new_w if bb['h'] < 0: new_y = bb['y']+bb['h'] new_h = -1*bb['h'] bb['y'] = new_y bb['h'] = new_h return bb