#!/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Fenrir TTY screen reader # By Chrys, Storm Dragon, and contributers. import os, struct, sys, pty, tty, termios, shlex, signal, select, pyte, time, fcntl ,getpass from fenrirscreenreader.core import debug from fenrirscreenreader.core.eventData import fenrirEventType from fenrirscreenreader.core.screenDriver import screenDriver class Terminal: def __init__(self, columns, lines, p_in): self.screen = pyte.HistoryScreen(columns, lines) self.screen.set_mode(pyte.modes.LNM) self.screen.write_process_input = \ lambda data: p_in.write(data.encode()) self.stream = pyte.ByteStream() self.stream.attach(self.screen) def feed(self, data): self.stream.feed(data) def resize(self, lines, columns): self.screen.resize(lines, columns) self.setCursor() def setCursor(self, x = -1, y = -1): xPos = x yPos = y if xPos == -1: xPos = self.screen.cursor.x if yPos == -1: yPos = self.screen.cursor.y self.screen.cursor.x = min(self.screen.cursor.x, self.screen.columns - 1) self.screen.cursor.y = min(self.screen.cursor.y, self.screen.lines - 1) def dump(self): cursor = self.screen.cursor allAttributes = [] text = '\n'.join(self.screen.display) for y in range(self.screen.lines): line = self.screen.buffer[y] attributes = [(char.reverse, char.fg, char.bg, char.bold, char.italics, char.underscore, char.strikethrough) for char in (line[x] for x in range(self.screen.columns))] allAttributes.append((attributes)) self.screen.dirty.clear() return {"cursor": (cursor.x, cursor.y), 'lines': self.screen.lines, 'columns': self.screen.columns, "text": text, 'attributes': allAttributes }.copy() class driver(screenDriver): def __init__(self): screenDriver.__init__(self) self.bgColorNames = {0: _('black'), 1: _('blue'), 2: _('green'), 3: _('cyan'), 4: _('red'), 5: _('Magenta'), 6: _('brown/yellow'), 7: _('white')} self.fgColorNames = {0: _('Black'), 1: _('Blue'), 2: _('Green'), 3: _('Cyan'), 4: _('Red'), 5: _('Magenta'), 6: _('brown/yellow'), 7: _('Light gray'), 8: _('Dark gray'), 9: _('Light blue'), 10: ('Light green'), 11: _('Light cyan'), 12: _('Light red'), 13: _('Light magenta'), 14: _('Light yellow'), 15: _('White')} self.signalPipe = os.pipe() signal.signal(signal.SIGWINCH, self.handleSigwinch) def initialize(self, environment): self.env = environment self.env['runtime']['processManager'].addCustomEventThread(self.terminalEmulation) def getCurrScreen(self): self.env['screen']['oldTTY'] = '1' self.env['screen']['newTTY'] = '1' def injectTextToScreen(self, msgBytes, screen = None): #os.write(p_out.fileno(), msgBytes) pass def getSessionInformation(self): self.env['screen']['autoIgnoreScreens'] = [] self.env['general']['prevUser'] = getpass.getuser() self.env['general']['currUser'] = getpass.getuser() def readAll(self,fd): bytes = os.read(fd, 65536) if bytes == b'': raise EOFError while self.hasMore(fd): data = os.read(fd, 65536) if data == b'': raise EOFError bytes += data return bytes def hasMore(self,fd): r, w, e = select.select([fd], [], [], 0.02) return (fd in r) def openTerminal(self, columns, lines, command="bash"): p_pid, master_fd = pty.fork() if p_pid == 0: # Child. argv = shlex.split(command) env = os.environ.copy() env["TERM"] = 'vt100' os.execvpe(argv[0], argv, env) # File-like object for I/O with the child process aka command. p_out = os.fdopen(master_fd, "w+b", 0) return Terminal(columns, lines, p_out), p_pid, p_out def resizeTerminal(self,fd): s = struct.pack('HHHH', 0, 0, 0, 0) s = fcntl.ioctl(0, termios.TIOCGWINSZ, s) fcntl.ioctl(fd, termios.TIOCSWINSZ, s) lines, columns, _, _ = struct.unpack('hhhh', s) return lines, columns def getTerminalSize(self, fd): s = struct.pack('HHHH', 0, 0, 0, 0) lines, columns, _, _ = struct.unpack('HHHH', fcntl.ioctl(fd, termios.TIOCGWINSZ, s)) return lines, columns def handleSigwinch(self, *args): os.write(self.signalPipe[1], b'w') def terminalEmulation(self,active , eventQueue): debug = False running = True try: old_attr = termios.tcgetattr(sys.stdin) tty.setraw(0) lines, columns = self.getTerminalSize(0) terminal, p_pid, p_out = self.openTerminal(columns, lines) std_out = os.fdopen(sys.stdout.fileno(), "w+b", 0) while active.value: r, w, x = select.select([sys.stdin, p_out, self.signalPipe[0]],[],[],1) # none if r == []: continue # signals if self.signalPipe[0] in r: os.read(self.signalPipe[0], 1) lines, columns = self.resizeTerminal(p_out) terminal.resize(lines, columns) # output if p_out in r: if debug: print('pre p_out') try: msgBytes = self.readAll(p_out.fileno()) except (EOFError, OSError): running = False break if debug: print('after p_out read',msgBytes) terminal.feed(msgBytes) os.write(sys.stdout.fileno(), msgBytes) if debug: print('after p_out write') eventQueue.put({"Type":fenrirEventType.ScreenUpdate, "Data":self.createScreenEventData(terminal.dump()) }) if debug: print('after p_out') # input if sys.stdin in r: if debug: print('pre stdin') try: msgBytes = self.readAll(sys.stdin.fileno()) eventQueue.put({"Type":fenrirEventType.ByteInput, "Data":msgBytes }) except (EOFError, OSError): running = False break os.write(p_out.fileno(), msgBytes) if debug: print('after stdin') except Exception as e: # Process died? print(e) running = False finally: os.kill(p_pid, signal.SIGTERM) p_out.close() termios.tcsetattr(sys.stdin, termios.TCSADRAIN, old_attr) eventQueue.put({"Type":fenrirEventType.StopMainLoop,"Data":None}) sys.exit(0) def createScreenEventData(self, content): eventData = { 'bytes': content, 'lines': content['lines'], 'columns': content['columns'], 'textCursor': { 'x': int( content['cursor'][0]), 'y': int( content['cursor'][1]) }, 'screen': '1', 'text': content['text'], 'attributes': content['attributes'], 'screenUpdateTime': time.time(), } return eventData.copy() def getFenrirBGColor(self, attribute): try: return self.bgColorNames[attribute[2]] except Exception as e: print(e) return '' def getFenrirFGColor(self, attribute): try: return self.fgColorNames[attribute[1]] except Exception as e: print(e) return '' def getFenrirUnderline(self, attribute): if attribute[5] == 1: return _('underlined') return '' def getFenrirBold(self, attribute): if attribute[4] == 1: return _('bold') return '' def getFenrirBlink(self, attribute): if attribute[3] == 1: return _('blink') return '' def getFenrirFont(self, attribute): return _('Default') def getFenrirFontSize(self, attribute): return _('Default') def getCurrApplication(self): pass