#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Fenrir TTY screen reader # By Chrys, Storm Dragon, and contributers. import string from fenrirscreenreader.core import debug import os, inspect, re currentdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe())))) fenrirPath = os.path.dirname(currentdir) class punctuationManager(): def __init__(self): pass def initialize(self, environment): self.env = environment self.allPunctNone = dict.fromkeys(map(ord, string.punctuation +"§ "), ' ') # replace with None: # dot, comma, grave, apostrophe #for char in [ord('`'),ord("'")]: # self.allPunctNone[char] = None # dont restore the following (for announce correct pause) for char in [ord("'"),ord('.'), ord(','), ord(';'), ord(':'), ord('?'), ord('!'), ord('-')]: self.allPunctNone[char] = chr(char) def shutdown(self): pass def removeUnused(self, text, currLevel = ''): # dont translate dot and comma because they create a pause currAllPunctNone = self.allPunctNone.copy() for char in currLevel: try: del currAllPunctNone[ord(char)] except: pass return text.translate(currAllPunctNone) def useCustomDict(self, text, customDict, seperator=''): resultText = str(text) if customDict: for key,item in customDict.items(): try: regexLbl = 'REGEX;' if key.upper().startswith(regexLbl) and (len(key) > len(regexLbl)): resultText = re.sub(str(key[len(regexLbl):]), seperator + str(item) + seperator, resultText) else: resultText = resultText.replace(str(key),seperator + str(item) + seperator) except Exception as e: self.env['runtime']['debug'].writeDebugOut("useCustomDict replace:'" + key + "' with '" + item +"' failed:" + str(e),debug.debugLevel.ERROR, onAnyLevel=False) return resultText def usePunctuationDict(self, text, punctuationDict, punctuation): resultText = str(text) if punctuationDict and punctuation and punctuation != '': if ' ' in punctuation: resultText = resultText.replace(' ',' ' + punctuationDict[' '] + ' ') for key,item in punctuationDict.items(): if (punctuation != '' and key in punctuation) and key not in ' ': if self.env['runtime']['settingsManager'].getSetting('general', 'respectPunctuationPause') and \ len(key) == 1 and \ key in "',.;:?!": resultText = resultText.replace(str(key),' ' +str(item) + str(key) + ' ') else: resultText = resultText.replace(str(key),' ' +str(item) + ' ') return resultText def isPuctuation(self, char): return char in self.env['punctuation']['PUNCTDICT'] def proceedPunctuation(self, text, ignorePunctuation=False): resultText = text resultText = self.useCustomDict(resultText, self.env['punctuation']['CUSTOMDICT']) if self.env['runtime']['settingsManager'].getSettingAsBool('general', 'emoticons'): resultText = self.useCustomDict(resultText, self.env['punctuation']['EMOTICONDICT'], ' ') currPunctLevel = '' if not ignorePunctuation and self.env['runtime']['settingsManager'].getSetting('general', 'punctuationLevel').lower() in self.env['punctuation']['LEVELDICT']: currPunctLevel = self.env['punctuation']['LEVELDICT'][self.env['runtime']['settingsManager'].getSetting('general', 'punctuationLevel').lower()] else: currPunctLevel = string.punctuation +' §' resultText = self.usePunctuationDict(resultText, self.env['punctuation']['PUNCTDICT'], currPunctLevel) resultText = self.removeUnused(resultText, currPunctLevel) return resultText def cyclePunctuation(self): punctList = list(self.env['punctuation']['LEVELDICT'].keys()) try: currIndex = punctList.index(self.env['runtime']['settingsManager'].getSetting('general', 'punctuationLevel').lower()) # curr punctuation except: return False currIndex += 1 if currIndex >= len(punctList): currIndex = 0 currLevel = punctList[currIndex] self.env['runtime']['settingsManager'].setSetting('general', 'punctuationLevel', currLevel.lower()) return True def loadDicts(self, dictConfigPath=fenrirPath + '/../../config/punctuation/default.conf'): dictConfig = open(dictConfigPath,"r") currDictName = '' while(True): line = dictConfig.readline() if not line: break line = line.replace('\n','') if line.replace(" ","") == '': continue if line.replace(" ","").startswith("#"): if not line.replace(" ","").startswith("#:===:"): continue if line.replace(" ","").upper().startswith("[") and \ line.replace(" ","").upper().endswith("DICT]"): currDictName = line[line.find('[') + 1 :line.upper().find('DICT]') + 4].upper() else: if currDictName == '': continue if not ":===:" in line: continue sepLine = line.split(':===:') if len(sepLine) == 1: sepLine.append('') elif len(sepLine) < 1: continue elif len(sepLine) > 2: sepLine[1] = ':===:' self.env['punctuation'][currDictName][sepLine[0]] = sepLine[1] self.env['runtime']['debug'].writeDebugOut("Punctuation: " + currDictName + '.' + str(sepLine[0]) + ' :' + sepLine[1] ,debug.debugLevel.INFO, onAnyLevel=True) dictConfig.close()