#!/bin/python import os from setuptools import find_packages from setuptools import setup def read(fname): return open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname)).read() setup( # Application name: name="fenrir", # Version number (initial): version="0.1a", # Application author details: author="Chrys and others", author_email="chrys87@web.de", # Packages packages=find_packages('src/fenrir'), package_dir={'': 'src/fenrir'}, scripts=['src/fenrir/fenrir','src/fenrir/fenrir-daemon'], #entry_points = { # "console_scripts": ['fenrir = fenrir:main'] # }, # Include additional files into the package include_package_data=True, # Details url="https://github.com/chrys87/fenrir/", zip_safe=False, # # license="MIT", description="An TTY Screen Reader For Linux.", long_description=read('README.md'), classifiers=[ "Development Status :: 3 - Alpha", ], # Dependent packages (distributions) install_requires=[ "evdev", "sox" ], )