#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Fenrir TTY screen reader # By Chrys, Storm Dragon, and contributers. _evdevAvailable = False _udevAvailable = False _evdevAvailableError = '' _udevAvailableError = '' try: import gi from gi.repository import GLib gi.require_version('Gst', '1.0') from gi.repository import Gst gi.require_version('Atspi', '2.0') import pyatspi available = True except Exception as e: _availableError = str(e) import time from fenrirscreenreader.core.eventData import fenrirEventType from fenrirscreenreader.core import inputData from fenrirscreenreader.core import debug from fenrirscreenreader.core.inputDriver import inputDriver ''' def on_key_input(event): print(event) mainloop = GLib.MainLoop() thread = threading.Thread(target=mainloop.run) thread.start() #pyatspi.Registry.registerKeystrokeListener(on_key_input, kind=(pyatspi.KEY_PRESSED_EVENT, pyatspi.KEY_RELEASED_EVENT)) pyatspi.Registry.registerKeystrokeListener(on_key_input,mask=pyatspi.allModifiers(), kind=(pyatspi.KEY_PRESS,pyatspi.KEY_RELEASE,pyatspi.KEY_PRESSRELEASE), synchronous=True, preemptive=True) pyatspi.Registry.start() ''' class driver(inputDriver): def __init__(self): inputDriver.__init__(self) def initialize(self, environment): self.env = environment self.env['runtime']['inputManager'].setShortcutType('KEY') global _available self._initialized = _available if not self._initialized: global _availableError currError = ' ' if not _evdevAvailable: currError += _availableError self.env['runtime']['debug'].writeDebugOut('InputDriver:' + currError, debug.debugLevel.ERROR) return self.env['runtime']['processManager'].addCustomEventThread(self.inputWatchdog) def inputWatchdog(self,active , eventQueue): try: while active.value: r, w, x = select(self.iDevices, [], [], 0.7) for fd in r: event = None foreward = False eventFired = False try: event = self.iDevices[fd].read_one() except: self.removeDevice(fd) while(event): self.env['input']['eventBuffer'].append( [self.iDevices[fd], self.uDevices[fd], event]) if event.type == evdev.events.EV_KEY: if event.code != 0: currMapEvent = self.mapEvent(event) if not currMapEvent: foreward = True if not isinstance(currMapEvent['EventName'], str): foreward = True if not foreward or eventFired: if currMapEvent['EventState'] in [0,1,2]: eventQueue.put({"Type":fenrirEventType.KeyboardInput,"Data":currMapEvent.copy()}) eventFired = True else: if not event.type in [0,4]: foreward = True event = self.iDevices[fd].read_one() if foreward and not eventFired: self.writeEventBuffer() self.clearEventBuffer() except Exception as e: self.env['runtime']['debug'].writeDebugOut("INPUT WATCHDOG CRASH: "+str(e),debug.debugLevel.ERROR) def writeEventBuffer(self): if not self._initialized: return for iDevice, uDevice, event in self.env['input']['eventBuffer']: try: if uDevice: if self.gDevices[iDevice.fd]: self.writeUInput(uDevice, event) except Exception as e: pass def writeUInput(self, uDevice, event): if not self._initialized: return uDevice.write_event(event) uDevice.syn() def updateInputDevices(self, newDevices = None, init = False): if init: self.removeAllDevices() deviceFileList = None if newDevices and not init: deviceFileList = newDevices else: deviceFileList = evdev.list_devices() if len(deviceFileList) == self.iDeviceNo: return if not deviceFileList: return mode = self.env['runtime']['settingsManager'].getSetting('keyboard', 'device').upper() iDevicesFiles = [] for device in self.iDevices: iDevicesFiles.append(self.iDevices[device].fn) eventType = evdev.events for deviceFile in deviceFileList: try: if not deviceFile: continue if deviceFile == '': continue if deviceFile in iDevicesFiles: continue try: with open(deviceFile) as f: pass except Exception as e: continue # 3 pos absolute # 2 pos relative # 1 Keys try: currDevice = evdev.InputDevice(deviceFile) except: continue try: if currDevice.name.upper() in ['','SPEAKUP','PY-EVDEV-UINPUT']: continue if currDevice.phys.upper() in ['','SPEAKUP','PY-EVDEV-UINPUT']: continue if 'BRLTTY' in currDevice.name.upper(): continue except: pass cap = currDevice.capabilities() if mode in ['ALL','NOMICE']: if eventType.EV_KEY in cap: if 116 in cap[eventType.EV_KEY] and len(cap[eventType.EV_KEY]) < 10: self.env['runtime']['debug'].writeDebugOut('Device Skipped (has 116):' + currDevice.name,debug.debugLevel.INFO) continue if len(cap[eventType.EV_KEY]) < 60: self.env['runtime']['debug'].writeDebugOut('Device Skipped (< 60 keys):' + currDevice.name,debug.debugLevel.INFO) continue if mode == 'ALL': self.addDevice(currDevice) self.env['runtime']['debug'].writeDebugOut('Device added (ALL):' + self.iDevices[currDevice.fd].name, debug.debugLevel.INFO) elif mode == 'NOMICE': if not ((eventType.EV_REL in cap) or (eventType.EV_ABS in cap)): self.addDevice(currDevice) self.env['runtime']['debug'].writeDebugOut('Device added (NOMICE):' + self.iDevices[currDevice.fd].name,debug.debugLevel.INFO) else: self.env['runtime']['debug'].writeDebugOut('Device Skipped (NOMICE):' + currDevice.name,debug.debugLevel.INFO) else: self.env['runtime']['debug'].writeDebugOut('Device Skipped (no EV_KEY):' + currDevice.name,debug.debugLevel.INFO) elif currDevice.name.upper() in mode.split(','): self.addDevice(currDevice) self.env['runtime']['debug'].writeDebugOut('Device added (Name):' + self.iDevices[currDevice.fd].name,debug.debugLevel.INFO) except Exception as e: self.env['runtime']['debug'].writeDebugOut("Device Skipped (Exception): " + deviceFile +' ' + currDevice.name +' '+ str(e),debug.debugLevel.INFO) self.iDeviceNo = len(evdev.list_devices()) self.updateMPiDevicesFD() def updateMPiDevicesFD(self): try: for fd in self.iDevices: if not fd in self.iDevicesFD: self.iDevicesFD.append(fd) for fd in self.iDevicesFD: if not fd in self.iDevices: self.iDevicesFD.remove(fd) except: pass def mapEvent(self, event): if not self._initialized: return None if not event: return None mEvent = inputData.inputEvent try: mEvent['EventName'] = evdev.ecodes.keys[event.code] mEvent['EventValue'] = event.code mEvent['EventSec'] = event.sec mEvent['EventUsec'] = event.usec mEvent['EventState'] = event.value mEvent['EventType'] = event.type return mEvent except Exception as e: return None def getLedState(self, led = 0): if not self.hasIDevices(): return False # 0 = Numlock # 1 = Capslock # 2 = Rollen for fd, dev in self.iDevices.items(): if led in dev.leds(): return True return False def toggleLedState(self, led = 0): if not self.hasIDevices(): return False ledState = self.getLedState(led) for i in self.iDevices: # 17 LEDs if 17 in self.iDevices[i].capabilities(): if ledState == 1: self.iDevices[i].set_led(led , 0) else: self.iDevices[i].set_led(led , 1) def grabAllDevices(self): if not self._initialized: return for fd in self.iDevices: self.grabDevice(fd) def ungrabAllDevices(self): if not self._initialized: return for fd in self.iDevices: self.ungrabDevice(fd) def createUInputDev(self, fd): if not self.env['runtime']['settingsManager'].getSettingAsBool('keyboard', 'grabDevices'): self.uDevices[fd] = None return try: test = self.uDevices[fd] return except KeyError: self.uDevices[fd] = None if self.uDevices[fd] != None: return try: self.uDevices[fd] = UInput.from_device(self.iDevices[fd]) except Exception as e: try: self.env['runtime']['debug'].writeDebugOut('InputDriver evdev: compat fallback: ' + str(e),debug.debugLevel.WARNING) dev = self.iDevices[fd] cap = dev.capabilities() del cap[0] self.uDevices[fd] = UInput( cap, dev.name, ) except Exception as e: self.env['runtime']['debug'].writeDebugOut('InputDriver evdev: init Uinput not possible: ' + str(e),debug.debugLevel.ERROR) return def addDevice(self, newDevice): self.env['runtime']['debug'].writeDebugOut('InputDriver evdev: device added: ' + str(newDevice.fd) + ' ' +str(newDevice),debug.debugLevel.INFO) self.iDevices[newDevice.fd] = newDevice self.gDevices[newDevice.fd] = False self.createUInputDev(newDevice.fd) def grabDevice(self, fd): if not self.env['runtime']['settingsManager'].getSettingAsBool('keyboard', 'grabDevices'): return try: self.iDevices[fd].grab() self.gDevices[fd] = True self.env['runtime']['debug'].writeDebugOut('InputDriver evdev: grab device ('+ str(self.iDevices[fd].name) + ')',debug.debugLevel.INFO) except IOError: self.gDevices[fd] = True except Exception as e: self.env['runtime']['debug'].writeDebugOut('InputDriver evdev: grabing not possible: ' + str(e),debug.debugLevel.ERROR) def ungrabDevice(self,fd): if not self.env['runtime']['settingsManager'].getSettingAsBool('keyboard', 'grabDevices'): return try: self.gDevices[fd] = False self.iDevices[fd].ungrab() self.env['runtime']['debug'].writeDebugOut('InputDriver evdev: ungrab device ('+ str(self.iDevices[fd].name) + ')',debug.debugLevel.INFO) except: pass def removeDevice(self,fd): self.env['runtime']['debug'].writeDebugOut('InputDriver evdev: device removed: ' + str(fd) + ' ' +str(self.iDevices[fd]),debug.debugLevel.INFO) self.clearEventBuffer() try: self.ungrabDevice(fd) except: pass try: self.iDevices[fd].close() except: pass try: self.uDevices[fd].close() except: pass try: del(self.iDevices[fd]) except: pass try: del(self.uDevices[fd]) except: pass try: del(self.gDevices[fd]) except: pass self.updateMPiDevicesFD() def hasIDevices(self): if not self._initialized: return False if not self.iDevices: return False if len(self.iDevices) == 0: return False return True def removeAllDevices(self): if not self.hasIDevices(): return devices = self.iDevices.copy() for fd in devices: self.removeDevice(fd) self.iDevices.clear() self.uDevices.clear() self.gDevices.clear() self.iDeviceNo = 0