#!/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Fenrir TTY screen reader # By Chrys, Storm Dragon, and contributers. import string from core import debug class punctuationManager(): def __init__(self): pass def initialize(self, environment): self.env = environment self.allPunctNone = dict.fromkeys(map(ord, string.punctuation), None) self.punctuation = { 'currLevel':'Some', 'levels':{ 'None': '', 'Some': '.,:-$~+*-/\\@;', 'All': string.punctuation, }, 'punctuationDict':{ '&':'and', "'":"apostrophe", '@':'at', '\\':'backslash', '|':'bar', '!':'bang', '^':'carrot', ':':'colon', ',':'comma', '-':'dash', '$':'dollar', '.':'dot', '>':'greater', '`':'grave', '#':'hash', '{':'left brace', '[':'left bracket', '(':'left paren', '<':'less', '%':'percent', '+':'plus', '?':'question', '"':'quote', ')':'right paren', '}':'right brace', ']':'right bracket', ';':'semicolon', '/':'slash', '*':'star', '~':'tilde', '_':'line', '=':'equals', }, 'customDict':{ ':)':'smile', ';)':'twinker', 'XD':'loool', ':D':'lought' } } def shutdown(self): pass def removeUnused(self, text): return text.translate(self.allPunctNone) def useCustomDict(self, text, customDict): resultText = str(text) if customDict: for key,item in customDict.items(): resultText = resultText.replace(str(key),str(item)) return resultText def usePunctuationDict(self, text, punctuationDict, punctuation): resultText = str(text) if punctuationDict and punctuation and punctuation != '': for key,item in punctuationDict.items(): if key in punctuation: resultText = resultText.replace(str(key),' ' +str(item) +' ') return resultText def proceedPunctuation(self, text, ignorePunctuation=False): resultText = self.useCustomDict(text, self.punctuation['customDict']) currPunctLevel = '' if not ignorePunctuation and self.punctuation['currLevel'] in self.punctuation['levels']: currPunctLevel = self.punctuation['levels'][self.punctuation['currLevel']] else: currPunctLevel = string.punctuation resultText = self.usePunctuationDict(resultText, self.punctuation['punctuationDict'], currPunctLevel) resultText = self.removeUnused(resultText) return resultText