#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Fenrir TTY screen reader # By Chrys, Storm Dragon, and contributers. # generic driver from fenrirscreenreader.core import debug from threading import Thread, Lock from queue import Queue, Empty import shlex from subprocess import Popen from fenrirscreenreader.core.speechDriver import speechDriver class speakQueue(Queue): def clear(self): try: while True: self.get_nowait() except Empty: pass class driver(speechDriver): def __init__(self): speechDriver.__init__(self) self.proc = None self.speechThread = Thread(target=self.worker) self.lock = Lock() self.textQueue = speakQueue() def initialize(self, environment): self.env = environment self.minVolume = self.env['runtime']['settingsManager'].getSettingAsInt('speech', 'fenrirMinVolume') self.maxVolume = self.env['runtime']['settingsManager'].getSettingAsInt('speech', 'fenrirMaxVolume') self.minPitch = self.env['runtime']['settingsManager'].getSettingAsInt('speech', 'fenrirMinPitch') self.maxPitch = self.env['runtime']['settingsManager'].getSettingAsInt('speech', 'fenrirMaxPitch') self.minRate = self.env['runtime']['settingsManager'].getSettingAsInt('speech', 'fenrirMinRate') self.maxRate = self.env['runtime']['settingsManager'].getSettingAsInt('speech', 'fenrirMaxRate') self.speechCommand = self.env['runtime']['settingsManager'].getSetting('speech', 'genericSpeechCommand') if self.speechCommand == '': self.speechCommand = 'espeak -a fenrirVolume -s fenrirRate -p fenrirPitch -v fenrirVoice -- "fenrirText"' if False: #for debugging overwrite here #self.speechCommand = 'spd-say --wait -r 100 -i 100 "fenrirText"' self.speechCommand = 'flite -t "fenrirText"' self._isInitialized = True if self._isInitialized: self.speechThread.start() def shutdown(self): if not self._isInitialized: return self.cancel() self.textQueue.put(-1) def speak(self,text, queueable=True): if not self._isInitialized: return if not queueable: self.cancel() utterance = { 'text': text, 'volume': self.volume, 'rate': self.rate, 'pitch': self.pitch, 'module': self.module, 'language': self.language, 'voice': self.voice, } self.textQueue.put(utterance.copy()) def cancel(self): if not self._isInitialized: return self.clear_buffer() self.lock.acquire(True) if self.proc: try: self.proc.terminate() except Exception as e: self.env['runtime']['debug'].writeDebugOut('speechDriver:Cancel:self.proc.terminate():' + str(e),debug.debugLevel.WARNING) try: self.proc.kill() except Exception as e: self.env['runtime']['debug'].writeDebugOut('speechDriver:Cancel:self.proc.kill():' + str(e),debug.debugLevel.WARNING) self.proc = None self.lock.release() def setCallback(self, callback): print('SpeechDummyDriver: setCallback') def clear_buffer(self): if not self._isInitialized: return self.textQueue.clear() def setVoice(self, voice): if not self._isInitialized: return self.voice = str(voice) def setPitch(self, pitch): if not self._isInitialized: return self.pitch = str(self.minPitch + pitch * (self.maxPitch - self.minPitch )) def setRate(self, rate): if not self._isInitialized: return self.rate = str(self.minRate + rate * (self.maxRate - self.minRate )) def setModule(self, module): if not self._isInitialized: return self.module = str(module) def setLanguage(self, language): if not self._isInitialized: return self.language = str(language) def setVolume(self, volume): if not self._isInitialized: return self.volume = str(self.minVolume + volume * (self.maxVolume - self.minVolume )) def worker(self): while True: utterance = self.textQueue.get() if isinstance(utterance, int): if utterance == -1: return else: continue elif not isinstance(utterance, dict): continue # no text means nothing to speak if not 'text' in utterance: continue if not isinstance(utterance['text'],str): continue if utterance['text'] == '': continue # check for valid data fields if not 'volume' in utterance: utterance['volume'] = '' if not isinstance(utterance['volume'],str): utterance['volume'] = '' if not 'module' in utterance: utterance['module'] = '' if not isinstance(utterance['module'],str): utterance['module'] = '' if not 'language' in utterance: utterance['language'] = '' if not isinstance(utterance['language'],str): utterance['language'] = '' if not 'voice' in utterance: utterance['voice'] = '' if not isinstance(utterance['voice'],str): utterance['voice'] = '' if not 'pitch' in utterance: utterance['pitch'] = '' if not isinstance(utterance['pitch'],str): utterance['pitch'] = '' if not 'rate' in utterance: utterance['rate'] = '' if not isinstance(utterance['rate'],str): utterance['rate'] = '' popenSpeechCommand = shlex.split(self.speechCommand) for idx, word in enumerate(popenSpeechCommand): word = word.replace('fenrirVolume', str(utterance['volume'] )) word = word.replace('fenrirModule', str(utterance['module'])) word = word.replace('fenrirLanguage', str(utterance['language'])) word = word.replace('fenrirVoice', str(utterance['voice'])) word = word.replace('fenrirPitch', str(utterance['pitch'])) word = word.replace('fenrirRate', str(utterance['rate'])) word = word.replace('fenrirText', str(utterance['text'])) popenSpeechCommand[idx] = word try: self.env['runtime']['debug'].writeDebugOut('speechDriver:worker:' + ' '.join(popenSpeechCommand),debug.debugLevel.INFO) self.lock.acquire(True) self.proc = Popen(popenSpeechCommand, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, shell=False) self.lock.release() self.proc.wait() except Exception as e: self.env['runtime']['debug'].writeDebugOut('speechDriver:worker:' + str(e),debug.debugLevel.ERROR) self.lock.acquire(True) self.proc = None self.lock.release()