# how to use this file? # the # on the beginning of the line is a comment # the different sections are seperated by [Dict] is the section name. Dict is a keyword # the entrys are seperated with :===: in words colon tripple equal colon ( to not collide with substitutions) [levelDict] none:===: some:===:-$~+*-/\@# most:===:.,:-$~+*-/\@!#%^&*()[]}{<>; all:===:!"#$%& \'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~ [punctDict] :===:space &:===:and ':===:apostrophe @:===:at \:===:backslash |:===:bar !:===:bang ^:===:carrot ::===:colon ,:===:comma -:===:dash $:===:dollar .:===:dot >:===:greater `:===:grave #:===:hash {:===:left brace [:===:left bracket (:===:left paren <:===:less %:===:percent +:===:plus ?:===:question? ":===:quote ):===:right paren }:===:right brace ]:===:right bracket ;:===:semicolon /:===:slash *:===:star ~:===:tilde _:===:line =:===:equals [customDict] [emoticonDict] <{-.-}>:===:Raves 8-):===:smile with sunglasses :-/:===:confused -.-:===:bugged >.<:===:laughing 8-X:===:skull :-):===:smile >:):===:evil smile >:-):===:evil smile \o/:===:Hurray :/:===:confused 8):===:smile with sunglasses :D:===:laugh ;):===:wink XD:===:LOL :):===:smile ->:===:arrow right <-:===:arrow left oO:===:WTF? Oo:===:WTF? ^^:===:enjoy smile