#!/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Fenrir TTY screen reader # By Chrys, Storm Dragon, and contributers. import os, struct, sys, pty, tty, termios, shlex, signal, select, pyte, time from fenrirscreenreader.core import debug from fenrirscreenreader.core.eventData import fenrirEventType from fenrirscreenreader.core.screenDriver import screenDriver class Terminal: def __init__(self, columns, lines, p_in): self.screen = pyte.HistoryScreen(columns, lines) self.screen.set_mode(pyte.modes.LNM) self.screen.write_process_input = \ lambda data: p_in.write(data.encode()) self.stream = pyte.ByteStream() self.stream.attach(self.screen) def feed(self, data): self.stream.feed(data) def dump(self): cursor = self.screen.cursor lines = [] for y in self.screen.dirty: line = self.screen.buffer[y] data = [(char.data, char.reverse, char.fg, char.bg) for char in (line[x] for x in range(self.screen.columns))] lines.append((data)) self.screen.dirty.clear() return {"cursor": (cursor.x, cursor.y), "lines": lines} class driver(screenDriver): def __init__(self): screenDriver.__init__(self) self.ListSessions = None self.charmap = {} self.bgColorNames = {0: _('black'), 1: _('blue'), 2: _('green'), 3: _('cyan'), 4: _('red'), 5: _('Magenta'), 6: _('brown/yellow'), 7: _('white')} self.fgColorNames = {0: _('Black'), 1: _('Blue'), 2: _('Green'), 3: _('Cyan'), 4: _('Red'), 5: _('Magenta'), 6: _('brown/yellow'), 7: _('Light gray'), 8: _('Dark gray'), 9: _('Light blue'), 10: ('Light green'), 11: _('Light cyan'), 12: _('Light red'), 13: _('Light magenta'), 14: _('Light yellow'), 15: _('White')} self.hichar = None def initialize(self, environment): self.env = environment self.env['runtime']['processManager'].addCustomEventThread(self.terminalEmulation) def getCurrScreen(self): self.env['screen']['oldTTY'] = str(1) self.env['screen']['newTTY'] = str(1) def injectTextToScreen(self, text, screen = None): pass def getSessionInformation(self): self.env['screen']['autoIgnoreScreens'] = [] self.env['general']['prevUser'] = 'chrys' self.env['general']['currUser'] = 'chrys' def read_all(self,fd): bytes = os.read(fd, 65536) if bytes == b'': raise EOFError while self.has_more(fd): data = os.read(fd, 65536) if data == b'': raise EOFError bytes += data return bytes def has_more(self,fd): r, w, e = select.select([fd], [], [], 0.02) return (fd in r) def open_terminal(self,command="bash", columns=80, lines=24): p_pid, master_fd = pty.fork() if p_pid == 0: # Child. argv = shlex.split(command) env = os.environ.copy() env["TERM"] = 'vt100' os.execvpe(argv[0], argv, env) # File-like object for I/O with the child process aka command. p_out = os.fdopen(master_fd, "w+b", 0) return Terminal(columns, lines, p_out), p_pid, p_out def terminalEmulation(self,active , eventQueue): debug = False running = True try: old_attr = termios.tcgetattr(sys.stdin) tty.setraw(0) terminal, p_pid, p_out = self.open_terminal() std_out = os.fdopen(sys.stdout.fileno(), "w+b", 0) while active: r, w, x = select.select([sys.stdin, p_out],[],[],1) # none if r == []: continue # output if p_out in r: if debug: print('pre p_out') try: msgBytes = self.read_all(p_out.fileno()) except (EOFError, OSError): running = False break if debug: print('after p_out read',msgBytes) terminal.feed(msgBytes) os.write(sys.stdout.fileno(), msgBytes) if debug: print('after p_out write') eventQueue.put({"Type":fenrirEventType.ScreenUpdate, "Data":self.createScreenEventData(terminal.dump()) }) if debug: print('after p_out') # input if sys.stdin in r: if debug: print('pre stdin') try: msgBytes = self.read_all(sys.stdin.fileno()) except (EOFError, OSError): running = False break os.write(p_out.fileno(), msgBytes) if debug: print('after stdin') except Exception as e: # Process died? print(e) running = False finally: os.kill(p_pid, signal.SIGTERM) p_out.close() termios.tcsetattr(sys.stdin, termios.TCSADRAIN, old_attr) eventQueue.put({"Type":fenrirEventType.StopMainLoop,"Data":None}) sys.exit(0) def createScreenEventData(self, content): eventData = { 'bytes': content, 'lines': int( 24), 'columns': int( 80), 'textCursor': { 'x': int( content['cursor'][0]), 'y': int( content['cursor'][1]) }, 'screen': '1', 'text': '', 'attributes': None, 'screenUpdateTime': time.time(), } #print(content['lines'][0]) #print('pre',eventData['text']) for line in content['lines']: #print('line',line) for e in line: #print('loop|',e,'|') eventData['text'] += e[0] print(len(eventData['text']), type(eventData['text'])) #print('post',eventData['text']) #eventData['text'] = '' return eventData.copy() def getFenrirBGColor(self, attribute): try: return self.bgColorNames[attribute[2]] except Exception as e: print(e) return '' def getFenrirFGColor(self, attribute): try: return self.fgColorNames[attribute[1]] except Exception as e: print(e) return '' def getFenrirUnderline(self, attribute): if attribute[5] == 1: return _('underlined') return '' def getFenrirBold(self, attribute): if attribute[4] == 1: return _('bold') return '' def getFenrirBlink(self, attribute): if attribute[3] == 1: return _('blink') return '' def getFenrirFont(self, attribute): return _('Default') def getFenrirFontSize(self, attribute): return _('Default') def getCurrApplication(self): pass